I'm not a regular user of paltalk, so Ive forgotten what the requirments are!!!!!! Ive an account, I just need to log on to gray1?(forum) appreciate some help.........thank you
if you are a esignal user please adjust your set up as shown


I was just doing a last minute check on my duplication of the above set up and suddenly realised that something was amiss with what I had put together. On the above six charts the numerical value of MACCI shown in the window on four of them doesn't correspond with the value indicated by the chart's float marker. Am I missing something obvious here? Also the middle chart of FHN is displaying a one minute data series but a 5min MACCI (compare left hand 5min chart of $INDU). Is this deliberate? Is there an underlying, invisible FHN 5m series in the chart?

Maybe I just haven't drunk enough coffee this morning. Would welcome being put straight if anybody has the time.


If it's any help to Grey1/Fibbo/Vegas, here is a list of the Paltalk nics of those who have so far requested to attend, in alphabetical order. (Sincere apols if I've missed anyone).
Names in brackets are T2W nics.

1breadman1 (breadman)
blu-ray1 (Blu-Ray)
Imran-quazi (ImranQ)
lap-top1 (laptop1)
LuckyBucks888 (LuckyBucks)
morea-gr (moreagr)
myrtle_turtle (trendie)
pulpotim (timsk) now not attending.
technical glenn (Glenn)
tileman2 (tileman)
Ultramarine_1 (Ultramarine)

P.S Utramarine. See your point but can't help with E-Signal charts.
Last edited:
Hi Glenn,

its chris_ri not chris-ri just in case access to the room is being automated.


Chris (chris_ri)
If it's any help to Grey1/Fibbo/Vegas, here is a list of the Paltalk nics of those who have so far requested to attend, in alphabetical order. (Sincere apols if I've missed anyone).
Names in brackets are T2W nics.

1breadman1 (breadman)
blu-ray1 (Blu-Ray)
Imran-quazi (ImranQ)
lap-top1 (laptop1)
LuckyBucks888 (LuckyBucks)
morea-gr (moreagr)
pulpotim (timsk) now not attending.
technical glenn (Glenn)
tileman2 (tileman)
trendie (myrtle_turtle)
Ultramarine_1 (Ultramarine)

P.S Utramarine. See your point but can't help with E-Signal charts.
myrtle_turtle (trendie)

EDIT: whats the room called?

Oops sorry trendie. Edited list.

From Post #37 by Grey1:
The room is called TECHNICAL TRADER and is in business catagory as seen , The time is 12UK time, Please use your TT nick name . Those of you who cannot find the room for any reason PM me and i will take you to the room , mY NIC Is II WALL STREET II
Please notice that it is LETTER I and not number 1 in front of my nick .


Hi Glenn,

its chris_ri not chris-ri just in case access to the room is being automated.


Chris (chris_ri)

OK Chris, original list edited, as I will do with any more errors. 🙄
Is there anyone who can help me out on a macci indicator?
I've a chart in tradestation but I'm unable to get the macci indicator line working, been in touch with the italian guys , but they say they can't help me out with easy language ( G1,macci send)
so I'm at a loss
failing all else I can use CCI Average ?......thanks
Have you made use of the Globalvariable which is needed if you are using the macci send indicator ?

Not sure on that to be honest, not very good on programming, Ive got the code but it means very little to me!


The Macci send indicator was meant for use in Radar screens in order to combine 1, 3 and 5 minute maccis into one indicator using the Globalserver and allow display of alerts "Exit Long and "Exit Short".
It was not intended for use in charts.

If you use the code which Imranq posted that should work in a chart.

Length( 6),
OverSold( -100 ),
OverBought( 100 ),
OverSColor( Cyan ),
OverBColor( Red ) ;

CCIValue( 0 ) ;

CCIValue = CCI( Length ) ;

Plot1( Average(CCIValue, SmoothingLength), "CCI" ) ;
Plot2( OverBought, "OverBot" ) ;
Plot3( OverSold, "OverSld" ) ;

Hope this helps.
Last edited:
I have recorded today's session which was around 150 mins in total but I need some advice or help. I have recorded it in VOB (video) format and need to be able to convert it to mp3 so any advice is welcome. I will then make it available for download along with the transcript to members of TT.

I have recorded today's session which was around 150 mins in total but I need some advice or help. I have recorded it in VOB (video) format and need to be able to convert it to mp3 so any advice is welcome. I will then make it available for download along with the transcript to members of TT.


Hi Paul
Have you looked at BeSweet ? (freeware)

User quote
"You can convert VOB’s to AAC, AC3, MP2, MP3, VORBIS(.ogg), or WAV. It loses NO quality, it works better than most audio rippers you pay for. you can download it here dspguru You need to download BeSweet v1.4 and BeLight (Both in the “Stable” and put them in the same folder. Then you need to go the Plug-ins&Source (it is on the website) and download the VOBInput.dll v1.3 (you need this to convert VOB files) and put that in the same folder as the other 2. To start go to the folder you put everything in and click BeLight. click Input and make sure where it say’s Files Of Type, you hit the down arrow and click VOB, otherwise you wont be able to see your VOB files.

If your wanting mp3’s, click the mp3 section and specify the bitrate and quality you want (for people who dont know anything about music files, click Bitrate and move the arrow to 192, then hit quality and put that to 100%) also on the left there is a section called Boost, check the box labled Boost Mode, click start and wait for it to finish, it will be saved in the same folder as the input, unless you change that. If you rename it after it is done make sure you type .mp3 after the name you typed. "


For some reason that website no longer exists. I have managed to find the first two files elsewhere but not VOBInput.dll v1.3


For some reason that website no longer exists. I have managed to find the first two files elsewhere but not VOBInput.dll v1.3


this is a great idea paul.......cheers

grey the seminar was excellent, thank you............things are so much clearer for me now.........all this time i've been obsessed with the vwap, and it seems you only need the macci....................i'm gonna wait till the news is out on wednesday and then start shorting your weak list for swing trades.

thanks again,


For some reason that website no longer exists. I have managed to find the first two files elsewhere but not VOBInput.dll v1.3


OK try this site:-
vobinput.dll download

Better instructions follow:-

"You need to download:
BeLight v .21(Stable is the Fastest) Use the Site Search to find this.
BeSweet v1.5b31(If there is a newer one download it)
VOBInput.dll v1.3

First Extract ALL of those files into one Folder. Then open BeLight, click input and in Files of Type click VOB then open your VOB File/s.

Unless u need to, do NOT click Boost mode, it just increases the sound, u do not need it if u want an exact conversion.

Make sure the Mode is set to HybridGain and the dynamic compression is Normal (Or slow, NEVER put it in Fast or it will loose quality).

U will see the sections AAC, AC3, MP2, MP3, VORBIS(.ogg), and WAVE/PMC. Click the MP3 section and click bitrate, and move the arrow to 320kbps (Dont go any lower than 192, but 320 is the best quality).

In the Bitrate Section u will see a box and beside it, it will say “Restrict Encoder to Constant Bitrate”. If clicked, it will be converted in CBR(Constant Bitrate) Mode, which i like, but if u like VBR(Variable Bitrate) Mode, keep it unchecked.

The Difference in VBR and CBR is that CBR locks the entire mp3 file at the selected bitrate, Which in your case will be 320kbps, which is the highest quality, and VBR lets the kbps roam (i dont know how to put it...) but it wont keep the entire mp3 at the best quality, so check it if u dont know the difference.

Press start, and you have an mp3."


Hi Grey1/Vegas/Fibbo

Many thanks for an excellent webinar, I think it went really well and was clear and easy to understand.

I made notes all the way through and there was an area I don't think was covered.
Hope you don't mind some additional queries:-

Just thinking about the practicalities of how you are swing trading bearing in mind the long list (80+) of Weak stocks.

1. Do you have all these 80+ symbols always running in IB TWS ?

2. To obtain Daily OB/OB signals for stocks means having enough data to calculate that, so do you have all those Weak stocks in Globalserver being updated ? ...and did you obtain extra historical data from somewhere because IB doesn't backfill far enough back to produce Daily macci when you first put a stock in Globalserver.

3. Are they all always running in Radar screens with their macci and pos size, or do you load up the Radars with symbols for current open positions plus any new stocks of interest from the latest research ?

I to would like to say thank you to Grey1 and Frank for the webinar!

also would like to say thanks to Paul for the recording when you guys get it strenghtened out.