Some stocks chop around then start trending, in which case they are also good candidates for the method in this thread. They don't have to trend right from the open.
I picked up on ALKS pre-market because of the news story and also it had gapped in pre-market trading. I alerted my own people elsewhere on the web 10 minutes before market open.
My first trade in ALKS was using one of the different set-ups I use (not in this thread) and produced +36c per share.
The second trade in ALKS was using the set up in this thread and produced a profit of 67c per share and here is the chart. Pointer at time of entry, image at time of exit as always.
A nice relaxing slow trade.
As I've said before, try paper trading this method 100 times before you use it for real to make sure you have confidence in it. Always remember the exit method which limits the loss size of the trades that don't work.
All my winners and losers are on my blog. You can find it by googling my real name.
I don't need to hide behind the cover of anonymity 😆
Why do you not let "your people" talk to each other?