Guy Cohen - Illuminati Trading System

your words ring very true .for three years i have been persuing the trading dream, and have not made a single penny.
i have been thinking to give the whole thing up ,and am beginning to see through the whole illusion .
You're actually going to fall for this rubbish?


Any website that looks like that and I'm in. It's just so professionally done. Obviously they have spent a few thousand designing it to give it that gaudy old fruit machine just sat there bleeping and flashing away look that sucks even the most cynical in every time.

Any free, exclusive report from the news desk of some millionaire trader is going to say one thing and one thing only:


Dear Fellow Trader

:idea:U 'AVE BEEN A DIDDLED:idea:

Lots of love

I and together with the person who started this thread are very interested in whether G.Cohen's illuminati trading system works or not. Both of us are interested in objective comments or viewpoints of anyone who have used it.

Instead, what we mostly see in the feedbacks from you lot are about their own trading experience not related to illuminati system, Guy's Flag trader system, Guy's books "Option Made Easy", "V.M.Made Easy" which are totally irrelevant to what we want to know.

Could you stick to the point and comment on Guy's "Illuminati Trader" ONLY and not other non related comments.
Hi byrleybiz, i recommend that you dont waste you money or time with trading systems that you need to pay for. I am a firm beliver of that making a trading system is very very simple, the main problem is the trader itself. If you have disispline and follow whatever trade system that you make u will make money.

There is a reason why Trader1: dont make money with a system and Trader2: make lots of money with the same system. Its all about the trader and if he really belives in the system he is using.

I can give you the holy grail, but if a tell a new trader that trade it his way and u will make money, he will for sure loose money.I know it sounds weird, but thats how it is.

And another thing,people who write books and promise you riches are usualy failed traders who never got to be profitable, there is nothing wrong with their system but they themself dident belive in it and hence they fail. The human mind is a funny thing, even if u get served a good system it will take alot of time and work to make your mind believ that the system will actualy work.But if this trully is what is promises then hats of for him, but for each person that have something legitimit, there are 1million others that are out to grab your hard earn cash.

My suggestion for you is to spend alot of time on these forums and take your time to go true all the information that is available and learn from it and ask the members here that are making money and can point you in the right direction, there is no such thing as free money, everything have to be worked for. ANd that is also true for trading, i am trully now trying to be negative or break your spirit, i just want you to focus your time and money in the right direction and not into a holy grail system.Cause i have also been into that road and i dident really get anything out of it.¨

There are alot of free systems here on this forum that you can use and modify to you own preference and use it on a simulator account until you fell comfy wtih a system and then go for it. Just make sure to have a sound moneymanagment and plan, you can find alot of post about it in the forums.

I wish you the best wished m8, and nothing will make me more happy then seeing with great success in your new career.👍

Dont hasistate to to ask me anything you are wondering about, i will do my best to answer.

With kind regards
Bashir Naimy

Hi Bashir,

I think this is one of the best posts I have ever seen here on this site. I have worked hard for more than 5 years with lots of reading and learning to develop my own system that works. I only trade my system and never take trades based on someone elses' system. There are no shortcuts in trading because that is the way the universe works.
The hardest working traders make the most money, and that is just the truth. I wish everyone success in trading, but you must do the work to become good..............Statistics show that only 10% of traders are profitable........That is no coincidence,,,,,,,,,,,The 10% winners are the hardest working ones............
I and together with the person who started this thread are very interested in whether G.Cohen's illuminati trading system works or not. Both of us are interested in objective comments or viewpoints of anyone who have used it.

Instead, what we mostly see in the feedbacks from you lot are about their own trading experience not related to illuminati system, Guy's Flag trader system, Guy's books "Option Made Easy", "V.M.Made Easy" which are totally irrelevant to what we want to know.

Could you stick to the point and comment on Guy's "Illuminati Trader" ONLY and not other non related comments.

If it worked would he have to fake his testimonials with photos of people copied from other websites? Think about it from a common sense perspective, forget for a minute the dreams of easy riches.
Hi Bashir,

good..............Statistics show that only 10% of traders are profitable........That is no coincidence,,,,,,,,,,,The 10% winners are the hardest working ones............

I have the opinion that over 50% of people will never be profitable on their own however hard they work at it. They just haven't, sadly, got the ability.

Those less able people need help from others and that's the wedge in the door that lets the scammers in to fleece them of their dosh !

It's been so since time began

i think if you can find a great mentor who teaches you to trade and is honest ,then many things are possible.but if you get mentors that are willing to lie in their marketing campaigns(like guy cohen)
then one should stay away .
i think it takes a lot of time to find a great mentor and one has to go through a few false ones to get there .its like anything in life ,it takes time to be successfull and an overnight success takes ten years
Please forgive me for the long post!

If I recall, earlier in this thread, Guy indicated that since getting negative feedback about the style of marketing for his systems (having followed his publisher's/marketer's recommendations) he's thinking of changing it. It's quite possible that the ad copywriters took photos from an image site and stuck them alongside e-mail quotes from system users. That's not good but it doesn't directly reflect on whether or not Guy's system works (i.e. more profits than losses over time).

I'm probably as sceptical as most on here. My first response to anything that looks 'too good to be true' is to dismiss it outright and tell everyone else to avoid it. I don't believe in 'get rich quick' schemes. I have never knowingly fallen for a con in my entire life. Yet, having done literally days of research on GC's Flag Trader system, I can't find any negative feedback anywhere (from actual, paid-up users) which is quite astonishing.

Long story short, I've decided to give it a go. There's currently a 50% discount (this probably isn't a discount at all, but there's no way I would pay the supposed full price of a grand for this) and a 30 day free trial. Your direct debit for the purchase price isn't activated until the end of the 30 daytrial period, so you can cancel your DD (a couple of days before the trial is up, to be safe) and return the course material 'in any condition' and you've lost nothing. You've got your bank's Direct Debit guarantee if your money is taken improperly - if you've never used this guarantee before it's an almost immediate, automatic refund - so your money is completely safe. You can paper trade before chucking money at it, so I really can't see what I have to lose here.

I've got no connection at all with Guy Cohen or his publishers, etc. And I'm not expecting miracles. I just like the idea of a system which presents me with potentially great opportunities every day that I can then decide to trade or not. Yes, I know I could probably find some of these myself, but I'd rather pay someone else to do the hours of legwork here. It's as simple as that.

I'll let you know how I get on 🙂
Please forgive me for the long post!

If I recall, earlier in this thread, Guy indicated that since getting negative feedback about the style of marketing for his systems (having followed his publisher's/marketer's recommendations) he's thinking of changing it. It's quite possible that the ad copywriters took photos from an image site and stuck them alongside e-mail quotes from system users. That's not good but it doesn't directly reflect on whether or not Guy's system works (i.e. more profits than losses over time).

I'm probably as sceptical as most on here. My first response to anything that looks 'too good to be true' is to dismiss it outright and tell everyone else to avoid it. I don't believe in 'get rich quick' schemes. I have never knowingly fallen for a con in my entire life. Yet, having done literally days of research on GC's Flag Trader system, I can't find any negative feedback anywhere (from actual, paid-up users) which is quite astonishing.

Long story short, I've decided to give it a go. There's currently a 50% discount (this probably isn't a discount at all, but there's no way I would pay the supposed full price of a grand for this) and a 30 day free trial. Your direct debit for the purchase price isn't activated until the end of the 30 daytrial period, so you can cancel your DD (a couple of days before the trial is up, to be safe) and return the course material 'in any condition' and you've lost nothing. You've got your bank's Direct Debit guarantee if your money is taken improperly - if you've never used this guarantee before it's an almost immediate, automatic refund - so your money is completely safe. You can paper trade before chucking money at it, so I really can't see what I have to lose here.

I've got no connection at all with Guy Cohen or his publishers, etc. And I'm not expecting miracles. I just like the idea of a system which presents me with potentially great opportunities every day that I can then decide to trade or not. Yes, I know I could probably find some of these myself, but I'd rather pay someone else to do the hours of legwork here. It's as simple as that.

I'll let you know how I get on 🙂

You are about to learn a very good, though expensive, lesson.

Quotes below

"Guy Cohen tells the gripping story of a man who escaped from the Nazis and then used a "Secret Box" to generate two million dollars ... a secret which is now being revealed after fifty years to Guy Cohen's customers whho buy his Flag Trader system."

"According to Guy Cohen, Nicolas Darvas' "secret formula went with him to the grave ... until recently, when I decoded it".

Now that he's decoded it, Guy Cohen is offering this secret formula to you - his Secret Flag Trader system - for the price of £1,171.48.

"Guy Cohen says that with his Secret Flag Trader system you can be "pulling in £7k each month just by tapping a few keys on your PC! Around twenty minutes is all it takes ... a way of making money from the markets which is so quick, so simple and so profitable, it's almost immoral!".
it's not going to cost me a bean if it doesn't work, suggest you re-read *all* of my post 🙂

Free lunches usually cost something. If they offer it, usually they have a way of getting at your money. I'd be careful giving out your bank details. Things seemingly impossible can become rather obviously possible after the fact.
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When youre done with this experiment there's a General in Nigeria that needs your help in moving some money abroad.
the responsibility for false testamonials and pictures lies directly at, guy cohen cant on the one hand say traders must take full resposibilty and on the other blame your publishers ,unless of course you are a hypocrite.
never the less i must agree with tyresmoke that, guy is offering an excellent deal and there is absoloutly no risk to trying it good luck tryesmoke and keep us informed.
Free lunches usually cost something. If they offer it, usually they have a way of getting at your money. I'd be careful giving out your bank details. Things seeming impossible can become rather obvious after the fact.


Thanks for the advice but I'm always cautious around parting with bank details. No actual payment has been made, just a Direct Debit authorisation which doesn't activate until the end of the 30 day free trial period - which starts when I physically receive the software and training CDs.

The direct debit is in favour of Agora Lifestyles Ltd, Sea Containers House, 7th Floor, 20 Upper Ground, London SE1 9JD. Agora Lifestyles Limited is part of the MoneyWeek/Fleet Street Publications group (publishers of MoneyWeek magazine, see so there are worse companies to trust!

Normal direct debit safeguards and guarantees apply, i.e. no changes can be made without notifying me at least 10 working days (2 weeks) in advance. If anything dodgy happens, I get an immediate refund from my Bank via its DD guarantee (which works brilliantly, I've done this before) and I can cancel my direct debit Instruction at any time via online banking so no further money can be taken.

As I said before, I'm a huge sceptic, but still really interested to see if there's any mileage in this.

I'll keep you posted with developments - good or bad 🙂

Thanks for the advice but I'm always cautious around parting with bank details. No actual payment has been made, just a Direct Debit authorisation which doesn't activate until the end of the 30 day free trial period - which starts when I physically receive the software and training CDs.

The direct debit is in favour of Agora Lifestyles Ltd, Sea Containers House, 7th Floor, 20 Upper Ground, London SE1 9JD. Agora Lifestyles Limited is part of the MoneyWeek/Fleet Street Publications group (publishers of MoneyWeek magazine, see so there are worse companies to trust!

Normal direct debit safeguards and guarantees apply, i.e. no changes can be made without notifying me at least 10 working days (2 weeks) in advance. If anything dodgy happens, I get an immediate refund from my Bank via its DD guarantee (which works brilliantly, I've done this before) and I can cancel my direct debit Instruction at any time via online banking so no further money can be taken.

As I said before, I'm a huge sceptic, but still really interested to see if there's any mileage in this.

I'll keep you posted with developments - good or bad 🙂

If its a free trial why do you they need your DD information before it starts?


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