How To Think Correctly

  • Thread starter Thread starter CYOF
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This, I can assure you, is not a once off occurrence, it is, in fact, the very opposite.

Look and learn the real truth -all is never what is presented, there is always a reason why people do what they do, and when money is involved, the depths to which people will sink is beyond belief, but, as I have mentioned previously, everyone will get their just reward, but, not because of the way you might think, but, because, they are not operating in conjunction with the natural Law of Attraction - for, this Law, is immutable, and as I have again stated, it is because it is immutable, we all have the possibility to make our lives as Harmonious as we so desire, but only, if we allow ourselves to do so, and there is only one way to do that, and that is, to learn How To think Correctly.

So, am I still a lunatic, or maybe, just maybe I am actually right. I know the answer, and that is all that matters, all that matters in life is the I, period.

The Options Expiration data, from a previous date - as I said I would post, for I do not lie, as I understand that to lie is only to fool oneself, and to fool oneself, is, to say the least, foolish :idea:

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Now, some are wondering, that is only a spreadsheet, and anyone can do a spreadsheet and put in figures.

But, do you think I am a fool?

Do you really think I am that stupid, and as Socrates says, do you think I would make such a BIG statement without been able to back it up - well, think again, for if you are still thinking like that, then you truly have a long way, a long, long way to go,before you even get a glimpse of what is required to be done so that you can always act in your own best interests.

Do not be fooled by fools - for fools are foolish :idea:

Oh, and for clarity, as I slipped up previously, we are talking the REAL OPTIONS here, that is we are talking about COMMODITY OPTIONS, not the mickey mouse Stock Options that are subject to manipulation and deceit on a LARGE scale.

Hope this clears things up?

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CYOF said:
Now, some are wondering, that is only a spreadsheet, and anyone can do a spreadsheet and put in figures.



Do you really expect anyone who is thinking correctly to believe anything you say, without independent verification, simply because you say it’s true ?

If you do, you are truly living with the leprechauns, nor thinking correctly.
CYOF said:
What is wrong -why do so many not see the real light, why do so many, not see, that God does truly exist, but the real God, the God that matters, is in fact, staring you in the mirror every morning you get out of bed, all that matters in life is the


There, I have said I would offend many, but I did not want to say it until we had covered enough ground so that all can see the real TRUTH - the Bible is indeed the Greatest book ever written, but in order to benefit from it, you must understand why it was written, not what others want you think why it was written.



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zupcon said:

Do you really expect anyone who is thinking correctly to believe anything you say, without independent verification, simply because you say it’s true ?

If you do, you are truly living with the leprechauns, nor thinking correctly.

Now, this is very interesting, you are back immediately a TRUTH emerges about what actually happens in the markets.

You need to be very careful ZU, for like PT, ye are now starting to "stick out like sore thumbs", and I am quite sure, at this stage, that many are now asking themselves, hey, why is this happening, what, or who, does ZU and PT work at and for.

It is a coincidence, is it not, but you are walking into the trap I have set, you have been caught, you are indeed foolish, and it was only a matter of time before you slipped up, and you now have done it.

I did warn you however, because I knew the outcome before I even started, and the reason I knew the outcome, is because I always tell the truth, and due to the Laws that I mentioned, the TRUTH will always prevail, without fail.

ZU and PT, who will be next, let the Exodus begin!
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CYOF said:
This, I can assure you, is not a once off occurrence, it is, in fact, the very opposite.

Look and learn the real truth -all is never what is presented, there is always a reason why people do what they do, and when money is involved, the depths to which people will sink is beyond belief, but, as I have mentioned previously, everyone will get their just reward, but, not because of the way you might think, but, because, they are not operating in conjunction with the natural Law of Attraction - for, this Law, is immutable, and as I have again stated, it is because it is immutable, we all have the possibility to make our lives as Harmonious as we so desire, but only, if we allow ourselves to do so, and there is only one way to do that, and that is, to learn How To think Correctly.

So, am I still a lunatic, or maybe, just maybe I am actually right. I know the answer, and that is all that matters, all that matters in life is the I, period.

The Options Expiration data, froma previous date - as I said I would post, for I do not lie, as I understand that to lie is only to fool oneself, and to fool oneself, is, to say the least, foolish :idea:

Yes, exactly, and it is an open and shut case that the advantage must be with the skilled writer of options and not with the buyer of them.

But there is one insidious persistnet individual on these boards who insists this is not the case and who goes to extremes to misdirect members and visitors.

He even stupidly states that it is possible to roll over worthless and near worthless bought calls and puts not constituting a loss to the holder, which is impossible, yet he insists.

It is possible to roll over positions in options without loss, but this is only available to the writer.

Now this individual has put me on ignore he says (conveniently) so he may not read this.....

but whether he reads it or not he is yet to justify how what he says can be done.

I assure all of you it is not possible. I discussed it on the phone for nearly half an hour with an expert in the United States, who is an authority on the subject and the author of the master work, globally recognised on the subject, and he agrees with me it is not possible.

Let us see if we get any satisfaction..

PROFITAKER ....explain to all of us how it is that bought options whether puts or calls that are close to expiry and are either worthless or near worthless can be rolled over at no cost or loss to the holder...

GO ON......TELL US....

(let us see if he ventures to give a civil answer 😆 )

In God we Trust and in Hope we Wait...
rols said:

And how did you know rols, that Michael is a very close friend of mine?

You do surprise me at times, but you, are also always right, that is the funny part!

dbphoenix said:
"69 Fairy Bush"

How apt . . . 🙂

Ah, hah, could this be number 3, for fools do surely follow fools, and the mere fact that they are fools, results in them doing foolish things.

I suppose we will be contacting mammy shortly - what a mentality.

I will ask Luiden what he thinks of you, but I already know the answer :cheesy:

It is indeed funny how the same people suddenly EMERGE, buy wait, they are here to protect you, to give you the words of real wisdom, like listen to what I have to say, I am at this game 20 years, like look at my journal, look at what I have done.

You have done nothing only make a fool of yourself - and you are now all falling for my trap, but I am sure that you will all be told to CAN IT shortly, before you all make a complete mess of it, and that would be a mortal sin, God forbid.

I knew it was only a matter of time, and the bait was well and truly taken.

Maybe now many will begin to see the real truth of what happens in society, and how money, does indeed, cause many people sink to the lowest depths possible.

I rest my case - next please 😀
And just to show how complicated this really is, even though I set a trap, I still mean what I say.

I will still discuss the Profitable Daytrading Strategy for well priced stocks, once the answer is put forward.

Remember, I do not lie, and that is the big difference between me and the YES people.

I realised a long time ago that to lie, is to only fool oneself - and we have just gone through all that.

I will leave you with the answer to my first question, so that you can ponder on it, based on what we have discussed to date:

The answer to the first question - the most important thing for life - not sustain life, is:


Ether is the Scientific adaptation, and PRANA is the Esoteric adaptation - now, please do correct me on this, as I am sure about the ETHER and science, but not about the PRANA and Esoteric.

Any comments, or corrections, are welcome, for remember, I truly know nothing about anything, except that 70% to 85% of all Commodity Options expire worthless, and the reason I know this, is simple, because the Futures Exchanges tell me so, no other reason, now that really was hard to find, was it not!

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CYOF said:
I knew it was only a matter of time, and the bait was well and truly taken.

Maybe now many will begin to see the real truth of what happens in society, and how money, does indeed, cause many people sink to the lowest depths possible.

I rest my case - next please 😀

You forgot to mention how it is that in the American Constitution there is no such thing as Income Tax. There is such a thing as tax on profits, but no income tax as such. This is not only written into the Constitution, but also ratifed by the Supreme Court of the United States.

What is the significance of this you may ask ?

The significance of this implies US Citizens are subject to many taxes but not Income Tax.

The collection of Income Tax from US Citizens as a direct result of their earnings from labour is not legal., yet the great majority of them are bullied into paying a tax by the IRS which they have no right to collect.

It gets worse...

The nation gets plunged into a war that is not necessary and the cost begins to escalate, beyond 7 trillion dollars and beyond...

We all know that the Federal Reserve is not the bank of The Nation, it is a consortium of private bankers who isssue and indeed control the dollar...

And now there is the question of the National Debt created by these adventures in the middle east, for which the citizens will have to pay both the capital used to defray such an expedition, and what is worse, the interest on the loan which is ballooning...

All of this will come out of taxes.

US Citizens look to be taxed to the hilt and beyond in the years that follow for a war they did not choose, on money they do not have, under a system in which they have no control and on a tax they do not have to pay anyway it seems to me...😆

As the condition prevalent does not seem to improve, but in fact get worser and worser, one can only conclude that this kind of fiscal conduct can only lead to one conclusion eventually....whch is bankruptcy of the US Tax Payer, unless I am very much mistaken...🙄

Now ambassadors of this kind of neolithic thinking who ought to be putting their own house in order before they are enslaved, park themselves here and pontificate and sarcastically comment on matters which, are not their business...😆 ...and regardless as to the valid urgency of what I have outlined above......this reminds me of the Emperor Nero fiddling whilst Rome itself was burning.😆

Now is that not an absolute corker of a post or what ?

Adulations by PM if you please...😎


You forgot to mention how it is that in the American Constitution there is no such thing as Income Tax. There is such a thing as tax on profits, but no income tax as such. This is not only written into the Constitution, but also ratifed by the Supreme Court of the United States.

What is the significance of this you may ask ?

The significance of this implies US Citizens are subject to many taxes but not Income Tax.

The collection of Income Tax from US Citizens as a direct result of their earnings from labour is not legal., yet the great majority of them are bullied into paying a tax by the IRS which they have no right to collect.

It gets worse...

The nation gets plunged into a war that is not necessary and the cost begins to escalate, beyond 7 trillion dollars and beyond...

We all know that the Federal Reserve is not the bank of The Nation, it is a consortium of private bankers who isssue and indeed control the dollar...

And now there is the question of the National Debt created by these adventures in the middle east, for which the citizens will have to pay both the capital used to defray such an expedition, and what is worse, the interest on the loan which is ballooning...

All of this will come out of taxes.

US Citizens look to be taxed to the hilt and beyond in the years that follow for a war they did not choose, on money they do not have, under a system in which they have no control and on a tax they do not have to pay anyway it seems to me...😆

As the condition prevalent does not seem to improve, but in fact get worser and worser, one can only conclude that this kind of fiscal conduct can only lead to one conclusion eventually....whch is bankruptcy of the US Tax Payer, unless I am very much mistaken...🙄

Now ambassadors of this kind of neolithic thinking who ought to be putting their own house in order before they are enslaved, park themselves here and pontificate and sarcastically comment on matters which, are not their business...😆 ...and regardless as to the valid urgency of what I have outlined above......this reminds me of the Emperor Nero fiddling whilst Rome itself was burning.😆

Now is that not an absolute corker of a post or what ?

Adulations by PM if you please...😎

No PM required here, but I think you know that by now.

Indeed, what you say is factual, and what is of more importance, in relation to what is CLOSE to us, as individuals with a common goal in mind, to partake in the true game of capitalism, that of supply and demand, is that, unknown to many, this game is flawed, flawed to such an extent that it is nothing but dishonest, but, what most also do not realise, is that the reason it is flawed is due to all the things I have stated, and your good self, and that this flaw will remain as long as we leave it remain, no longer than that.

We have the means, but do we have the spirit - what an epithet 😀

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CYOF said:
I will leave you with the answer to my first question, so that you can ponder on it, based on what we have discussed to date:

The answer to the first question - the most important thing for life - not sustain life, is:


Ether is the Scientific adaptation, and PRANA is the Esoteric adaptation - now, please do correct me on this, as I am sure about the ETHER and science, but not about the PRANA and Esoteric.

Any comments, or corrections, are welcome, for remember, I truly know nothing about anything, except that 70% to 85% of all Commodity Options expire worthless, and the reason I know this, is simple, because the Futures Exchanges tell me so, no other reason, now that really was hard to find, was it not!


yes it is and its discussed heavily on that link i sent you it also explains the connection to the collective and the energy that binds the universe and the options answer is correct to in fact its the first thing i learned about options
CYOF said:
Now, this is very interesting, you are back immediately a TRUTH emerges about what actually happens in the markets.

No I am back only because once again, you’ve shown your inability to think for yourself. You might also note that at no point in my post did I agree or disagree with the statistic you provided. I simply questioned the practice of accepting information that is presented as a “fact” at face value.

There where several reasons I pointed this out

a) Its not good practice, and its particularly foolish to accept numerical data from a source whose knowledge of elementary mathematics is so poor that he doesn’t even know the number of degrees in a circle.

b) The % of options expiring worthless is common knowledge, but of no value in itself whatsoever, other than to suggest a possible basis on which a strategy could be developed.

c) I honestly believe that people should be cautious when taking advice from people who claim to speak with imaginary friends

CYOF said:
You need to be very careful ZU, for like PT, ye are now starting to "stick out like sore thumbs", and I am quite sure, at this stage, that many are now asking themselves, hey, why is this happening, what, or who, does ZU and PT work at and for.

I assure you “sticking out like a sore thumb” to you and your ilk causes me no concern whatsoever, you provide an entertaining distraction through the working day, no more no less. I work for no one, and haven’t for a considerable time, I have no need to, nor have I any wish to do so in the foreseeable future. I have no agenda whatsoever.

CYOF said:
It is a coincidence, is it not, but you are walking into the trap I have set, you have been caught, you are indeed foolish, and it was only a matter of time before you slipped up, and you now have done it..

I did warn you however, because I knew the outcome before I even started, and the reason I knew the outcome, is because I always tell the truth, and due to the Laws that I mentioned, the TRUTH will always prevail, without fail.

No its not a coincidence, you’ll find that if you say something stupid or foolish, people respond, some out of genuine concern for your mental wellbeing, and others to take the p1ss. In all sincerity I’m glad you feel as if your trap worked, personally if I where you Id spend a bit more time working on trading related issues rather than setting traps, but each to his own I guess.

It does amuse me however to see you constantly encouraging us to share our methods, on the basis of your “law of abundance”, your not the first, and you wont be the last.

At the risk of becoming repetitive I will once again point out that the half baked confused thoughts swirling around your brain are ill founded beliefs that you read from a free ebook, not the truth, and that is what really amuses many of us 😆

CYOF said:
ZU and PT, who will be next, let the Exodus begin!

as to who will be next.... sorry... I don’t make predictions.


You forgot to mention how it is that in the American Constitution there is no such thing as Income Tax. There is such a thing as tax on profits, but no income tax as such. This is not only written into the Constitution, but also ratifed by the Supreme Court of the United States.

What is the significance of this you may ask ?

The significance of this implies US Citizens are subject to many taxes but not Income Tax.

The collection of Income Tax from US Citizens as a direct result of their earnings from labour is not legal., yet the great majority of them are bullied into paying a tax by the IRS which they have no right to collect.

It gets worse...

The nation gets plunged into a war that is not necessary and the cost begins to escalate, beyond 7 trillion dollars and beyond...

We all know that the Federal Reserve is not the bank of The Nation, it is a consortium of private bankers who isssue and indeed control the dollar...

And now there is the question of the National Debt created by these adventures in the middle east, for which the citizens will have to pay both the capital used to defray such an expedition, and what is worse, the interest on the loan which is ballooning...

All of this will come out of taxes.

US Citizens look to be taxed to the hilt and beyond in the years that follow for a war they did not choose, on money they do not have, under a system in which they have no control and on a tax they do not have to pay anyway it seems to me...😆

As the condition prevalent does not seem to improve, but in fact get worser and worser, one can only conclude that this kind of fiscal conduct can only lead to one conclusion eventually....whch is bankruptcy of the US Tax Payer, unless I am very much mistaken...🙄

Now ambassadors of this kind of neolithic thinking who ought to be putting their own house in order before they are enslaved, park themselves here and pontificate and sarcastically comment on matters which, are not their business...😆 ...and regardless as to the valid urgency of what I have outlined above......this reminds me of the Emperor Nero fiddling whilst Rome itself was burning.😆

Now is that not an absolute corker of a post or what ?

Adulations by PM if you please...😎
hahha it is true but im sure they will resort to their favourite pastime
print paper money !!!
zupcon said:
It does amuse me however to see you constantly encouraging us to share our methods, on the basis of your “law of abundance”, your not the first, and you wont be the last.

Reminds me of something I read recently:

Having mastered Maya in my day, and now benefitting from it in obscure retirement, I can tell you that the greatest delusion is that the market is an eleemosynary society. The equivalent of welfare for the lazy middle classes yearning for easy riches. And you know who here is the greatest proponent of that myth. Being empty of desire allows one to perceive how limit order participants play market order traders like Stern played the Strad. Hopes raised, hopes dashed. One need merely imagine at any given time how one would react were one in the market at that time. The cause of all suffering is desire. The cause of the cessation of suffering is the cessation of desire. Perhaps one day I shall reveal the noble eightfold path of trading. As soon as I get my website up and my Master Card merchant authorization.

zupcon said:
b) The % of options expiring worthless is common knowledge, but of no value in itself whatsoever
How refreshing it is to hear occasionally some basic trading knowledge exhumed on this otherwise defunct thread.

it's similar to constantly hearing;

If ye take the number one, rotate it through 90 degrees and see what jumps out at ye. Then..... add that number one to a three and I shall give ye another clue. Oh yes, listen carefully ye cynics, for I shall tell thee this only once.....

2+2= 4

Hilarious stuff 🙂
first question: what sustains life. answer: ether, prana.
( I am willing to accept this on its own spiritual merit, but not in relation to trading, nor in relation to having the exclusive access to truth. )

question of chart: describe: seems to be: well, its TIME that is significant, as per frugis post.
( our old buddy, Baruch, has been playing the BigBen for yonks over on the FX threads. nothing new here. )

then, this thread has taken a turning into Options and options expiry data.
and the nature of the Fed Reserve in the US.
and US taxes.

are those above points the salient points from the current wreckage?

is this thread about options trading then?
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