I honestly cannot recommend that anyone develop, or follow up an interest in trading.

Options. I may as well stay & get my double yellow star, i only need 60 more pips! Thats the power of compounding - its only about 3 weeks since i got the last one 😉
OK 👍

maybe we will have big rush in the few coming hours

Hope so, but who knows. I was fortunate to get into both eur/usd and eur/jpy from just past 4.30 this morning. Up a bit earlier than my normal 5am start. Think I got up about 3.30 to be honest. Touch of heart burn due to wife's experiments. She's a chef. I'm a guinea pig! Lovely food but sometimes a bit too spicy/rich for my palette. So i might be asleep this afternoon. But stops in place so they will do what they do. I prefer to spend a lot of time in front of the screen. That's just me.
As an aside. Halloween a few nights back. My daughter asked if I was doing anything. I said I was going trick or treating and due to the amount of time I spend in front of the comps and aware of radiation, I said I was going as an isotope!
Or the incredible hulk!
Daughter said more like monty burns when he got lost in the woods and was mistaken for an alien!

When all is said and done. Getting back to J Traders' prob. This is just a job. But you get back what you put in, (eventually. No time guarantee's though. Sadly). And it seems the more screen time I put in, the luckier I get!

Having said that. You can put in 24/5 screen time and still not get 'it'.
'Focussed' screen time is what counts.
Options. I may as well stay & get my double yellow star, i only need 60 more pips! Thats the power of compounding - its only about 3 weeks since i got the last one 😉

What did you get your star for?

Where's mine? I been here longer than you. Not even any time off for good behaviour.
OK 👍

maybe we will have big rush in the few coming hours

Blimy Tar. Have you got crystal balls m8?

No. Don't answer that. Just be careful with the fluffy towel when you get out the shower.

Can't you tell I'm getting tired.
Blimy Tar. Have you got crystal balls m8?

No. Don't answer that. Just be careful with the fluffy towel when you get out the shower.

Can't you tell I'm getting tired.
:smart: i didnt take advantage of it , neither ( long or short )
:smart: i didnt take advantage of it , neither ( long or short )

Moving stop up to 1.2826 and will see what happens. Onto 'fixed' stops now btw as against 'trailing' stops that I tend to use when scalping. I get to a point and let it ride, so to speak.
Fixed stops are better in that respect.

Sorry to high jack your thread JT.
You can have it back now :whistling

I will just say that eur has been exceptionally kind today. Yesterday it wasn't for me. But I think it amplifies trading as treating it like a boring 'normal' job. Get up, clock in, do the job, clock out. REGARDLESS!
Moving stop up to 1.2826 and will see what happens. Onto 'fixed' stops now btw as against 'trailing' stops that I tend to use when scalping. I get to a point and let it ride, so to speak.
Fixed stops are better in that respect.

Sorry to high jack your thread JT.
You can have it back now :whistling

No worries. Know one could possibly get reported for derailing this little gem, could they!

BTW my plan has worked brilliantly again today as per usual, (not sure what yesterday was all about) and obviously it does also work on cable, though may needs slightly bigger stops due to the added volatility. I just need to FOLLOW THE PLAN!
If eurusd does dry up, will have a look at cable. But only one pair at a time only , anything else is too much to monitor for me and "THE PLAN"😆.
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No worries. Know one could possibly get reported for derailing this little gem, could they!

BTW my plan has worked brilliantly again today as per usual, (not sure what yesterday was all about) and obviously it does also work on cable, though may needs slightly bigger stops due to the added volatility. I just need to FOLLOW THE PLAN!
If eurusd does dry up, will have a look at cable. But only one pair at a time only , anything else is too much to monitor for me and "THE PLAN"😆.

Honestly m8. Do yourself a big, big favour and only look at cable as against euro. Euro is the most heavily traded of the currencies, and it is only a 2 pip spread with most brokers. But this is a BAD thing. It makes it too choppy. Every bugger is trading it. And under normal circumstances it is worse to trade.
At the moment everything is flying and common sense goes out the window.
Cable is the better mover out of the 2.

Let the chart tell you when to pick the moment and go with it.

As of the end of today, i have asked to be banned from T2W for an "indefinate" period, so that i can be totally focused on trading, without any internet distraction/s that i may wander to in moments of boredom, that then cause me to make mistakes with my trades.

I now have what i consider to be a very solid methodology, that is as good as it can be, more or less.

This has taken years of painstaking work to develop. And from time to time, my inability to execute the plan correctly, can drive me up the wall.

For reasons of health, safety, financial security & mental well-being, I really could not & would not recommend to anyone that they develop or follow up an interest in trading - no matter how much they hate their day job, how bright they are, how motivated they are etc.

As it stands, trading is probably the worst thing that i have developed an interest in. If i make a small fortune over the next 1-2 years, it will redeem itself & perhaps become the best thing that i ever became interested. But at the moment, this is just speculation.

When someone asks me about what i do, i am reluctant to go into detail, to sound enthusiastic etc etc. Because i know that trading is a BRUTAL event. Failure to implement a near perfect methodology correctly can result in heavy losses.

Sorry to any newbies, that i cannot sound more inspiring about the subject of trading. But this message is meant as a harsh warning to anyone who has just developed an interest in trading.

Dreams of champagne & ferarris entice you in, but you really do not realise the quagmire that you are getting yourself involved in. This rabbit hole runs EXTREMELY deep.

If you are married, an obsession with trading could quite easily ruin your marriage. If you are single, it could really adversely affect your social life etc.

I'm sorry that in my final posts i cannot sound more encouraging regarding trading. However, I hope that my realisticness is of more practical benefit.

Be warned :!:

See you all on the other side!

I am a bit worried about your conclusion that trading is not attractive. Why did you get into it in the first place?:?:
I've noticed you're focusing on one market now,..very sound!, I had a look at your profile, and went dizzy looking at all the markets you follow,.wow!
Whoops,..I must have cross wired,..I meant you seem to have quite a few methodologies,.that's where I went dizzy,..(fk sake, I'm loosing it!)
I've noticed you're focusing on one market now,..very sound!, I had a look at your profile, and went dizzy looking at all the markets you follow,.wow!

If Trading things such as shares, forex etc is so bad, why are so many clever people doing it? In other words, if the trading business is so non-advisable, why are many sensible/intelligent people interested in learning it?:?:

Also, give me a reason why a website such as 'trade2win' would be setup if trading is so difficult/dangerous?🙂
Also, give me a reason why a website such as 'trade2win' would be setup if trading is so difficult/dangerous?🙂


Post of the week without a doubt

As it stands, trading is probably the worst thing that i have developed an interest in. If i make a small fortune over the next 1-2 years, it will redeem itself & perhaps become the best thing that i ever became interested. But at the moment, this is just speculation.

is that some sort of ironic pun?

fwiw, i think any sort of obsession will be detrimental. other interests and a generally rounded life are essential for success in any endeavor