As of the end of today, i have asked to be banned from T2W for an "indefinate" period, so that i can be totally focused on trading, without any internet distraction/s that i may wander to in moments of boredom, that then cause me to make mistakes with my trades.
I now have what i consider to be a very solid methodology, that is as good as it can be, more or less.
This has taken years of painstaking work to develop. And from time to time, my inability to execute the plan correctly, can drive me up the wall.
For reasons of health, safety, financial security & mental well-being, I really could not & would not recommend to anyone that they develop or follow up an interest in trading - no matter how much they hate their day job, how bright they are, how motivated they are etc.
As it stands, trading is probably the worst thing that i have developed an interest in. If i make a small fortune over the next 1-2 years, it will redeem itself & perhaps become the best thing that i ever became interested. But at the moment, this is just speculation.
When someone asks me about what i do, i am reluctant to go into detail, to sound enthusiastic etc etc. Because i know that trading is a BRUTAL event. Failure to implement a near perfect methodology correctly can result in heavy losses.
Sorry to any newbies, that i cannot sound more inspiring about the subject of trading. But this message is meant as a harsh warning to anyone who has just developed an interest in trading.
Dreams of champagne & ferarris entice you in, but you really do not realise the quagmire that you are getting yourself involved in. This rabbit hole runs EXTREMELY deep.
If you are married, an obsession with trading could quite easily ruin your marriage. If you are single, it could really adversely affect your social life etc.
I'm sorry that in my final posts i cannot sound more encouraging regarding trading. However, I hope that my realisticness is of more practical benefit.
Be warned :!:
See you all on the other side!