How To Think Correctly

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Yes, but what is the bottom line ? What is the bottom line disregarding everything else ?

The bottom line is, whatever anyone might like to say, is that all of Bulldozer's calls were correct !

This is what serves to infuriate a lot of people, this abiltiy to be consistently right and to be master of a niche.

Now I did not agree either with the use of language or the proliferation of little faces, but that does not detract from the fact he has a niche and has mastered it.

It ought to be perfectly plain for all to see.😆

It is obvious....It is screaming at you that it is obvious,.... as Pod G says.

Now what ?
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This is what serves to infuriate a lot of people, this abiltiy to be consistently right and to be master of a niche.

😆 No one is infuriated, bertie, least of all by this. But that you think so is what amuses us so.
May I comment ?


Whereas low levels of intelligence are commonplace, and high and higher levels of intellignce are rare, Common not that common, I have found.

Judging by the posts that I have been reading here, written by yourself and your disciples, I am quite surprised that you have admitted that.

zupcon said:
....Whilst this particular thread, which is T2W’s equivalent of an effluent running down an open sewer, provides little in the way of benefit...
Really? Then why do you spend so much time p***ing in this ‘sewer’ (that’s ‘posting’ Mods 🙂 )? Could it be that deep down in some really cellular way, you realise that you may just stumble upon the Truth through glimpsing genius at work?

Among the Mob there will be found very little desire of any other knowledge than what may contribute immediately to the relief of some nagging uneasiness. I suggest that in your case that uneasiness manifests itself through the knowledge that the Truthseekers are correct.

orion69 said:
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies.
Succeed anyway.


😆 Sorry, kid. If you want enemies, you have to matter. I suggest that you and bertie work on that.
Splitlink said:
Judging by the posts that I have been reading here, written by yourself and your disciples, I am quite surprised that you have admitted that.

Your difficulty is common to a lot of people, and not just confined to letterrs and words, but to numbers and clusters of numbers as well, like a sort of ...well...dyslexia..sort of.

You seem to be able to see what is made to appear, but you don't seem to be able to get a grip on what you see. It is as if for some reason, that fascinates and horrifies me, at the same time, you do not understand anything however simply and succinctly it is put to you.

"Nada es verdad ni es mentira, todo depende del color del cristal por que se mira".

If you want to show off, learn this phrase I have posted above first....., then cross the road, and say this to the wizened old man with the face like a walnut, (you know exactly the old man I mean) and observe his reaction.:cheesy:...and come back and tell us.

The old boy wil nod emphatically, which goes to show that I am if not always right, very nearly always, go on with you.😆
It is as if for some reason, that fascinates and horrifies me, at the same time, you do not understand anything however simply and succinctly it is put to you.

How odd that you should say this, since it is exactly what crosses my mind with regard to you, substituting the word "entertains" for "horrifies". :cheesy:
In taking my leave of this thread for good I would like to mention two old sayings I am reminded of...

1: A man with only a hammer sees all his problems as nails.

When we have found an answer it is only natural to see all problems and questions in such a way as to have our answer be the answer. In this way, if we are not honest and diligent with ourselves, we absolve ourselves of any responsibility for seeking out new answers. We also very cleverly convince ourselves that if anyone disagrees with us they must be wrong because our answer is the only answer. One should always be open minded enough to admit the possibilty their answer may not be the only answer. In this way we remain open to new ideas and hence the possibility of improving ourselves.

2: Never attempt to debate with an idiot, they will pull you down to their level and then beat you with greater experience.

Responding to anothers' argument by insulting or deriding the person is a sign that one is unable to rationally, intelligently or logically debate. They are unable to debate and defend their own point of view and hence resort to name calling instead. Choosing to ignore anothers' point and instead go off on a circular tangent proclaiming only a select few will understand you is another sure sign you are unable to debate your own point of view in any logical or coherent way.

This thread is littered with examples of both. Therefore I wish you all good luck in the future, a very merry Christmas and happy new year and bid you adieu.

dbphoenix said:
How odd that you should say this, since it is exactly what crosses my mind with regard to you, substituting the word "entertains" for "horrifies". :cheesy:
I am not surprised.

This is because you are on the other side of the glass, db.

The problem is that it is obvious to a handful of us, but not obvious to you.

But one day, god forbid, may an onion grow inside your head, you may wake up.😆 ....and finally realise.
zupcon said:

After seeing you adopt a particularly patronising stance with a member on these boards, I sent you the following PM

“Surely you know who XXXXXXX is ?, if you don’t I suggest you find out and quick”

I won’t name the member; as I have no wish to see him banned (again). I was actually try to prevent you making a tit of yourself in public, but of course doing a bit of basic research and following up some leads doesn’t seam to be your strong point. Are you really as clueless as you make out ?

Here’s another pertinent quote by Baltasar Gracián for you to consider:

Dreams will get you nowhere; a good kick in the pants will take you a long way. 😆

But I am able to do my own research - what ever gave you the opinion that I am not?

I told you what I think of this approach - and in case you don't remember me speaking about Db's statement for reviving his thread, and had his recent post to his subscribers anything to do with it - and how there is always a method in someone's madness - ALWAYS !

As for making a tit of myself, as you put it, it really does not bother me what anyone thinks of me, never did,and never will, period.

As I think this recent bout is about Options, I have't seen anyone challenge the 85% rule yet?

What is wrong - is this deliberately ignored, or has it just been "overlooked".

BTW, in case you haven't noticed, I respond according to the post, good will be met with good, and bad will be met with bad, as it rightly should be - no other way.

You see - the facts are as follows - I do not need anyone to help me with my trading, why, because I can think for myself - it really is as simple as that, but the majority here, not all btw, seem to think that I am looking for something - how wrong you are, how wrong.

Socrtaes posts, believe it or not, can help traders to develop the correct attitude for consistent returns at the higher end of the scale, but if no one want's to even listen, and are happy to stay in the comfort zone, so be it, everyone gets entirely what they deserve in life, no more, no less!

My posts, are only trotting behind many, but you see, I do not care a tit about what others think, I only care about one person, and this is the way it should be with all. It really is a tough game, and to be weak is not any benefit at all, really!

I nearly drifted back in to my old ways prior to fulltime trading, but thanks to Socrates, I now see where my major flaw really was - which I am now correcting - slowly, but surely. I am glad I got the "kick in the pants", so as to speak.

And while we are on the subject of checking people out Zu, what do you actually do yourself?

You know what I do, as I have indicated it in the past, but then again, I don't have anything to hide from anyone, do I.

PKFFW said:
In taking my leave of this thread for good I would like to mention two old sayings I am reminded of...

1: A man with only a hammer sees all his problems as nails.

When we have found an answer it is only natural to see all problems and questions in such a way as to have our answer be the answer. In this way, if we are not honest and diligent with ourselves, we absolve ourselves of any responsibility for seeking out new answers. We also very cleverly convince ourselves that if anyone disagrees with us they must be wrong because our answer is the only answer. One should always be open minded enough to admit the possibilty their answer may not be the only answer. In this way we remain open to new ideas and hence the possibility of improving ourselves.

2: Never attempt to debate with an idiot, they will pull you down to their level and then beat you with greater experience.

Responding to anothers' argument by insulting or deriding the person is a sign that one is unable to rationally, intelligently or logically debate. They are unable to debate and defend their own point of view and hence resort to name calling instead. Choosing to ignore anothers' point and instead go off on a circular tangent proclaiming only a select few will understand you is another sure sign you are unable to debate your own point of view in any logical or coherent way.

This thread is littered with examples of both. Therefore I wish you all good luck in the future, a very merry Christmas and happy new year and bid you adieu.

Yes, Ta Ta...

( phew !...what a relief )

Next !....
dbphoenix said:
😆 Sorry, kid. If you want enemies, you have to matter. I suggest that you and bertie work on that.

It is easily achieved here with very little effort of work. Your reply to my post is proof of that. Know what i mean dad?
PKFFW said:
In taking my leave of this thread for good
Pity, I had some hope that he could learn the Way. Another re-joins the ranks of the mob.

Oh well, at least he'll provide next month's pay cheque :cheesy:
starspacer said:
Really? Then why do you spend so much time p***ing in this ‘sewer’ (that’s ‘posting’ Mods 🙂 )? Could it be that deep down in some really cellular way, you realise that you may just stumble upon the Truth through glimpsing genius at work?

Among the Mob there will be found very little desire of any other knowledge than what may contribute immediately to the relief of some nagging uneasiness. I suggest that in your case that uneasiness manifests itself through the knowledge that the Truthseekers are correct.

My previous contribution, appreciated by some and derided by many took but a few moments of my time, it does not constitute a major effort on my part. You see I don’t have to spend time plagiarising the works of others every time I wish to express an opinion, and that substantially reduces the amount of time and effort involved.

I have been fortune enough over the years to have first hand experience of genius at work, you know those sorts of genius’s who are awarded Nobel laureates rather than the sad ******s who spends their days posting silly faces on public internet forums. It’s very easy to discern the difference between the two varieties, and one thing is very clear to me, no ones going to see a glimpse of genius here on T2W anytime soon.

The only nagging uneasiness I feel is seeing a bunch of charlatans picking over CYOF’s discarded carcass. Its funny, and he got what he deserved, but it makes for uneasy reading all the same

zupcon said:

After seeing you adopt a particularly patronising stance with a member on these boards, I sent you the following PM

“Surely you know who XXXXXXX is ?, if you don’t I suggest you find out and quick”

I won’t name the member; as I have no wish to see him banned (again). I was actually try to prevent you making a tit of yourself in public, but of course doing a bit of basic research and following up some leads doesn’t seam to be your strong point. Are you really as clueless as you make out ?

Here’s another pertinent quote by Baltasar Gracián for you to consider:

Dreams will get you nowhere; a good kick in the pants will take you a long way. 😆
And since you mention Gracian, here is a pertinent quote for you zupcon:
Mediocrities never win applause. Eminence in some distinguished post distinguishes one from the vulgar mob and ranks us with the elect. To be distinguished in a Small post is to be great in little: the more comfort, the less glory.

dbphoenix said:
😆 No one is infuriated, bertie, least of all by this. But that you think so is what amuses us so.
Do you know what happened to Rip Van Winkle ? Do you ?

He fell asleep for 30 years...

Then suddenly he woke up...with a long white flowing beard...and everything he knew previously had changed.

But he has an excuse....he actually fell asleep.

You...have your eyes wide shut..,,and one day..... when you finally open them properly you may be as confused as he was when he surfaced from his slumbers.😆...if not more.
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zupcon said:
My previous contribution, appreciated by some and derided by many took but a few moments of my time, it does not constitute a major effort on my part. You see I don’t have to spend time plagiarising the works of others every time I wish to express an opinion, and that substantially reduces the amount of time and effort involved.

I have been fortune enough over the years to have first hand experience of genius at work, you know those sorts of genius’s who are awarded Nobel laureates rather than the sad ******s who spends their days posting silly faces on public internet forums. It’s very easy to discern the difference between the two varieties, and one thing is very clear to me, no ones going to see a glimpse of genius here on T2W anytime soon.

The only nagging uneasiness I feel is seeing a bunch of charlatans picking over CYOF’s discarded carcass. Its funny, and he got what he deserved, but it makes for uneasy reading all the same


But you still miss the point - don't you.

I REALLY don't care - and it will not make one iota of difference to me - do you really fail to see this - or are you really blinded so much?

My, how sad for one to think that someone would actually care what people in a chat room think - what is becoming of the world today - I am sure there are many turning in their graves 😱

CYOF said:
But you still miss the point - don't you.

I REALLY don't care - and it will not make one iota of difference to me - do you really fail to see this - or are you really blinded so much?

My, how sad for one to think that someone would actually care what people in a chat room think - what is becoming of the world today - I am sure there are many turning in their graves 😱

Wait a minute, leaving Zupcon out of it, but there are some who are enslaved to the most ridiculous ideas, like for example, that price and volume act in unison, that forcing some innocent to write journals is the answer to self development and correct thought and that the candles drive the price, and other nonsenses too numerous to mention.😆 ....nudge.
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