grumpy old gits thread


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hey all

i'm a loud and proud grumpy old git ..............been there and got the t-shirt :LOL:

so lets get it all out and on the table here ............lets get all that stuff that winds you up down on paper and not burning you up inside :mad:


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Anyone being paid taxpayers money and doing naff all for it (as well as wasting it).....not bitter then about my last job in a local council that lasted 5 weeks

Anyone not taking responsibility for themselves and other family members and letting others have to take time out and bloody responsibility for them - as they have other things to do (mainly in this list it seems)

Anyone walking around in a bloody dream and irritating others with their attitude and actions

endless social media drivel with people "discovering" themselves and sharing mindless activities and facies with the world ........even sadly on linked in now

12 year olds who have already had their fill of working hard and are stressed out so now want to find themselves and live a simpler life - on taxpayers money

MLM schemes ..............well unless I invent it

12 year olds working in companies that are scared as Sh*t to let experienced professionals through the door - so wont recruit them (couldn't resist that one - I wont call it ageist though)

Everyone demanding the right to own property ...........have I missed something here ?......

cheap debt - and why didn't I buy more rental properties

noisy irritating kids and parents who let them continue to "express themselves" so they can eventually learn to join the ranks of the list above .........

having spent 35 years paying for the NHS and now having no hope of getting decent treatment and watching it go down the pan due to the overinflated / expensive layers of middle management and top tier leadership comprising of unneeded "professionals" ..........can we get this sorted ?.........and lead from an external enquiry please so all the previously mentioned individuals don't vote to remove more of the valued staff actually caring for patients ?

come one - get it all off your chest - keep it clean though :LOL:
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Anyone being paid taxpayers money and doing naff all for it (as well as wasting it).....not bitter then about my last job in a local council that lasted 5 weeks

Anyone not taking responsibility for themselves and other family members and letting others have to take time out and bloody responsibility for them - as they have other things to do (mainly in this list it seems)

Anyone walking around in a bloody dream and irritating others with their attitude and actions

endless social media drivel with people "discovering" themselves and sharing mindless activities and facies with the world ........even sadly on linked in now

12 year olds who have already had their fill of working hard and are stressed out so now want to find themselves and live a simpler life - on taxpayers money

MLM schemes ..............well unless I invent it

12 year olds working in companies that are scared as Sh*t to let experienced professionals through the door - so wont recruit them (couldn't resist that one - I wont call it ageist though)

Everyone demanding the right to own property ...........have I missed something here ?......

cheap debt - and why didn't I buy more rental properties

noisy irritating kids and parents who let them continue to "express themselves" so they can eventually learn to join the ranks of the list above .........

having spent 35 years paying for the NHS and now having no hope of getting decent treatment and watching it go down the pan due to the overinflated / expensive layers of middle management and top tier leadership comprising of unneeded "professionals" ..........can we get this sorted ?.........and lead from an external enquiry please so all the previously mentioned individuals don't vote to remove more of the valued staff actually caring for patients ?

come one - get it all off your chest - keep it clean though :LOL:

Religious gits who go round preaching stupidity about the existence of their wonderful god and then asking us to respect their views and tolerate their lies.

People who stick non-functioning toilets in a hall asking people to think about what they are looking at and call it art.

Politicians who use the word 'clear'.
thousands of channels on new TV , Sky , Freeview , Amazon BT

and all complete crap ........

Talking of thousands... Thousands of tariffs;

1. Gas tarrifs
2. Electricity tarrifs
3. Mobile phone tarrifs

Need a degree in nuclear physics to calculate the one that is best for me.
jihadis that blow other people in markets etc. to smithereens. Why they can't just jump from a highrise I don't know. Except some poor sod would have to clean up the mess.
Isn't it time the Spanish authorities showed a bit of backbone and arrested these fugitives from justice.
The crème of British crooks living in luxury on the Costa Lotta.


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Pretty interesting thread to be honest. Wonder why they think they need to kill normal people.

and themselves !!
Very strange behaviour. Not happy people.
A psychological profile of say Jihaddi John would be interesting to spot new ones. According to the press he was a hard working, well behaved student before taking up the role of executioner. Quiet and attentive too. Was he sane and now gone mad or radicalised and gone bad ?
and themselves !!
Very strange behaviour. Not happy people.
A psychological profile of say Jihaddi John would be interesting to spot new ones. According to the press he was a hard working, well behaved student before taking up the role of executioner. Quiet and attentive too. Was he sane and now gone mad or radicalised and gone bad ?

Cause life is pretty hum drum dull and boring as rain traveling down some drain pipe.

They are below average nobodies who are looked down upon by the West. Their family and peer group are grovelling underclass who blame all that is around them and have this placebo faith that's utopia and has answers to all their issues.

They become! That's the attraction. They are then subsequently in the eye of the storm where it's all happening. Guns, women, power, drama. World's eyes peering down on them.

Family relatives and peer group have been blaming the West for all their ills and in their eyes they now become the bodies fighting to defend the faith.

There is no comparison between two options. Job centre or sunny deserts of the ME with a gun in your hand and well provided for killing the enemy.

Politics of it all too. Great attraction to determine ones destiny. They become heros and legends amongts their peer group. What we think of them is of no consequences because we are the enemy.

Pretty logical outcome from my perspective. No madness but a dynamic exciting life compared to boring struggle of life doing routine work.

One could easily radicalise and manipulate young minds if one knows what the triggers are.

Having said all that don't forget ISIS is a creation of US/UK & Turkey imho. It was engineered to destabilise Syria. Now it has evolved ambitions and strategy to destabilise the ME and capture its oil and any vested interest in the region. :!:
Cause life is pretty hum drum dull and boring as rain traveling down some drain pipe.

They are below average nobodies who are looked down upon by the West. Their family and peer group are grovelling underclass who blame all that is around them and have this placebo faith that's utopia and has answers to all their issues.

They become! That's the attraction. They are then subsequently in the eye of the storm where it's all happening. Guns, women, power, drama. World's eyes peering down on them.

Family relatives and peer group have been blaming the West for all their ills and in their eyes they now become the bodies fighting to defend the faith.

There is no comparison between two options. Job centre or sunny deserts of the ME with a gun in your hand and well provided for killing the enemy.

Politics of it all too. Great attraction to determine ones destiny. They become heros and legends amongts their peer group. What we think of them is of no consequences because we are the enemy.

Pretty logical outcome from my perspective. No madness but a dynamic exciting life compared to boring struggle of life doing routine work.

One could easily radicalise and manipulate young minds if one knows what the triggers are.

Having said all that don't forget ISIS is a creation of US/UK & Turkey imho. It was engineered to destabilise Syria. Now it has evolved ambitions and strategy to destabilise the ME and capture its oil and any vested interest in the region. :!:

Sounds about right I imagine from my comfy armchair.
You forgot the 72 virgins though. I found 1 was more than enough for me ..........but that's another story.
Let's hope the reality of Raqqa and elsewhere is the promised paradise.
any form of littering, especially smokers who fling their fag butts everywhich way

dog owners who don't clean up their animals business

commuters who give you an ugly look if you ask them to remove their bag from the 1 free seat on the tube/train/bus etc

drivers who don't indicate

motorway middle lane hoggers at less than 70 (I make a point of sticking on cruise @ 70 and undertaking them)

people who key cars

people who steal bonnet/wheel badges (yes it still happens :/)

politicians under interview who steadfastedly refuse to answer yes or no (i.e. all of them)

whomever brought in the anti-smacking [your own children for being supremely naughty little sh*ts] law


did I mention littering?

Re: IS - why can't we send in the SAS/Seals to go and kill a bazillion of them? I'm sure they'd be well up for the turkey shoot with their insane weaponry, nightvision and all their other little techno gizmos... I'd say the whole problem would be solved in about 6 months?
Isn't it time the Spanish authorities showed a bit of backbone and arrested these fugitives from justice.
The crème of British crooks living in luxury on the Costa Lotta.

Pat, Pat! What am I going to do with you?

The Spanish authorities have enough trouble rounding up their own without worrying about your villains.
any form of littering, especially smokers who fling their fag butts everywhich way

dog owners who don't clean up their animals business

commuters who give you an ugly look if you ask them to remove their bag from the 1 free seat on the tube/train/bus etc

drivers who don't indicate

motorway middle lane hoggers at less than 70 (I make a point of sticking on cruise @ 70 and undertaking them)

people who key cars

people who steal bonnet/wheel badges (yes it still happens :/)

politicians under interview who steadfastedly refuse to answer yes or no (i.e. all of them)

whomever brought in the anti-smacking [your own children for being supremely naughty little sh*ts] law


did I mention littering?

Re: IS - why can't we send in the SAS/Seals to go and kill a bazillion of them? I'm sure they'd be well up for the turkey shoot with their insane weaponry, nightvision and all their other little techno gizmos... I'd say the whole problem would be solved in about 6 months?

Don't know why the Americans can't use a few daisy cutters if they've got any left in a hanger somewhere in Arizona or better still, some MOABs.

It's all completely futile trying to understand them whilst they are murdering and maiming us, they have declared a monstrous war on us, both military and civilian, and we need to be ruthless to win an outright war, just like with the Nazis.
The dear old , well meaning tree huggers got rid of cluster bombs just when they are needed.
Oh dear. Perhaps Dave and Eddy can bore them to death before they can cut off all our heads ?
Idiots who stand in front of lift doors waiting to get in before people can step out... :rolleyes:
The dear old , well meaning tree huggers got rid of cluster bombs just when they are needed.
Oh dear. Perhaps Dave and Eddy can bore them to death before they can cut off all our heads ?

Steady on... Cluster bombs kill indiscriminately everybody in a crowded street.

Next you'll be calling for landmines... (n)
Steady on... Cluster bombs kill indiscriminately everybody in a crowded street.

Next you'll be calling for landmines... (n)

I wasn't suggesting using cluster bombs in civilian areas.
Some poor sod has to risk his life at present armed with a rifle to flush the armed jihaddis out of the unarmed civilians they are hiding behind.

I favour a gas that knocks them all out for 24 hrs and then collecting the militants by the truckload for disposal.
Idiots who stop dead in front of you while you are on the metro stairs, while they check their cell phones.
Does this thread come with a years subscription to the Daily Mail, because I'm sure I've read all these comments on their web site. :(