• New to T2W? Welcome! This forum contains a list of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) that new members want answers to. We don't allow new threads to be created so if you have an idea for a new FAQ please post it in the How the FAQs work thread.

FAQ How Do I get a Job Trading?

The career path to these jobs is less defined than for investment banking jobs, but most individuals should have an aptitude for math, an ability to react quickly to changing conditions, the fortitude to withstand market volatility and the ability to make quick decisions based upon incomplete information. Most successful traders are truly passionate about what they do and often spend their off hours studying the markets. If the previous profile sounds appealing, then a career in trading may be right for you.
Hi guys, my first post here! Have been a long time fan and follower of the forum but looking to get some advice here

I have been trading forex on and off now for the last 3-4 years since leaving university (very little of what they taught me has been of much value trading!) and i'm now looking to generate a track record and break in to the industry.

Lots of useful advice in this thread so felt as though i sjhould introduce myself and say hello! thanks for making it such a useful place
I've heard from a Citibank representative that if you manage to impress them with your results and portfolio, then you don't have to do much more to land a job with them.
All my life I wanted a job trading. but never was able to get one.

How old are you?

What have you learned?

What I have learned in my life time is that want and need are both four letter words which don't really mean much.


18,014 Posts
Joined Nov 2006

12 years about 1,500 posts per year. about 30 posts per week. Wow you are a Great Member. 5 gold stars for all your sharing with others. I am proud of you. I said 5 stars because 5 is the most one can get. if 10 was possible then you get 10 stars. Keep up the good work. You are appreciated by everyone. certainly I fully appreciate all you do for everyone.

Great Job

18,014 Posts
Joined Nov 2006

12 years about 1,500 posts per year. about 30 posts per week. Wow you are a Great Member. 5 gold stars for all your sharing with others. I am proud of you. I said 5 stars because 5 is the most one can get. if 10 was possible then you get 10 stars. Keep up the good work. You are appreciated by everyone. certainly I fully appreciate all you do for everyone.

Great Job

LOL thanks Jingles,

One tries ones best. 🙂

I didn't know what I wanted or needed from that post but without you it would only have been 18013 posts.

Thank you for helping me along my journey of discovery 👍
God Bless you Atilla

if no one has said they love you today,

I will say I love you. of course that is spiritual love.

but then spiritual love is the REAL DEAL. HAHAHA.

Sexual Attraction love ends in divorce & fighting.
And that's why arranged marriages have a lower divorce rate.

Prisons have low escape rates too but no one tries to get into do them do they?

Live in misery and suffering topped up with lashings of abuse.

Tyranial culture of retarded insecure social coercian if you ask me. As someone said, you can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig. 👎