T2W don't seem to have an issue with the content, . . .
I've made my views about Richard pretty clear in the past, so I'm not wanting to fan the flames by going over old ground. However, allow me to make what I hope are constructive comments aimed at
both Mr. Charts' detractors and his fans.
1. If anyone, regardless of which side of the dividing line you are on, feels that a post is in breach of the Site Guidelines, then report it to the Moderators for them to deal with.
2. If, in your view, the Mods don't take appropriate action, then the next step is to raise the issue either in the 'Site News & Feedback' forum or the 'CEO Exchange' forum. Maybe there's a loophole in the site guidelines that needs to be addressed.
3. Members acting as forum vigilantes are not acting in the best interests of the forum or adhering to the spirit of the
Community Constitution. Anyone who behaves in this manner can expect to have their own posts reported to the Mods.
4. The relationship between T2W and vendors is subject to change. The position as it stands is that vendors are welcome so long as they add value to the site with interesting trading related content. If, in your opinion, they don't do that because (again, in your view) their post(s) are made merely to promote their products or services, refer to point No 1. The Mods will act as judge and jury. If you don't agree with their decision, refer to point No 2.
5. Lastly, here's an acid test to apply to any post made by any vendor on any forum on the web. Having read the post(s) of the vendor that you find unacceptable, ask yourself this question:
'Would the post(s) become acceptable if they were posted by a non-vendor?' If the answer is 'yes', then chances are that your issue is likely (not all the time or every time) to be with the messenger and not with the message. T2W will be a better forum, the content will be better - and we will all get along much better - if we all consciously focus on the message and not on the messenger!