How/What Job Can I Get Retrained For To Prosper?

I have a friend who casts and preps molds for bobble heads, for other companies, that get sent to China for production. A small home-based business that works very well for him because of his skills. Cheap overseas labor can be used for the small business too, though I'd like to see the USA add jobs too.
Not really. I worked on a Dairy farm. Hard to make money. Gas is going up faster than Milk. I should look at BP careers website.
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No suggestions from me but I do think you are doing the right thing. You are looking for something that most people don't even consider, as such you are ahead of the game in some respects.

I have seen exactly what you describe - people in niche industries - getting paid hand over fist whilst other people in less profitable industries get a pittance.

With design skills - have you considered the oil & gas industries? They are always putting new boats/rigs together and the salaries are high.
With design skills - have you considered the oil & gas industries? They are always putting new boats/rigs together and the salaries are high.

My design skills are graphic design for advertising and company communications and not engineering design.

I think the oil industry would be a great place to work though. No one can live without oil related products in their everyday lives and I don't think that will change anytime soon.

I've not exhausted looking within my profession, but at this point I need a good contact or a headhunter to introduce me to a company. There is so much action out there with people looking that I think the Human Resources folks overlook my years of experience at a Fortune 100 company and big ad agencies as they wade through 300+ resumes for each position. No kidding, I've been told several times that 300 or more had applied for the position I was interviewing for.
My design skills are graphic design for advertising and company communications and not engineering design.

I think the oil industry would be a great place to work though. No one can live without oil related products in their everyday lives and I don't think that will change anytime soon.

I've not exhausted looking within my profession, but at this point I need a good contact or a headhunter to introduce me to a company. There is so much action out there with people looking that I think the Human Resources folks overlook my years of experience at a Fortune 100 company and big ad agencies as they wade through 300+ resumes for each position. No kidding, I've been told several times that 300 or more had applied for the position I was interviewing for.

sorry P

if you do the same things you get the same results.....Keep plugging away and thinking outside the box as well

regarding more standard job roles you will get nowhere in the standard approach need to personally approach companies, small businesses etc etc and sell yourself.......part time ?...even some free work if it gets you in the door..also use everything ........networks......Linked in .......professional bodies.......the list is endless....

keep going 😉
Good advice that I'm already doing. I've done some stuff recently to get noticed and I'm setting up to freelance again. It will keep some money coming in until opportunity knocks. That said I'm flexible and up to make a side turn to other opportunities and professions if the retraining time isn't too steep.
Good advice that I'm already doing. I've done some stuff recently to get noticed and I'm setting up to freelance again. It will keep some money coming in until opportunity knocks. That said I'm flexible and up to make a side turn to other opportunities and professions if the retraining time isn't too steep.

keep it going.........and keep posting progress here 👍

Remember to keep active....and your family and friends are also key to maintaining positivity and a buzz about you

I was unemployed for about 6 months a few years back and had also lost my Dad that year to cancer..........I was sub zero in confidence and motivation which was clearly surfacing in my attempts to get any employment

My remaining family and friends helped me drag myself back and I am eternally grateful to them

Sorry to hear of your Dad.

I'm motivated and confident in my work and I exercise daily, so no problem there. Though it is frustrating to not get anything after my herculean efforts.

The field I'm in is "over served" and thus the pay is low and the competition high and the work is few. In a down economy that is amplified. I need to find those "under served" jobs and pretty soon. The money won't last much longer.

Keep those ideas coming in folks.
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