All anyone really wants is a god damn trade!
no ifs/buts/or's skirting around the issue,your trade size,your discipline,if you are wearing your lucky underwear,how much work you have put in,what are you watching,what are you reading,have you meditated today have you watched your diet and everything else but trading!
in that spirit heres a trade short ftse 7525 time BST 18.13
i dont trade after uk close,will come back to see how it pans out
time now 14.35BST ftse price 7505 so i should call that a 20 point win as some (unts would do not giving a to$$ about where price has been.
my trade would have given a few points on the short time frame i trade.On some of the bigger time frames the trade is still a short but i wouldnt be taking it as they take longer to play out and involve more risk
"ive been long since late May (i count recall exactly when, i could look it up but its unimportant exactly when). have nothing to prove to anyone. couldn't give a flying monkeys whether anyone knows about my "trade" or not, feels no reason why anyone other than my broker should know. I dont need a thread I have absolutely ZERO to prove to anyone other than myself. has grown up past the point of requiring "attention"
Wrong! This is a Forum. Your attitude belies what you have stated clearly earlier, "you're here to help" Start with brother Fibo. Sooooooooooooo much talk, so simple a solution - state the entry = forum date and time stamp, amigo. Sooooooooooooooooooooo eeeeeeeeezeeeee
Man with no specified entry is not necessarily trader
Man with hand in bush is not necessarily gardener Man who put cream in tart is not necessarily baker
for malagutti: behold how the forum date/time stamp guarantees zero fudging ........ come play with Fibo 🙂🙂
SPY short if/when < 297.53, STOP = 300.2
SPY shortif/when < 296.29, STOP = 300.2
SPY short if/when < 295.17
no TP but eye on 200-pd on 1H for re-assessment. Might close half if it looks bouncy and then hammer the rally top on 1H.
If however it goes right thru' 1H, I might just bugger off on holiday and let it rip to Argentina.
That's the plan. 2 down trades thus far. Will these turn it around for Fibo?
time now 14.35BST ftse price 7505 so i should call that a 20 point win as some (unts would do not giving a to$$ about where price has been.
my trade would have given a few points on the short time frame i trade.On some of the bigger time frames the trade is still a short but i wouldnt be taking it as they take longer to play out and involve more risk
The forum date and time stamp is on top left of each post. The "3 minutes ago" will over time convert to the date. All the reader has to then do is to look at the chart and thereby know precisely the entry to see if the trade is good or bad. No discussion/arguments necessary. The Forum date & time stamp is the ultimate arbiter - all players bow to it with the deepest respect and admiration for creating a playing field in which the posers can be found out instantly.
You said you want to help, right? Great! Then look at it this way. Newbie named Fibo comes to T2W to learn to trade. Now Fibo is a smart newbie. He wants to quickly assess who the top posters are out of the thousands present which would be too much for him and overwhelm him easily. So he looks to the specified trades. He than makes his list of winners. He follows these and LEARNS.
Make the newbie's learning job easier by providing unambiguous numbered entries so he can follow those worth following. You said you care, right? Then do it.
Come play with Fibo, brother malagutti, he misses you 🙂
The steady stream of newbies to a forum = steady stream of new drivers to Uber & Lyft, the ridesharing companies. State of California is now in process of hammering these scammers, protests are going on left and right in LA & NY. Its in the News often.
Now dig this:
Fibo has proven beyond a shadow of doubt that Uber and Lyft despise the drivers and only cater to the PASSENGER's whims and fantasies. If passenger complains, the driver is in danger of being deactivated.
But for cryingout loud, without the drivers, both Uber and Lyft would go to zero. Bloody upside down world we live in 🙂🙂
Forum traffic numbers is KEY, i.e. quantity vs quality. Forum is a business that generates money for the owner(s). If the newbies are only treated as meat to generate income and not a rat's ass given to whether they benefit and learn something useful, its not good for the newbies.
Without newbies the forum would die - no constant stream of fresh meat = no advertisers (hunters) patrolling the grounds = death of forum
Give the newbies something of value is what I am saying. They keep you alive, you give 'em something to cherish, create some winners for crying out loud instead of losers by the thousands.
you said I got kicked out of ET. Correct, but you don't know doodly. so here is some entertainment + facts for you.
volente_00 is a poster at ET. Destriero is also a poster at ET but with a twist - his job is to hammer all traders who show any signs of success. He is on the incoming flow of newbies and any women that enter the forum are often greeted with, "show me your boobs" Destriero is in protected mode by the owner Baron and supercop, Magna. He can do whatever he wants and get anybody banned at will. But who is he? The answer was revealed by Fibo via Destriero's twitter account wherein it was obvious the number of senior citizens scammed out of their money. All my posts showing the scam were deleted. Especially deleted were references to billionaire Mark Cuban wanting destriero to return the moneies he stole by misrepresentation. Something is cooking at ET. A major scam is afoot.
posted by volente_00
Just because nieve twitter sheep fall for a scam doesn't mean everyone does.
The background says it all. If someone was what they say and had what they claim why would they be on here trying to impress sheep to get more money to manage?
And to be so damn desperate to beg for money on twitter to trade is the funniest shit I've ever seen on et. You couldn't make this comedy up if you tried.Fibo knew the truth and that's why someone cried to get him banned before the house of cards fell from it.
there is a wealth of information in this thread at ET. It will benefit Sam greatly. It will help him steer in a forum so he can get the nuggets and move speedily toward his financial goals of leaving his job in the dust and going full steam into full time trading to financial prosperity. Currently Sam is in the top echelon of newbie traders who are 100% forthcoming and you will never hear the standard bullcrap from him that is so often the first thing a newbie at ET says, "I reached profitability a year ago or some such" Sam flogs all these cats with his eyes closed. The day Sam knocks down his first million will be a happy day for Fibo
R-factor and preamble:
Clubber Lang is Johnny's (tomorton) counterpart at ET. He is the #1 oldtimer at ET. Sheep listen to everything he says and does and follow him blindly. Like Johnny, Clubber rarely ever posts an entry and rarely posts a trade. He speaks in generalities and his best kept secret is to climb on a successful trader, if any and belittle him - to a newbie this subconsciously means Clubber is the better trader. But he is a poser. I have proof. I got banned for it.
Here's the thing. The only safe place for me at ET was in the Feedback section where the posts cannot be deleted. But even here, Magna the supercop promised me that he would reinstate me on the 19th and when he saw that I wrote his promise he quickly deleted it. so much for one's WORD being sacred.
See the charts on Clubber Lang's entries that he himself posted that I dug up thru' the search engine for the 2008 crash. Clubber was buying up a storm as the market was crashing left and right. He went broke beyond the capability of the US Govt. saving him.
He got hammered by Fibo when Fibo produced this proof. POSER proved. Game to Fibo. Ban to fibo.
Hated at both T2W and ET but hey there's a twist aborning ...............
The LIKES have now exceeded the #posts for Fibo, hahahahhahahahahaha. these sons of bitches love Fibo after all. 🙂🙂
Likes = 944
Posts = 703
time for a celebration this wonderful news that ET members love Fibo and are showing it with their vote
For this special occasion Fibo digs up President Barack Obama's masterpiece from his hometown by Tanzanian musicians moving into Kenya. Bonus: the most beautiful language on Earth, even surpassing French - Swahili Think the Higher Consciousness has forgotten Africa? Dream on!
No doubt enhanced by the amount of aperol spritz I drunk after work. I am feeling looooose.
Fibo a question for you, do you guys have gregs in the US? I never saw it in NY, Maine or Colorado. In fact I doubt it, but I am sure you do have something similar. Dunken donuts, but on British steroids.
there is a wealth of information in this thread at ET. It will benefit Sam greatly. It will help him steer in a forum so he can get the nuggets and move speedily toward his financial goals of leaving his job in the dust and going full steam into full time trading to financial prosperity. Currently Sam is in the top echelon of newbie traders who are 100% forthcoming and you will never hear the standard bullcrap from him that is so often the first thing a newbie at ET says, "I reached profitability a year ago or some such" Sam flogs all these cats with his eyes closed. The day Sam knocks down his first million will be a happy day for Fibo
R-factor and preamble:
Clubber Lang is Johnny's (tomorton) counterpart at ET. He is the #1 oldtimer at ET. Sheep listen to everything he says and does and follow him blindly. Like Johnny, Clubber rarely ever posts an entry and rarely posts a trade. He speaks in generalities and his best kept secret is to climb on a successful trader, if any and belittle him - to a newbie this subconsciously means Clubber is the better trader. But he is a poser. I have proof. I got banned for it.
Here's the thing. The only safe place for me at ET was in the Feedback section where the posts cannot be deleted. But even here, Magna the supercop promised me that he would reinstate me on the 19th and when he saw that I wrote his promise he quickly deleted it. so much for one's WORD being sacred.
See the charts on Clubber Lang's entries that he himself posted that I dug up thru' the search engine for the 2008 crash. Clubber was buying up a storm as the market was crashing left and right. He went broke beyond the capability of the US Govt. saving him.
He got hammered by Fibo when Fibo produced this proof. POSER proved. Game to Fibo. Ban to fibo.
There is a literal fu*k tonne of information (metric not imperial) on this site. Even trawling through this for many a year, I am still overwhelmed. Also I am sad it took me this long to post my first post.
Plenty of chart and ideas this weekend as my Mrs is at Wimbledon. I will stick to my staple GBP USD and GBPJPY.
Not to worry about understanding the song, Sam. Its a different culture, a whole different language, set of values. This, form the point of view of the thread title, every single soul in Africa is an "inner self just feels right" in op lingo. For those that don't know, all "inner selfs" (selves) are WHITE, or colorless, the same as all spirits in the spiritual universe. The difference between the "inner selfs" in Africa and the West is that the ones in Africa wear black suits on the body. They are punished severely for this. Go figure! Rampant stupidity in whitey land! And the West has the gall to state there might not be LIFE in the myriads of Universes and galaxies. And that Internal Combustion Engines are creme de la creme. Their spaceships are childish to the nth but better than having nothing. The money they spend on wars and defense, they could spend on SPACE - and if they did, we would be at the logical next level, "vibrational frequency of location signature" travel
Director Mira Nair and actor Denzel Washington dug up this gem from Uganda - when I first heard it, I jumped right on it and continue to explore more more gems.
No doubt enhanced by the amount of aperol spritz I drunk after work. I am feeling looooose.
Fibo a question for you, do you guys have gregs in the US? I never saw it in NY, Maine or Colorado. In fact I doubt it, but I am sure you do have something similar. Dunken donuts, but on British steroids.
There is a literal fu*k tonne of information (metric not imperial) on this site. Even trawling through this for many a year, I am still overwhelmed. Also I am sad it took me this long to post my first post.
Plenty of chart and ideas this weekend as my Mrs is at Wimbledon. I will stick to my staple GBP USD and GBPJPY.
No response to this suggestion is best for you, Sam - I don't want you to get on the wrong side of these chaps here at T2W. Any association with me makes you an instant traitor. No need to say anything.
Tuck this tip under your hat while you learn the politics of Forums and how to dig out nuggets and more importantly where the nuggets are NOT.
Remember we discussed VOLUME? Insiders are best detected on the Volume after a crash or correction. They nibble first, slowly, then in larger numbers. Volume for our purposes = Likes. that's where the Insiders get best detected. They cannot escape the keen eye of Fibo
In this regard, keep eye on Malagutti's and Johnny's (tomorton) posts. Look for the Likes at the bottom left. Those are the Insiders. Place them all in a growing List as you discover them and then do Negative Gain on them = do the opposite of what they do. These Insiders, possibly just like those at ET, will number about 30. They are to be found often in various threads, one will come in and say some generalized sh*t, then another will follow and blow him and then another. They NEVER disagree with each other. How's that for progress? They never disagree = the stupidity is propagated forever.
Uganda\Tanzania\Kenya .............. gem discovered by actor Denzel Washington. Magnificente. Fibo bows in deference to such high standards of musical wealth
w.r.t. women traders getting slammed at ET and dig this, B A N N E D. One ET trader (male of course) complained in Feedback that ET has already become a male dominated ghetto.
Sad, sad, sad. What a stupid state of affairs. How much fun would Fibo have with women traders? HEAVEN, sheer poetry for Fibo. God, would I help them.
2 threads coming up of the 2 top-notch female traders that were there before Fibo's time. But they were read with pleasure by fibo. Very very good stuff. Both were banned. Shocking!
Forgot to mention: in the spirit of the thread title, the "inner self of fibo" smiled when the other day at a coffee place in conversation with a couple of cats about stuff, one being FOREX - a lovely girl walked up to my table after the cats left and asked, "do you do forex?" She sat down and we talked. Turns out she was on the verge I mean literally on the verge of being fleeced left and right by charlatans for big sums of money to sign up for their services - just like what happened to op.
Long story short: I saved her a ton of money by saying, "do not give anybody any money, no exceptions, do not sign up for anything, go to broker and download Metatrader and trade a demo for 1 year. then call me for guidance on trading EurUsd - No charge - by email
Embraces like you will not believe. Married girl? Yes. Fibo no touch. Why? Her man is not there to defend hisself. Tempted? Yeah baby, tempted like there is no tomorrow
Inner self breathed a sigh of relief.
The points poured in from up the ladder where HC resides. Message again loud and clear, "you are my beloved son, in theee I am well pleased!"
First look at the level of pain and the duration of such pain and anguish the op went thru' - this is upper echelon pain/anguish/torment
Then see the thread below for an identical situation in concept but differing vastly in levels of torment - this is lower-middle echelon
(my post is the 1st one on Page 6 - notice how its exactly the same as my 1st post to op here at T2W ....... then go to Page 9 for the response from op to Fibo, "your comment was prophetic. From these losses I became aware of some glaring errors in my system, and am in a much better place now" )
First look at the level of pain and the duration of such pain and anguish the op went thru' - this is upper echelon pain/anguish/torment
Then see the thread below for an identical situation in concept but differing vastly in levels of torment - this is lower-middle echelon
(my post is the 1st one on Page 6 - notice how its exactly the same as my 1st post to op here at T2W ....... then go to Page 9 for the response from op to Fibo, "your comment was prophetic. From these losses I became aware of some glaring errors in my system, and am in a much better place now" )
Money for such services = DEATH to the Inner Self. The way it works is not different from how it works for American Express (material Universe) - you earn points.
How many has Fibo helped at ET? Quite a few. Did they say thank you? Yep, they all did while the cognoscenti scowled in displeasure that I was causing their sheep brethren to escape bondage and see the light.
Broken marriages of friends and associates who make their way to Fibo for help - heck these men cannae even stand up straight, their spines are broken - all their money is gone, house, visitation of kids reduced to lows. Fibo ain't no matchmaker, all he do is rekindle a failed purpose
op's plight in trading (quit and never come back or fix and return) is no different from the fellas I mentioned who take it in the yazoo in marriage - 6 months into marriage the sex spigot is turned off, their space is gone, they drift to abdicating the throne to the female, then when the kids come, they have no space left - shunted to the basement. When their male friends come over to visit they are tolerated - barely. then later, when the dam breaks, HE loses everything or close to everything. But the worst is when the kids are brought intothe equation - his non-physical spine cracks. There is no prosthetic for this
They come to Fibo looking like this
The rekindled purpose? ...................... reconnecting with the way they were before they said YES to the biggest trap in the Universe, marriage, wherein all you are doing is catering to every whim and fantasy she has and doubling and quadrupling your demise with kids - by having to finance the whole charade. Whereas all you had to do was just RENT, never buy.
He (the black-maned lion) who breathes with fire when he was a young fella, not a care in the world, making his dough, having fun hunting, drilling every damn thing in sight. Rekindle this and watch the crying stop dead in its tracks. Sooooooooooooooooooooooo simple but the Psyche Community don't know doodly, they fck him up even more by making him feel guilty.