I honestly cannot recommend that anyone develop, or follow up an interest in trading.

Hahaha! Nice vids guys! Makes you think about noobs coming on chat forums with lines like,...."i've been interested in the markets for about 3 months now and i think it's time to put my money on the line.....I think trading offers financial freedom and time....etc etc"


Financial freedom? Not unless you're a hermit on a small Scottish isle living off the land.
Hahaha! Nice vids guys! Makes you think about noobs coming on chat forums with lines like,...."i've been interested in the markets for about 3 months now and i think it's time to put my money on the line.....I think trading offers financial freedom and time....etc etc"


Financial freedom? Not unless you're a hermit on a small Scottish isle living off the land.

I'm not here for financial freedom. I'm here to kill time in between trades. That's the best way to let them run!
in a 'normal' working environment a person can get to the top because thier face fits or whatever, not so in trading. I like the purity of trading in that respect,...

Couldn't agree more. The huge appeal for trading (or being self-employed, or running your own business, or just generally being self-sufficient) is that it offers a clean sheet. Me versus the world!
" It's not trading as such which is the problem, but the money. If you are in trading solely for the money (not accusing anyone of anything), then hits are going to affect you more. It's not even about whether you can afford to lose the money. It's your philosophy on it. In the end, it's only money, much more important things in life."

that is a very valid point as its never been bout the money for me rather its the buzz it all.......i learned trading at university by a chinese professor and even for him he had enough money but it was the trill of playing the game.

Obvious money can become a factor which can influence your standard of living afterwards when it becomes a good stream of income but never trade with money that you cant afford to loose........that way you will never get stressed out??

know when to get in and when to get out and if the market goes against can you afford it..........full stop!!

stop trading massive amounts of money................everybody wants to be the big fish, be the small one and eat the crumbs and accumulate over time??

over and out
Just read through this whole thread. Are we all producing loads of black bile or what? All this melancholia is getting me down! Trading has never been easy but it CAN be profitable over the long term if you stick to your plan (providing you've got a decent one in the first place :whistling).

I've not been in the game that long, 2 years, and have had some gut wrenching losses at times mainly because I deviated from my plan. When that happened, I took time off and came back with new enthusiasm. I'm not saying I won't make the same mistakes again but I'm trying my hardest not to.

JT we'll miss you if you go and thanks for all the sound advice I've read in your posts. Try taking a break from trading for a while, if you do I'm sure you'll come back stronger. Good luck mate.
I dont know, perhaps i can make this trading process more complex than necessary. I look at candle patterns and support and resistance.

Danarm uses MA's, heiken ashi, and CCI's. The heiken ashi covers the candles so you cant see what is happening underneath. Today & yesterday his plan would have made good pips. Not worrying too much about what was happening below the heiken ashi, and letting the trade run etc etc.
Just read through this whole thread. Are we all producing loads of black bile or what? All this melancholia is getting me down! Trading has never been easy but it CAN be profitable over the long term if you stick to your plan (providing you've got a decent one in the first place :whistling).

I've not been in the game that long, 2 years, and have had some gut wrenching losses at times mainly because I deviated from my plan. When that happened, I took time off and came back with new enthusiasm. I'm not saying I won't make the same mistakes again but I'm trying my hardest not to.

JT we'll miss you if you go and thanks for all the sound advice I've read in your posts. Try taking a break from trading for a while, if you do I'm sure you'll come back stronger. Good luck mate.

I agree with the above.

Reason for edit;

Fond farewell put on ice.....
Last edited:
I read somewhere "trading is simple but not easy "and i cant agree more . Let be realistic guys if trading is easy everone will be a trader and everyone will be rich . Lets keep it simple

today i bought the euro at 1.2530 ( the low is 1.2525 ) and because i want to scalp only , i closed it for few pips only , look where is the euro now !! ,i am not upset cuz this is the market

today i bought the euro at 1.2530 ( the low is 1.2525 ) and because i want to scalp only , i closed it for few pips only , look where is the euro now !! ,i am not upset cuz this is the market

Yeah, i'm too emotional with the trades after a string of losses. I never had myself as a drama queen. A few trading losses can bring out the big girls strop in me right now, as im still trying to prove i can cut it.

The plan works well. I do not implement the plan with the rigidity & cold non-emotional conviction that a trader should, at present.

But this is not about me really. Even if i was catching 100% of what the plan is capable of, i still wouldn't be encouraging anyone to develop or follow up an interest in trading, due to all the issues raised. Thats all.
Yeah, i'm too emotional with the trades after a string of losses. I never had myself as a drama queen. A few trading losses can bring out the big girls strop in me right now, as im still trying to prove i can cut it.

The plan works well. I do not implement the plan with the rigidity & cold non-emotional conviction that a trader should, at present.

But this is not about me really. Even if i was catching 100% of what the plan is capable of, i still wouldn't be encouraging anyone to develop or follow up an interest in trading, due to all the issues raised. Thats all.

Me 2 i dont advice anybody to trade , but i will not stop 😎
Me 2 i dont advice anybody to trade , but i will not stop 😎

Don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to encourage or discourage anyone, just trying to say that it has taken me 4-6 years to understand the whole trading spectrum & develop methods that i can see work and i'm semi comfortable with 😱.
Don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to encourage or discourage anyone, just trying to say that it has taken me 4-6 years to understand the whole trading spectrum & develop methods that i can see work and i'm semi comfortable with 😱.

Has the 4-6 years taught you that you can't be profitable? Have you mis-used this time?
JT today I bought the euro at 1.2541 the low is 1.2525 and because my first part of the trade starts off as a scalp, I could have closed for a few pips but because I want to make as much money as possible I am still holding the ****ing thing! (and it's a sb trade tar. lol) Look where the euro is now. Am I upset? No. 'Cause this is the market. (Gimme gimme).
(Sorry Tar. Just having a laugh).

Yesterday on eur was absolute ****e for me. Missed anything close to a signal. And was getting thwarted at every turn.

Euro/usd is most times crap to trade because there are too many people trying to trade it, and you get pulled back and forth. Some one asked you twice on here what you were trading but I don't think you replied, (you rude person you). Flick over to cable. Cost you 1 pip more and is a lot smoother. (You tight sod).

Oh! And I thought you were stopping posting as of last night? For fcuks sake JT your goodbye swansong is taking longer them when new trader said he was leaving. Honestly m8 it is going on and on and on and on and on. (Do you have trouble closing a trade by any chance?) LOL!

Seriously now.

You are only going through the traders change of life phases. Sadly though as a trader you will encounter more than normal humans, as self doubt and loathing are encountered on quite a frequent basis. I offer 2 solutions.

1. Suck it up and trade through it.
2. Jack it in and get a normal job. (And never be happy again).

Just having a laugh JT. Because if I have my timing right you will have entered the self banning stage and you will not see this. roflmao!!!

If you do see this. It isn't really me typing this post (Honest) (You still got my contact details)

I tell you one thing though. Again in all seriousness. At the end of it all, however it turns out. You will know more about yourself then the average person.
Don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to encourage or discourage anyone, just trying to say that it has taken me 4-6 years to understand the whole trading spectrum & develop methods that i can see work and i'm semi comfortable with 😱.

Only 4/6 years!

Still got a way to go then!

Took me 10!

sold euro at 1.2845 closed at 1.2825 look where is the euro now 🙂
Dont try & simplify it to one aspect like timeframe and say that people trading off low TF's will struggle. All timeframes are equally problematic IMO M5, M15,M30, M60,M240,M1440 etc.

I have heards people say anything below 1 hour is mostly noise. I disagree completely. An M5 chart will make perfect sense if you know what u r looking for.

I personally found that trading a shorter timeframe like the 2/5 min charts caused me to get caught up in the minute to minute action when i had a bad day or week, and as a consequence i didn't look at the big picture resulting in losses. Going up to the 1hr charts helped me view the market as a whole. I actually think i'm not naturally suited to the lower timeframes as i found bad days too stressful, maybe you might be the same?

sold euro at 1.2845 closed at 1.2825 look where is the euro now 🙂

Good for you. I'm still holding long currently. Got a feeling though That I could get stopped out soon 1.2788 stop. Still looking reasonable at the mo

Tell you what. You get the ends and I'll get the middle! Hows that?👍
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Good for you. I'm still holding long currently. Got a feeling though That I could get stopped out soon 1.2788 stop. Still looking reasonable at the mo

Tell you what. You get the ends and I'll get the middle! Hows that?👍

OK 👍

maybe we will have big rush in the few coming hours