Optimists less likely to suffer heart attacks or die

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read somewhere that a massively reduced calorie intake has shown to significantly increase longevity. but only in mice.

If you are referring to the BBC Horizon programme then it was more than just mice as it was shown to work in humans and the observations were quite remarmakable. There was one other factor that was of critical importance and that was the nutrient level still had to be very high. So what happened was that the calories were restricted but concentrated nutrients were included in any diet.

The observations showed that the whole ageing process slowed significantly and in addition to this the efficiency of almost all body functions increased including brain capability. Those conducting the research theorised that it was an evolutionary survival mechanism. So if the body believes that famine exists then to prolong the survival of the species it automatically induces measures to enable survival longer than is normal.

What I found of interest is that maybe the converse is also true. That is if the body has excess fat then the evolutionary view is that there is plenty of food and survival of the species must be plentiful and not under threat. As such there is no need whatsoever to keep this alive. It is curious that so many of the ailments suffered by people are related to being overweight and whilst it is not proven it would not surprise me if this is evolution working in another context, ie Let the Fat Die.

Being slim really makes life easier, and dramatically decreases the risk for diseases.

..."The non-fatal, but debilitating health problems associated with obesity include respiratory difficulties, chronic musculoskeletal problems, skin problems and infertility. The more life-threatening problems fall into four main areas: CVD problems; conditions associated with insulin resistance such as type 2 diabetes; certain types of cancers, especially the hormonally related and large-bowel cancers; and gallbladder disease.

The likelihood of developing Type 2 diabetes and hypertension rises steeply with increasing body fatness. Confined to older adults for most of the 20th century, this disease now affects obese children even before puberty. Approximately 85% of people with diabetes are type 2, and of these, 90% are obese or overweight. And this is increasingly becoming a developing world problem. In 1995, the Emerging Market Economies had the highest number of diabetics. If current trends continue, India and the Middle Eastern crescent will have taken over by 2025.Large increases would also be observed in China, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the rest of Asia.

Raised BMI also increases the risks of cancer of the breast, colon, prostate, endometroium, kidney and gallbladder. Chronic overweight and obesity contribute significantly to osteoarthritis, a major cause of disability in adults. Although obesity should be considered a disease in its own right, it is also one of the key risk factors for other chronic diseases together with smoking, high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol."...

WHO | Obesity and overweight

The difference between ones chronological age vs ones biological one is almost entirely down to eating and exercise habits.


Mortality Rates in Long-Lived Populations
Age Adjusted Death Rates (per 100,000 people)
Rank* Location Life Expectancy Eating Pattern CHD** Cancer Stroke All Causes
1 Okinawa 81.2 East-West 18 97 35 335
2 Japan 79.9 Asian 22 106 45 364
3 Hong Kong 79.1 Asian 40 126 40 393
4 Sweden 79.0 Nordic 102 108 38 435
8 Italy 78.3 Mediterranean 55 135 49 459
10 Greece 78.1 Mediterranean 55 109 70 449
18 USA 76.8 American 100 132 28 520

Okinawa Centenarian study: Investigating the worlds longest-lived people

Also good:

Raising the bar

At 88, fitness guru Jack LaLanne can run circles around those half his age

Not rocket science, and not that hard to stay thin.

AND I can drink a lot still haha.
Boll*cks! All of it.
My auntie as my example. 40-45 yrs old. Non smoker. Vegetarian. Regular exercise. Relatively low stress job (head of dpt at middle class london 6th form college). Cancer.

My mate's grandad done nothing but drink, play darts and smoke cigars since he was 13. Fine and dandy.

You get with whatever you get hit with IMO in terms of diseases. (Apart from the AIDS of course)

General well-being is all that weight affects and I doubt anyone acutally cares outside of the superficial.
Of course there is always the exception to the rule, but that is equally obviously all it is if you look at the statistics that speak a perfectly clear language.

It's like trading, about getting the advantage on your side, not the guarantee, but just the statistical odds.

Or are there really still people out there who honetsly don't believe there is a correlation between say smoking and cancer, that it's just the imagination of meddling physicians eager to up their operating quotas.
All stats are skewed IMO as they do not incorporate socio-economic factors. How many non-smokers in deprived areas with low income die of a disease? Smoking may not matter if you are always stressed with debt and can't afford food that isnt packed with additives :-S

It's all b*llocks mate. Everything is b*llocks. Everything the government has a hand in anyway.
I say manage your risk.

I like going out and drinking, so everything else I do is super healthy, stopped smoking years ago, eat healthy food (vegetarian out of conviction anyway), exercise, lotsa sleep, etc.

If you're going to have vices be sensible and don't take em all on at the same time I say.

Fighting is nonsense, guys!

There's myriads of factors. A (reasonable) healthy life style is good, I can't understand that anybody dicuss that. (technically fundamental)

But of course, your healthy style isn't gonna be of any help if you live by a nuclear powerplant, have frequent sex with cocodriles, you have any genetic problem, you got the bad luck of be hit by a terrible disease, a ray fall on you, or simply God considers that it's time for you to leave.

We're talking about a "life style", not a magical artefact that protect you.

And there's no doubt that follow some healthy rules will help you to feel better, look better and perform better in a physical and mental sense.

It'll improve your trading. Or your chances to marry a wealthy girl 😛

So, be optimist and let your inner energy flow free and pure! 😉
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Fear of anything is right at the top of the list apparently

that means you lot are doomed .......... must do this, eat that, avoid this ...... 🙂
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Hehe Andy.

Hows life mate ?

Get any good surfing in ?

Heck you have a good point there, but I'm an optimist through and through.

Sometimes too much of a good thing, when I start floating above reality sometimes and need my feet pulled back firmly to the ground haha.

The rest, well, that's just discipline, when I stopped smoking, eg, it wasn't thinking about what I'd miss. I was thinking what I'd gain kinda thing, which made stopping really easy, and I never looked back or had big whatchamacall it withdrawal symptoms lol, thats the trick, eg I don't get obesity really, I mean whats more important, muffin at Starbucks every day, or being able to get up two floors using the stairs without collapsing from knees buckling or insufficent air-intake.

pretty stressed @ the minute mate 🙂

stressed out mate

can"t have my dinner with the mrs at the harbour for another month

to many stressed tourists attempting to learn how to relax in 5 days 🙂



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Haha oh dear, sounds dangerous.

Beautiful area there must say tho (even if overrun by tourists now ;-)) !!!

Quite gorgeous.
City folk relaxing

surf machine switched off markus for vacation period 🙂

looks fun




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