'Holy grail' - Is 300% a month good? Thats all i can do.

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You'd have to be a tw*t to not make money in a bull market. It's when the poo hit the fan they've all got in a bit of bother.

Much like buy to let etc, jump on the badwagon but make sure you're not last in.

Because it was other people's money and they were too busy with their heads in the trough.
Read the entire thread before saying silly things - You ignorant fool.

P.s. I've already posted a snippet of my trades if you go back...

I can't believe you think i'm lieing... Your just jealous i made £45,000 today and you didn't. Omg 'thats so unfair' get over it....

Come on the thread, calling 'bull****' like a smartarse and you've no idea of whats been happening in previous posts - What an idiot. Your like me, but without big muscles and intelligance, and good looks.

A snippet of your trades, WHATS THATS SMELL, oh yes, BULL****, £45K my ****, do you think were all ****ing morins on here, posting demo accts and a chart. Welcome to the real world ********, if you want anybody to accept that everything your saying is anything but ****ing bull****, be a man (ops sorry boy), and post 10 trades on here live within 1 minute of you taking the trade, tell us your stop and limits at that point and then lets the results speak for themself, hopefully then, deeply embarrassed, you'll **** off.

Idiot, I think not, intelligence, hmmmmm, probably ok there BA(Hons) in business Management, good likes, most definitely, trading ability, probably ok there to, over a decade as a full time trader, so I'm probably doing ok, and I don't brag about it or comment on how much I've made, just go about my business quietly.

Accept the Challenge of posting live calls for 1 week (I dont want or need yourt strategy), just want to prove your a total asswipe with no ability to trade the levels you state, I don't for one minute believe your will accept the challenge, but live in hope you will so we can all have a laugh at your expense
Do agree though, everyone on here is losers... Thats why people have to spend so long searching threads for the one bit of information from anyone whos knows what they're on about.

Load of crap, I for one, pop in every now and again to have a look around and then regret it when I come across ******s like you claiming the holy grail.

Better thing to do now, the weekends approaching, so I'll leave you to play with your toys and I look forward to seeing your live trading calls next week, but will we, I suggest 100% not, just to show waht a totally utter prick your have shown yourself to be or maybe I'll eat humble pie, but I wont hurry to get my spoon out
Are you mocking God?

I'm going to hack your computer and steal your credit card data and use it to watch porn... I've done it before and got loads of stuff of amazon, and i'll do it to you if you mock God!!

Hmmmmm, shows the sort of moron we are dealing with here, and if the last part of your statement is true, your are nothing but a common criminal, using somebody else's ID and money (stealing) and buying goods with their money (fraud), wonder how PC plod would view this, perhhaps the moderators on here would be happy to pass your ISP address registered on here to the Police to investigate this claim, being an advisor on T2W I can make that request if you wish, let me know which way you want to take this or shall we ignore it and you post your live trades, wonder what the answer will be, now where the police stations number!!!!!!!
Hmmmmm, shows the sort of moron we are dealing with here, and if the last part of your statement is true, your are nothing but a common criminal, using somebody else's ID and money (stealing) and buying goods with their money (fraud), wonder how PC plod would view this, perhhaps the moderators on here would be happy to pass your ISP address registered on here to the Police to investigate this claim, being an advisor on T2W I can make that request if you wish, let me know which way you want to take this or shall we ignore it and you post your live trades, wonder what the answer will be, now where the police stations number!!!!!!!

Everything that comes out of Halo's mind is pointless drivel and BS, in one post he claims to be 18 years old and then in another he claims to be 25. (Do you remeber pretending to be older when you were a kid? We all did it, I remember telling a pub landlord who asked me how old I was that I was that I was 18 and a half!!!)

He seems only to be motivated by winding people up and getting a thread he has started to be the longest and most read. I tried to figure out why, but haven't yet. Maybe it's something that excites the minds of children, I'm not really sure...

May I suggest you use your influence at T2W and get the thread finished so no one else can post on it? Perhaps then he might sod off once and for all.
what about my arguements? will they die when the thread is gone?

Start a new thread, I'm sure you're not bothered with the 'kudos' (only perceived by Halo) of starting a popular one!

We all promise to move from this one to yours!
We all did it, I remember telling a pub landlord who asked me how old I was that I was that I was 18 and a half!!!)

That's gold! If I was the landlord I would have served you anyway, for just delivering that line with a straight face....
Im glad you'll keep on following. If not you wouldnt see people changing their views just to argue with me.

Remeber all i said was I'd prefer to take advice from professionals because its less likely you will get codswallop.

Stage 1 - Professionals are great

Stage 2 - Unbelieveable traders go to hedge funds

Stage 3 - Hedge funds are sh*t even though incredible traders move there and I'm incapable of logical thought.

I dont mean to be a pr*ck to gooseman here but this p*ssed me off because I though he was on my side at first lol.
I love that through everyone hating me, your fueling my purpose. This is turning out great, i mean Dino's was classic... I didn't read any of that but i'm sure he was moaning about how this is all bull****.

I openly admit this is bull****. I'm not even trying to make it look realistic, yet your still naive enough to post about how much bull**** it is.............................. Seriously, you wrote an essay on all this bull****, congratulations, you got me!

I wasn't trying to trick anyone... Hence why the whole time i've been sarcastic. 34 pages though - Suck my balls. I did it.
yes, paul and barry


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I love that through everyone hating me, your fueling my purpose. This is turning out great, i mean Dino's was classic... I didn't read any of that but i'm sure he was moaning about how this is all bull****.

I openly admit this is bull****. I'm not even trying to make it look realistic, yet your still naive enough to post about how much bull**** it is.............................. Seriously, you wrote an essay on all this bull****, congratulations, you got me!

I wasn't trying to trick anyone... Hence why the whole time i've been sarcastic. 34 pages though - Suck my balls. I did it.

"Dinos was classic... I didn't read any of it", how would you know then. By your own admission your taking the ****, totally avoided the question of posting live trades.... YOUVE BEING CAUGHTOUT SUNSHINE, your a fraud......... and on that note I will be taking action and passing your details on to have htis thread closed and see whether we can pass your ISP details onto the appropriate authorities to see whether they wish to investigate by your own admission your criminal and fraudulent activites, in the meantime do us alla favour and keep the f**k away from these boards, its being a pleasure exposing a fraud, opps actually a true word there if your own admission are correct.

Hmmmmm, shows the sort of moron we are dealing with here, and if the last part of your statement is true, your are nothing but a common criminal, using somebody else's ID and money (stealing) and buying goods with their money (fraud), wonder how PC plod would view this, perhhaps the moderators on here would be happy to pass your ISP address registered on here to the Police to investigate this claim, being an advisor on T2W I can make that request if you wish, let me know which way you want to take this or shall we ignore it and you post your live trades, wonder what the answer will be, now where the police stations number!!!!!!!

Heres a link to help your ignorance....

Read hoggums post and relax - Just chill out, your going on and on at me even though OFCOURSE its all a lie... I'm not even trying to trick people into believing me. Like i'm trying to be sarcastic and put rubbish bits of evidence... I'm not actually attempting to make everyone believe me, i'm literally just making a load thread as a i see best.

And as you can seeee i have succeeded - So its win, win really.

I get loads of money from my system and i have a long thread.
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