The only problem with using a laptop mike is that if you also use the internal speaker you may get feedback. A way round is to use earphones and the laptop mic. However you must also make sure that when you connect for the session that it is quiet around you so it doesnt disturb the session for others.

thanks Imran,

it think this will do me (earphones) I'll be listening more than talking, so may just switch mike off when not required

The reason I have said this is that having been in these before some of the participants were almost inaudible and it is always down to the quality of the microphone. If you are not intending asking questions then normal pc speakers would be fine. There is nothing worse than turning up with the intent of full participation and finding that you have missed out because of a poor quality microphone.


hi Paul

can i take it that if my mike works well for skype, it will also be fine for paltalk?

You're absolutely right on that point Paul. A good idea for Glen might be to use the mic/speaker test when setting up his Paltalk to make sure his setup works.
Yes you can Paul. TS8 can import indicators from earlier versions but not the other way round. Even an earlier release of TS8 will not import an indicator from a later patch of TS8 🙁.

PS I've included the TS8 version of MACCI with settable OB/OS lines

Thanks very much Imran, works like a dream. That will save me alot of time when switching to a new stock chart.

Grey 1, hope theirs room for 1 more, all set up on PALTALK. Looking forward to Thursday.

Had to use Nickname 1breadman1 ........

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Hi Grey1,

Also hope its ok to join the chat room,

Registered as tileman2

Many Thanks

Hi Grey1,

I would love to join to.

I have not used paltalk since the last seminar you gave us over 1 year ago. I think my name is morea_gr or moreagr.

thank you
Hi Grey1

Hope it's okay to still join the room on Thursday, I've just downloaded Paltalk and I'm registered as blu-ray1.

Many Thanks


Is there any guidelines for the webminar yet;

Max number of questions per person?

Max time used by one person?

or just go with the flow🙂
Is there any guidelines for the webminar yet;

Max number of questions per person?

Max time used by one person?

or just go with the flow🙂

Hi Belfan,

Based on my last experience (last G1 Webinar), I can say the following-

Everyone who had wished to join in were allowed by G1;
It was best to let G1 speak and participants were waiting for their turn to speak (actually write down the questions and G1 would reply by speaking) -in general it was 'going with the flow' - a very nice experience.


I'm on a different timezone and I'd appreciate if some1 could tell exactly(in GMT terms) when will the meeting start. thanks in advance.


I'm on a different timezone and I'd appreciate if some1 could tell exactly(in GMT terms) when will the meeting start. thanks in advance.


"The Technical Trader room will be open from 1130 Uk time but the seminar starts @ 1200. so people have 30 min to find the room .."

UK time is currently GMT (1200 lunchtime of course)

Is there any guidelines for the webminar yet;

Max number of questions per person?

Max time used by one person?

or just go with the flow🙂

as a general rule, only the moderator or owner of the room, ie, grey1, should have access to a microphone to avoid interruptions.

invitees should write their questions, giving grey1 a chance to gather his thoughts, and not disrupt his flow.

ideally, he should give his talk in sections, and ask for questions at the appropriate juncture, or answer groups of questions at end of sections, before progressing onto next bit.
just my thoughts to ensure it doesnt become a disjointed a free-for-all.

[by the way, my paltalk id is "myrtle_turtle" 😱, so grey1 knows who to keep out! :cheesy:]
as a general rule, only the moderator or owner of the room, ie, grey1, should have access to a microphone to avoid interruptions.

invitees should write their questions, giving grey1 a chance to gather his thoughts, and not disrupt his flow.

ideally, he should give his talk in sections, and ask for questions at the appropriate juncture, or answer groups of questions at end of sections, before progressing onto next bit.
just my thoughts to ensure it doesnt become a disjointed a free-for-all.

[by the way, my paltalk id is "myrtle_turtle" 😱, so grey1 knows who to keep out! :cheesy:]

thanks trendie,

i guess i'll not need my telephone voice then🙂 been practicing all week too🙁

think i'll get to work typing out a few questions😕

Is this seminar going to be recorded by one or two people and then distributed to anyone who wants to hear it? I would like to review everything that was said (and any example charts) after the seminar to make sure I haven't missed anything. I've been hoping to get a grip on Technical Trading for a while, and understand a large chunk now. This last week of dialogues and Vegas answering questions has been very helpful. I still don't know what to do with the Iraj macci receive software.

To our success

Is this seminar going to be recorded by one or two people and then distributed to anyone who wants to hear it? I would like to review everything that was said (and any example charts) after the seminar to make sure I haven't missed anything.

Yes, good question LuckyBucks.

It would be helpful if a recording was made and then posted on the thread or something like that.

Unfortunately for me I wont be able to participate due to prior commitments.

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Hi Iraj,

Count me in also, my my nic is chris_ri. I'm presuming there will be no password and we will be accepted on the nic only.


Is this seminar going to be recorded by one or two people and then distributed to anyone who wants to hear it?
Unfortunately for me, something has cropped up which means I'm unable to attend today's big event. So, if some kind and generous hearted person is able to record the webinar and is willing to make it available to other forum members - please will you put my name at the top of the list!
The recording of this is probably not the issue but the size of the file will be huge because it is going to be 2 hours long. Also it may make sense for any questions that are "typed" be read out so that when Iraj gives an answer it all fits together.
