ig markets - a criminal broker

It seems there are really some problems with how IG Australia is operating their bussiness down under:

Like I said, it's history repeating itself because the whole system has become corrupted. The entire financial system is about to collapse but they will tell you that this time it's different. But this is good because this is natural selection at work. This is to ensure that mother nature weeds out the shitty people. These toxic products need to gone because they prop of these sharemarket but the reality is that most people have very little money. I rather treasure real hard assets.
These CFD products break the laws of mathematics but how far too far until you can't control it anymore? Do you really want to stare at a computer screen for 30 years or more and then not be human anymore? I know I don't. I rather let computers do that. Pretty sure that big brother is the one that's controlling corporations and profits from suffering big sister takes care of government which releases suffering.
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So I was right, he has the mental age of a 5 year old.
Regardless you are a slave to a thing of fiction. The only people that are free are the people working in tribes or were the people that came before us but we are all slaves. You are given the illusion of freedom because money has been pounded into our heads when we were children and they did that to our parents and their parents and so on, but no one questions the system that you are in. Pretty sure hitler was a freeloader because he saw the bullshit fantasy that capitalism fed.
The very definition of insanity is doing the same thing but expecting different results. That's what the internet is. It's fake and people will get glued to it and then die off or your own habits will kill you off or kill off the species.
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It seems there are really some problems with how IG Australia is operating their bussiness down under:

also note that black vs white won't ever end. White people own the printing presses and that causes them to turn from saint to vicious predators because of drugs and hence why IG markets and others have become corrupted. The sharks are hungry and as are the hyenas
White people do own the world. Why do you think that there is political parties/social circles but I rather go back to basics and be on this planet forever than feed a fantasy that the rich wanted to have to go to space and beyond but do you really want to go to space? I rather risk it here this beautiful planet called earth.
You are saying that white people own China, Asia, India, Africa and South America. This is plainly not supported by the evidence of reality.

Your assertions also suggest that white people are working together in order to control the world. In fact, the two biggest wars in history and all the major wars prior to those were between different white nations. The greatest ideological divides separate white people from each other across the planet.

Space? Space is irrelevant to the problems here on Earth.

You're just repeating stuff you've been told. There is no sign here you are able to think for yourself. Have to conclude you are a slave to this nonsense.
You are saying that white people own China, Asia, India, Africa and South America. This is plainly not supported by the evidence of reality.

Your assertions also suggest that white people are working together in order to control the world. In fact, the two biggest wars in history and all the major wars prior to those were between different white nations. The greatest ideological divides separate white people from each other across the planet.

Space? Space is irrelevant to the problems here on Earth.

You're just repeating stuff you've been told. There is no sign here you are able to think for yourself. Have to conclude you are a slave to this nonsense.
Someone has taken the teachings of religion and substituted the word 'money' for 'God' and then told him this is how the world works.
He doesnt have the intelligence to work things out for himself, feels frustrated then angry at life, and latches on to something an authority figure has said to him.
Probably has a 'man crush' or stronger feeling for the person who 'explained' it to him.
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Someone has taken the teachings of religion and substituted the word 'money' for 'God' and then told him this is how the world works.
He doesnt have the intelligence to work things out for himself, feels frustrated then angry at life, and latches on to something an authority figure has said to him.
Probably has a 'man crush' or stronger feeling for the person who 'explained' it to him.
There is a highly dangerous corollary to the conspiracy theories about the planet and banking and governments and societies worldwide being controlled by a global organisation. Which is that if the world is run now by a system and this is evil and cruel, then the solution will be a better system, which is not evil and cruel.

People who rail and argue against malevolent global control must therefore actually desire global control to be put in place which will defeat and replace the current global control. Their criticisms and arguments lead towards just another version of what they say they oppose.

This is cultural Marxism without the red flag. Marx said that the world was controlled by those who had the capital - the banks, the rich, the aristocracy, the employers. His solution was to replace these with an internationalist communist system. We are in danger of the same biased and two-dimensional reasoning taking us down the same disastrous path which can lead only to autocratic regime and mass population control.
What game? You are a slave and if you do find a hint of freedom, they'll ensure that you die...

You make being a slave sound like a bad thing, it has its upside.

It's a belief system like god/money/religion - it's all idelogies that rob you of your own personal freedom because every fucking parent is a narcissistic and worried about fighting against the system because you can't beat the system. It's rigged and set to explode and way smarter than you or I. Why do you think there is diseases and somehow treatment is readily available at your convenience? It's herd mentality. These people who were allowed temporary freedom because they knew that many who pushed their limits and the white men and women who pushed their fantasies to the extreme basically became gods. In the political spectrum you have freedom, then left or right wing you have optimism and then greed sets in and then way too much greed and then when they break the law it goes to infinity and beyond and then you get control.
Good bot.
Time to recharge your batteries.
It's a belief system like god/money/religion - it's all idelogies that rob you of your own personal freedom because every fucking parent is a narcissistic and worried about fighting against the system because you can't beat the system. It's rigged and set to explode and way smarter than you or I. Why do you think there is diseases and somehow treatment is readily available at your convenience? It's herd mentality. These people who were allowed temporary freedom because they knew that many who pushed their limits and the white men and women who pushed their fantasies to the extreme basically became gods. In the political spectrum you have freedom, then left or right wing you have optimism and then greed sets in and then way too much greed and then when they break the law it goes to infinity and beyond and then you get control.
Look, you've set out in many posts what's wrong (in your opinion) with the world and how it makes you feel. The line is that if we were not all so blind and stupid we would see what you see and we would feel as bad as you feel.

So what's the answer?
Look, you've set out in many posts what's wrong (in your opinion) with the world and how it makes you feel. The line is that if we were not all so blind and stupid we would see what you see and we would feel as bad as you feel.

So what's the answer?
Definite response to you tom.
@slavesforever reminds me of a modern version of the Mormon missionaries that they send out from America to 'convert the world'. Just get a bunch of young indoctrinated fools send them out into the big wide world and bring in as much money as possible for the church.
The internet has allowed a lot more fools like slavesforever access to the world to peddle their nonsense.
It's strange @slavesforever claims to be enlightened yet thinks that this current system is Capitalism. It shows how susceptible people are to Government propaganda.

Governments are the very institutions that benefit from people despising Capitalism. Governments gain by convincing people that their lives will be better if they surrender their liberty, rights and private property over to the state who will take care of them.

So, one more time, for the dummies: The merger of state and corporate is FASCISM.
We are all being programmed with the music and people we listen to and who we engage online. It's just another control mechanism so we stop breeding and [deleted} and making love.
Your arguments are becoming less and less coherent.

In any case, this is just more negative observations. What is your answer to what you say is going on?
Your arguments are becoming less and less coherent.

In any case, this is just more negative observations. What is your answer to what you say is going on?
Positive or negative I am just a realistic person who sees the world of how it really is. Existence is suffering. Women run all forms of government and men run the corporations so there is no escaping reason or purpose because you are fighting history here. But things like religion was invented for the elites to justify their own action so they don't feel guilty about their actions. If you do get into utopia - someone will ensure to test out to break it to give yourself a new identity...You are a slave because existence is slavery.

Because the people that run religions are people that get to do everything and more. Our purpose in life is to reproduce because we are attracted to females to produce kids and thus men are killed off.

People start smoking and taking drugs to kill their emotional side so everything becomes analytical and logical because men are forced to gather food and hunt for food - eventually forgetting to remember because the system tells them that they shouldn't be sleeping and then we get people like saying that sleep is for the weak but it's really the environment because we keep raping the crap out of mother nature in order to reduce the suffering because we sold ourselves to money and god which is convenience but that convenience is causing food to loose nutrition value and most people don't know it.

Same way how money loses value over time and then another super power takes over and we keep having to have these things like CFD products or having to prop up the shareprice to make everything look okay and that are extremely risky and who really ends up paying a heavy price? The person and future generations.

Mostly men because men watch their utopia fall to pieces by other men
Eventually that holding of emotions is what leads to the ultimate destruction of the species because men are told to hold back their feelings.

This is why invention of money was a horrible idea. It's feeding the fantasy and removing natural selection which is what nature does.

I however have created a paradox
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Positive or negative I am just a realistic person who sees the world of how it really is. Existence is suffering. Women run all forms of government and men run the corporations so there is no escaping reason or purpose because you are fighting history here. But things like religion was invented for the elites to justify their own action so they don't feel guilty about their actions. If you do get into utopia - someone will ensure to test out to break it to give yourself a new identity...You are a slave because existence is slavery.

Because the people that run religions are people that get to do everything and more. Our purpose in life is to reproduce because we are attracted to females to produce kids and thus men are killed off.

People start smoking and taking drugs to kill their emotional side so everything becomes analytical and logical because men are forced to gather food and hunt for food - eventually forgetting to remember because the system tells them that they shouldn't be sleeping and then we get people like saying that sleep is for the weak but it's really the environment because we keep raping the crap out of mother nature in order to reduce the suffering because we sold ourselves to money and god which is convenience but that convenience is causing food to loose nutrition value and most people don't know it.

Same way how money loses value over time and then another super power takes over and we keep having to have these things like CFD products or having to prop up the shareprice to make everything look okay and that are extremely risky and who really ends up paying a heavy price? The person and future generations.

Mostly men because men watch their utopia fall to pieces by other men
Eventually that holding of emotions is what leads to the ultimate destruction of the species because men are told to hold back their feelings.

This is why invention of money was a horrible idea. It's feeding the fantasy and removing natural selection which is what nature does.

I however have created a paradox
Like I said earlier, your arguments are becoming less and less coherent. This is just random rambling nonsense. I hope you might get better soon.
Like I said earlier, your arguments are becoming less and less coherent. This is just random rambling nonsense. I hope you might get better soon.
I probably won't make a full recovery but it doesn't change the fact that this broker got away with stealing real money not this fake derivatives funny money that is being pumped into the sharemarket to hold things together. It's nothing more than to feed the fantasy of these greedy socialist that want to live in the fantasy world.

Money should be respected because it's power. All this pumping funny money does is reduce the purchasing power of the currency and leaves very little for the future generations because they keep taking money from the future generations but at the same time when money is pounded into our heads it's no different than religion because we learn to accept this form of slavery. To me money and religion are the root of all evil and by religion I mean all forms of religion whether it be music because to me all this cult like following social groups are what holds me back because I have to live with them.

These elitist pigs want to break up families so they can run a story on them to see how deeply flawed they are and how perfect these elitist families are.

Either way, whether it's science/religion/money/god/music or whatever social group you associate yourself with, it's all corrupt.
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I probably won't make a full recovery but it doesn't change the fact that this broker got away with stealing real money not this fake derivatives funny money that is being pumped into the sharemarket to hold things together. It's nothing more than to feed the fantasy of these greedy socialist that want to live in the fantasy world.

Money should be respected because it's power. All this pumping funny money does is reduce the purchasing power of the currency and leaves very little for the future generations because they keep taking money from the future generations but at the same time when money is pounded into our heads it's no different than religion because we learn to accept this form of slavery. To me money and religion are the root of all evil and by religion I mean all forms of religion whether it be music because to me all this cult like following social groups are what holds me back because I have to live with them.

These elitist pigs want to break up families so they can run a story on them to see how deeply flawed they are and how perfect these elitist families are.
So you're saying buy the dow! I got you.
So you're saying buy the dow! I got you.
Don't buy anything - it's all noble cause corruption - it's doing the same thing but expecting different results. Monkey see and monkey do. Either way you are either slave to the government or corporations and the two sides swap against each other and the people in the middle are religion and music and science and lawyers that control these two groups. It gets worse when these two groups merge against each other to brainwash everyone to fighting against each other. They are the elitist pigs that make a fuck ton of money and will continue to make a fuck ton of money because of the internet - it's fiction.

We are all in the matrix and these greedy socialist have injected a virus into our heads and most people don't even know it.

When bitcoin comes out it is also corrupt because the people that have it got there first and you are a slave to the establishment that own everything.
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