'Holy grail' - Is 300% a month good? Thats all i can do.

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Why does charts spend so much time thinking about me. Its scary. Some silly old tw@ throwing around indirects over a forum. Who cares about your grammar and your metaphors mate? If you don't like the website f-ck off. If you don't like me or halo then get out of the thread we're in and dont talk to us. It's not hard. I do it to you all the time. As for not posting anthing of value... Where's your contribution outside of plugging your shifty wares and demonstrationg your superiority over everyone in all things lexical. Why dont you go to an English Lang forum?
I knew it was a spamscam from the start but it's just got to really annoying when someone made a sort of serious point which people commented on followed by another HALO special of "i've just made another XXXX". I think that's why so many people failed to see the funny side.
Why does charts spend so much time thinking about me. Its scary. Some silly old tw@ throwing around indirects over a forum. Who cares about your grammar and your metaphors mate? If you don't like the website f-ck off. If you don't like me or halo then get out of the thread we're in and dont talk to us. It's not hard. I do it to you all the time. As for not posting anthing of value... Where's your contribution outside of plugging your shifty wares and demonstrationg your superiority over everyone in all things lexical. Why dont you go to an English Lang forum?

Does anyone else think Aaronmalins and HaloTrader are the same person?
I knew it was a spamscam from the start but it's just got to really annoying when someone made a sort of serious point which people commented on followed by another HALO special of "i've just made another XXXX". I think that's why so many people failed to see the funny side.

Yeah sorry dude x
There are two people on this thread who have NEVER posted a single message of the SLIGHTEST value anywhere on t2w that I've seen, and all they can do is behave like immature infants throwing their toys and what they think are insults around in their little play pens.
I'd forgotten about the ignore function so many thanks to 1Pipped who was way ahead of me in using it.
As you've called us pathetic - I think its only fair i reply to display my opinions of you...

I admit i don't post anything helpful, but please post me in the direction of your helpful posts which are there for purposes other than promoting a way of people paying you £850?

I would do lots of helpful threads if the conclusion was that people would give me £850...

Your posts are either sarcastic or aimed to promote yourself... Equally un-useful, so i guess your part of the elite few who have nothing worthwhile to say too.
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