barbie2002's Blog


Junior member
Barbie's Year of Triumph

Right. This is the first entry of a scaredy-cat spread-better. I've got the books, I've spent a few hundred quid on how to do it and when, I've made HUGE mistakes (and made a few quid - but not enough) during the last year. This year, 2005, this is it. I'm going to develop a strategy, give myself homework, and try not to be so scared this year.
You only have one life, you need to live it. I've known a few people close to me die last year, and life really is too short. It's a cliche, but ah so true.
I hope to make a posting every week or so, and comments and tips will be more than welcome!
Speak to you soon.

Barbs xxx
The first week - hmm

Well. The first week didn't go as I expected. Work was a total mare, so the planned schedule of 'homework' went down the pan. Phhh! But, as part of my Review, Learn and Improve policy, my bedtime reading is now Charting by Marc Riv, and not The Six Wives of Henry VIII. Page 420, and I'm only on Ann Boleyn ... Day off on Thursday, so I'll do some serious data mining. Maybe I'll take a chance on a couple of dogs (thanks for the advice, by the way!)

Still, it wasn't a total disaster. Having discovered the joys of binary betting, I am now UP by - wait for it - £8! The private island beckons ...

How on earth does everyone else out there manage? If you trade for a living I suppose it's a damn site easier - but if you don't, are you just super-efficient in managing your time?

Next instalment next week. I'll list what I've picked and why. Again, any comments gratefully received. Thank you for yours FC x.


the beer is calling

Running total: 8.00
regarding time efficiency..

speaking from experience, you can either try to trade End-of-Day, or you could focus more in longer-term trades on the indices/Forex. you dont need to take a trade every day.

not only would you save on time, but also on commissions and stress 🙂

also, i would keep well clear of binary betting. the "spreads" on those fellas are huge..

and unless you have a really accurate strategu (ie >80%) , the spreads will wipe you out slowly...

good luck though.

Up goes the FTSE

When I first started to think about spread betting, the FTSE was at 3800. If only I'd bought @ £10 a point ... But regrets are pointless (kick ow).
At the moment I'm still reading Swing Trading, and watching and learning. It's peeing down outside, I'm warm and snug inside with a cuppa and a nice piece of fruit (Lent - give up chocolate. V hard. It's like giving up Saturday morning lie-ins and takeaway curries) and working out a strategy. Looking through a few charts using MAs, I can see something emerging through the mist of my brain, but it's a very thick mist and a very small brain.

Anyhow, it's nearly beer o'clock, and Friday tomorrow.

(Rule 1 - never trade anything on a Friday. Strange things happen on Fridays in my limited experience).


Running total: £20 (thanks to a v small binary bet)
ohhh poo

Sorry guys, this isn't an entry about how I've lots thousands on a hopelessly long spreadbet - I'm running the Reading Half marathon tomorrow and have done zero training. *rse. Never mind, when I'm nursing my blisters tomorrow afternoon I've got a damn good excuse to look at a few charts, do a bit of data mining and actually PLACE A FEW BETS!!

Good weekend to all. If you're in Reading tomorrow, I'm the one with the blue leggings and the fluorescent orange jacket (no. 4567). I may be walking.
