How long before black flag flies over Downing St

  • Thread starter Thread starter ivorm
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How long before the black flag flies over Downing Street ?

  • 2 years

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • 5 years

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • 10 years

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • 20 years

    Votes: 6 18.2%
  • Never

    Votes: 22 66.7%

  • Total voters
BBB. If we're not careful, it will be happening in Southall - and all over the UK.

This is what is so terrifying about the declared intention of some Muslims to turn the United Kingdom and all countries into Islamic states.
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How about Death By Donner Kebab

BBB: And what do you think the origin of the word 'kebab' is ?

It refers to another delightful practice dreamed up as a punishment for homosexuals. I won't describe it as it makes me sick just to think about it.
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Hmm. A threat maybe, but I think the short sightedness of USA is more threatening to world peace. Especially their backing of Israel which is inflaming and provoking the Muslims
There are many cumbersome ways to kill a man.
You can make him carry a plank of wood
to the top of a hill and nail him to it.
To do this properly you require a crowd of people
wearing sandals, a cock that crows, a cloak
to dissect, a sponge, some vinegar and one
man to hammer the nails home.

Or you can take a length of steel,
shaped and chased in a traditional way,
and attempt to pierce the metal cage he wears.
But for this you need white horses,
English trees, men with bows and arrows,
at least two flags, a prince, and a
castle to hold your banquet in.

Dispensing with nobility, you may, if the wind
allows, blow gas at him. But then you need
a mile of mud sliced through with ditches,
not to mention black boots, bomb craters,
more mud, a plague of rats, a dozen songs
and some round hats made of steel.

In an age of aeroplanes, you may fly
miles above your victim and dispose of him by
pressing one small switch. All you then
require is an ocean to separate you, two
systems of government, a nation's scientists,
several factories, a psychopath and
land that no-one needs for several years.

These are, as I began, cumbersome ways to kill a man.
Simpler, direct, and much more neat is to see
that he is living somewhere in the middle
of the twentieth century, and leave him there

-Edwin Brock
I think the ignorance of the American masses ( or rather the ignorance of the Supreme Court judges ) in electing a pig ignorant President is certainly more threatening to World peace than any band of Islamics could ever be.
We seem to be lumping together Arabs, Palestinains, Afghans etc etc under the broad title Muslim or Islam in a pretty general broad-brush way.

When it comes to TA, we get pretty picky about EMA's or P&F's.
So it's clearly not our analytical normal approach.

There's more heat than light being generated on this thread perhaps because few are talking from a position of real knowledge.

Yep they're different to us all around the world and they do things what's new or necessarily bad about that?
Some Muslims do not need provoking and inflaming. Remember, they believe it is their religous duty and divine right to turn all countries into Islamic states. Their stated position is that they will not be satisfied until the whole world is converted to Islam and living under Shia law. If Israel did not exist , then they would simply find other excuses for their acts of terrorism in the pursuit of their declared ultimate aim of dominating the world.
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Yep they're different to us all around the world and they do things what's new or necessarily bad about that?

Flying aeroplanes into skyscrapers for one !
Ivorm, you are in danger of starting to sound just as radical as those you are trying to denounce.
the Arabic word kebab always meant cubes of fried meat often with a liquid added during cooking so it didn't dry up. It stems from a 17th-century Hindi word: kabäb.

From yours and others comments it is clear that you are being taken in by the media propaganda concerning the threats of Muslim takeover of the UK.

There are currently around 1.8M Muslims in the UK out of a population of 60M. So to turn the UK into a Muslim state by democratic election would require the immigration of another 58M at least which just isnt going to happen. That doesnt take into consideration that 45% of the UK are atheists but will still have children etc. The UK is already over populated so there is no chance of us taking in another 58M that would have to be evenly dispersed throughout the UK to enble any of this to happen.

20 years ago the threat was Russian Communism and we survived that and 60 years ago it was internal and external threats of converting to Fascism and we also survived. The UK has been extremely clever in putting in place historical institutions that ensure that no single group of extremist views can easily usurp power. Islam is also not the largest religion in the world as it comes second to Christianity and we have many other religions as well as those who are atheists

So if the Nazis of the 1940s were not able to get us to convert to fascism and the Communists with all their resources and threat of nuclear weapons were also not able to get us to do the same then how on earth is the UK going to suddently become an Islamic state with only 1.8M to do it ? Mass conversion is out as we have 45% who are atheist, invasion is unlikely as the resources to do it are not available so I am interested to hear on a practical and realistic level how this is going to be achieved ?

The fact that someone has stated that it is their aim to do so is irrelevant to their capability to make it happen.

As I said before, the biggest threat to us are those rednecks across the other side of the Atlantic.
It sounds just like what they used to tell everybody in the 60' but then it was the commies coming to take over the World.
I have travelled a lot in the middle east most of the people I met just wanted a peaceful life like any of us. Their concerns were exactly the same as our own, about earning a living, having a full life and making things good for their children. Not a single person ever talked of taking over the World, most of them were too busy working to feed their families. They were generally extremely friendly and generous people.
This image of the radical is so very different to the people who I have met and although I have no doubt about their existence it is certainly a small minority. The problem is, with the current geopolitical agenda coming from the west more and more young and impressionable muslims will be falling for the the radical doctrine and be brainwashed into foolish ideologies. At the same time we will only be shown these radicals by the mass media who under the influence of men like Murdoch will spew out the party line for their own ends. It is all a design to make the total war ahead seem acceptable to us and allow the crazy people to continue to lead us into oblivion.


I'm sorry to say this but you sound ignorant/brainwashed about Mulsim culture ..

Most of your facts are nothing but "hot air" - someon more sensitive could construe them as racist ..

You come from Leeds - hopefully not from Headingley - where the BNP has been targetting (not only asians but gays - So can I call you a member of the BNP ??)

And I thought trading was supposed to be an intelligent persons game :0


And I thought trading was supposed to be an intelligent persons game :0

How can it be when up to 95% lose money which would suggest an inverse relationship to what you have said.

Hmmm, a combination of an intelligent trader, a gay muslim and a bible thumping redneck would surely be a threat to world peace.