Thanks for making the transcript and recording available Paul. Very kind of you.

Of course the biggest thanks should go to Iraj and then to Frank for taking their time out to help the rest of us. I and I am sure most people do appreciate their gesture of good will.
I would ask Frank and Iraj to kindly post more of their trades regularly with entry AND exit time so that most of us beginner TT people can gain a better understanding of the MACCI and seeing what the optimal entries and exits should be. I know that entry and exit is only part of the trade and preparation is also important, but the entries and exits would definitely be very useful to me.
hi Glenn,

i've just downloaded a plugin from hyperserver, which takes data from yahoo finance into globalserver, looks ok, early doors tho..

Steve (Evo) put me on to it


Hi Glen
Thanks yes, I know about that method from Steve too.

Do you reckon someone could let me know some basic macci rules that i can use and follow for these strategies?

like for example do we wait for the line on the macci to close first or do we trade it as soon as it turns?

I know we now use 5,6 setting but some things have may have changed now from previous threads on tt that were some time ago.


Do you reckon someone could let me know some basic macci rules that i can use and follow for these strategies?

like for example do we wait for the line on the macci to close first or do we trade it as soon as it turns?

I know we now use 5,6 setting but some things have may have changed now from previous threads on tt that were some time ago.


Hi jason

I may not be the person to reply but from reading the forum and taking on board the seminar there are no set rules or perameters. Eg +- 100 is over bought or oversold but the turn may happen at 80 90 100 110 120 and so on discretion and market reading is required...where did it turn earlier in the day. Does lower time frame support higher and price reading of lower suggest a stalling of price. No two days are the same. Although this is more difficult and time consuming to comprehend than a black box sytem it will be much more beneficial in the long run imho.


Thank you paul for making the audio file, but I'd wanted to report that the link provided seems not to work. Could you please check the link again, or upload it somewhere else too(as a mirror). Thank you in advance, paul.

Unfortunately I didn't manage to get into the paltalk for some technical reason. It was a great opportunity and I lost it. I was ready, had my questions and everything but Paltalk seems to recognize and put on a special policy for IPs from my area, as I got a message that only payed plans of paltalk are able to join public chat rooms. I know no one else had this problem and I was able to see around 30 people in the room, but wasn't able to enter it or any other room. it was really frustrating. 🙁

I hope there was a way other than paltalk for this public sessions(skype maybe?), but I'm only 1 person and couldn't expect all you to change what already works for you. I'll try to come to speed with transcripts and audio files anyway.


OK everyone here is the link where you can download the webinar session from Thursday 24th Jan 2008. I have set it up as a webpage because it will take a while to download and consists of 3 separate files.

I will not be leaving this page up forever and will probably remove it in around 4 weeks time.




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I have checked the link and it does work so I don't know why you cannot get the files but you do need a broadband connection. I also don't have anywhere else that I can upload the files to so I am not sure what else to do 🙁



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OK everyone here is the link where you can download the webinar session from Thursday 24th Jan 2008. I have set it up as a webpage because it will take a while to download and consists of 3 separate files.

I will not be leaving this page up forever and will probably remove it in around 4 weeks time.



Thanks Paul.


Thank you paul for making the audio file, but I'd wanted to report that the link provided seems not to work. Could you please check the link again, or upload it somewhere else too(as a mirror). Thank you in advance, paul.

As a last resort I could put the files on to a CD or DVD and post it to you if you wish.

But I think Paul is about to tell me that he's already made that offer - lol

Hi jason

I may not be the person to reply but from reading the forum and taking on board the seminar there are no set rules or perameters. Eg +- 100 is over bought or oversold but the turn may happen at 80 90 100 110 120 and so on discretion and market reading is required...where did it turn earlier in the day. Does lower time frame support higher and price reading of lower suggest a stalling of price. No two days are the same. Although this is more difficult and time consuming to comprehend than a black box sytem it will be much more beneficial in the long run imho.


Hi Bd,

Very well said.

What would be the best day for the members to attend a LIVE DAY TRADING SEMINAR ?..

IS FRIDAY SUITABLE TO EVERY ONE or MID WEEK ? The WEBMINAR will be during FEB but I really want to make sure all members can attend as I wont be able to allocate another day to INTRA DAY /

During the trading day I am also going to ask couple of guys to apply my technique to give a few LIVE CALLS and if the calls are technically in accurate then we can discuss it .

for me Friday is great - probably the best day! However to make it suitable fo everyone, why not do a poll thread? I have no idea how to create one tho!

Thank you both paul and glen. I really appreciate your help and concern. With help of a friend I managed to get the files, God bless you paul for the great work. As I am currently unable to use paltalk I'll appreciate if you could do the same thing with coming sessions and of course I am willing to pay, though the material is priceless.
Currently working out a way to resemble my IP address as a fake to Paltalk so it will let me use the service as all you do. If succeeded I'll be able to attend next sessions but all the same it'll be really helpful to have it as audio to go over it again, in case.

What would be the best day for the members to attend a LIVE DAY TRADING SEMINAR ?..

IS FRIDAY SUITABLE TO EVERY ONE or MID WEEK ? The WEBMINAR will be during FEB but I really want to make sure all members can attend as I wont be able to allocate another day to INTRA DAY /

During the trading day I am also going to ask couple of guys to apply my technique to give a few LIVE CALLS and if the calls are technically in accurate then we can discuss it .


Hi Iraj,

If the date can be decided a bit in advance then I'll take a leave from office for the date (so any day is fine with me).


Tuesday and Wednesday are not good for me and Monday, Thursday and Friday are probably best. What I would like to do is to make the recording in sections. So I would start a new one each hour as this will help when processing the files as they are smaller and the end result would be a dvd with around 6 files.
