Grey1 said:
I just asked one of the admins to take Technical Trader to private . I will be sharing my views in private from now on . I have been away from the site for a day and i come back instead of seeing some technical and constructive posts I am seeing 10 useless post .

Dont you guys have any thing better to do like helping others ?

I only be accepting 20 people in my new forum ( if agreed by the boss ) . Mostly those whom i have known and are serious traders and not chatters

The MAJORITY of people who read your posts are greatful for your input and views on the VWAP trading system, your style is very informative,
your time and effort in compiling this info is very much appreciated by the MAJORITY,
keep up the good work
I agree with leovirgo. It will be a great pity if this thread is made private. Grey1 has been exceptional in his willingness to provide details of his strategies.

The best way of dealing with disruptive posters is to ignore them completely.
I am really amazed at how people are in this world. Jesus died so that people can freely receive life and people think that he was some kind of crackpot.

A few people on these boards may find a winning strategy and willing to share it with others for free and maybe for a small fee and people think that there is some hidden agenda.

Let us not become too cynical just because there is so much evil and deception in the world. Just remember there are some good people around and I believe Grey1 is one of them.
Take the thread Private Grey1 and leave the doubting Thomas's and chaff to their fate. Good luck and what a pity your generosity was abused by the few numpties that haunt every forum.
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Great Thread

As a fairly new member of this website, I have greatly enjoyed the thread and other posts by Grey1.
I first came across his great posts on MACCI and MAOS back on IRD, TT and have used them to some extent ever since.
I hope that this great thread does not go private, but understand why if it does.
Thanks for the help and great ideas and all the other great posters on this thread.

I can't believe this....

All I said was posting P+L seemed egotistical and argued the fact that GREY1 slated every one else on the board for never posting their losses....

Grey1 said:
have you ever seen any body on this BB posting his losing trades ? Some posters only post their wining trades as if they only Traded once that day lol ( woho i made 5$ run in 3 min , are not I clever )

Grey1, if you cannot take a bit of critism but can justify giving it out without crying off and taking your board private then maybe private it should be.

I was never critising what you do, how you do it or how beneficial your teachings are, I commend it to a point but, if you only want praise then don't post on a public BB.
In my experience any thread that develops a following and a degree of popularity degenerates into a bun fight at some point or other, it usually lasts a week or so and then passes, until the next time. The Dow 2005 was a classic example, every couple of months it was handbags at 10 paces between a couple of posters, then it would pass. It's sadly just the nature of people.

Please lets take it easy, this thread is so informative and easy to understand and learn from, and all this information coming from a trader who is making money! Grey 1 is like Mother Teresa in the trading world. Lets apprecaite what we have and gettting. The more we apprecaite the more we get!

We all have one mission and this is to make money, so lets help each other to acheive this and cut all the BS out. No one has time for this........

Grey1, once again keep up the good work.
grey1 - take it private, it will inevitably stop all the "handbags" both now and in the future

- however i hope you can see it in yourself to continue providing the basis of your trading strategy to the majority of giving us. Giving us much food for thought about how to progress and achieve positive trading results.
- leovirgo (post 205) has provided a simple reference to your posts to date in a word document, having it updated with the future strategy's will offer many traders a starting point and many traders a step up into the next level of trading, maybe once people have shown their worth on this forum using your techniques should they be invited into the main thread to continue in the presence of people that are already benefitting from your assistance

it will be a major disappointment not to get access to your future STRATEGY POST'S

good luck with your thread Grey1.
If Grey1 does decide to take this thread private then people can still ask to be included. I would think that it will only be those who are disruptive who would then lose their inclusion.

mr.marcus said:
..i know this is a technical thread...but as there's been a few posts mentioning religion i thought id post this ...people talk about being in the "ZONE" alot......this does not come from knowing technical indicators or knowing your brain waves etc...but thru knowing yourself and your purpose in achieve this you have to be able to be self critical..take criticism ,be flexible but secure in who you are....not allow ego or greed to own you etc......and to give freely...this is not just freely as in terms of money..which most people perceive as the only form of payment in life...but also no payment of ego.....what are we saying here?....the art of humility will keep the mind and spirit growing....the world is based around look at me culture....look what i have...look what you dont have....a world of will see even when people give to charity these days...they proclaim it for all to see(pop stars etc)....the left hand should not know what the right hand is doin...goes back to Hindu scriptures even.

anyways everyone needs to practice this'll get you further in trading than anything else on any forum.

this is taken from a passage from a book....take and leave it as you choose...just like anything else on a forum.

Twelve Ways To Humble Yourself

1. Routinely confess your sin to God. (Luke 18:9-14) All of us sin and fall short of the glory of God. However, too few of us have a routine practice of rigorous self-honesty examination. Weekly, even daily, review of our heart and behavior, coupled with confession to God, is an essential practice of humility.

2. Acknowledge your sin to others. (James 3:2, James 5:16) Humility before God is not complete unless there is also humility before man. A true test of our willingness to humble ourselves is being willing to share with others the weaknesses we confess to God. Wisdom, however, dictates that we do so with others that we trust.

3. Take wrong patiently. (1 Peter 3:8-17) This has been a difficult one for me. When something is unjust I want to react and rectify it. However, patiently responding to the unjust accusations and actions of others demonstrates our strength of godly character and provides an opportunity to put on humility.

4. Actively submit to authority…the good and the bad! (1 Peter 2:18) Our culture does not value submission; rather it promotes individualism. How purposely and actively do you work on submission to those whom God has placed as authorities in your life? Doing so is a good way to humble yourself.

5. Receive correction and feedback from others graciously. (Proverbs 10:17, 12:1) In the Phoenix area, a local East valley pastor was noted for graciously receiving any negative feedback or correction offered. He would simply say "thank you for caring enough to share that with me, I will pray about it and get back to you." Look for the kernel of truth in what people offer you, even if it comes from a dubious source. Always pray, "Lord, what are you trying to show me through this?"

6. Accept a lowly place. (Proverbs 25:6,7) If you find yourself wanting to sit at the head table, wanting others to recognize your contribution or become offended when others are honored or chosen, then pride is present. Purpose to support others being recognized, rather than you. Accept and look for the lowly place; it is the place of humility.

7. Purposely associate with people of lower state than you. (Luke 7:36-39) Jesus was derided by the Pharisees for socializing with the poor and those of lowly state. Our culture is very status conscious and people naturally want to socialize upward. Resist the temptation of being partial to those with status or wealth.

8. Choose to serve others. (Philippians 1:1, 2 Corinthians 4:5, Matthew 23:11) When we serve others, we are serving God’s purposes in their lives. Doing so reduces our focus on ourselves and builds the Kingdom of God instead of the Kingdom of self. When serving another costs us nothing, we should question whether or not it is really servanthood.

9. Be quick to forgive. (Matthew 18: 21-35) Forgiveness is possibly one of the greatest acts of humility we can do. To forgive is to acknowledge a wrong that has been done us and also to further release our right of repayment for the wrong. Forgiveness is denial of self. Forgiveness is not insisting on our way and our justice.

10. Cultivate a grateful heart. (1 Thessalonians 5:18) The more we develop an attitude of gratitude for the gift of salvation and life He has given us, the more true our perspective of self. A grateful heart is a humble heart.

11. Purpose to speak well of others. (Ephesians 4:31-32) Saying negative things about others puts them "one down" and us "one up"…a form of pride. Speaking well of others edifies them and builds them up instead of us. Make sure, however, that what you say is not intended as flattery.

12. Treat pride as a condition that always necessitates embracing the cross. (Luke 9:23) It is our nature to be proud and it is God’s nature in us that brings humility. Committing to a lifestyle of daily dying to self and living through Him is the foundation for true humility. can be a beliver or not.....your choice of course....but the above i find great sure grey1 wont mind the post as i believe him to be christian?.....i shall now revert from father marcus back to plain ole and peace to money and numpties alike......and continued success to grey 1.

HYB mark j 🙂

Nice one , What if the whole world thought like this? hmmm..


It would be a real shame Grey if you took this thread private to 20 people. The people who need it most would be missing out. (like me) Be brave dude i'm sure you can take it.
Hopefully one day i will be lucky enough to give quality advice!

One of the traders just sent me this link

So those of you who are into Volume analysis start thinking about how MMS play the market and just play along them . If you read my posts which i posted 3 years ago i have been trying to stress the importance of the VWAP trading and hence the development of the VWAP engine .

Grey1 is still waiting to hear about the opening of his private forum from Sharky .

Sharky my man where are you help me out buddy lol

grey1 good luck there is a site CQG that tracks volume and shows you live bids and offers with the size behind it . it also forms a markrt profile . my big picture is the amount in my acct at the beginning and end of each day. the volume,price range.chart channels,opinions on this site are just the hammer and nails i need to build my house. dont lose sight of the house when concentrating on the tools you need to build it.
rogue thanks for the reply. spus is the pit slang definition for s&ps . it is derived from the september s&ps which we are trading right now SPU06
In response to my earlier post I have spoken to Grey1 and we have settled our differences. I know many on this thread appreciate Grey1's work, his contribution and sharing so I hope that the mods can clean up this thread and continue. Whilst I may not fully agree with all and how I see plenty learn from this thread so I shall stay out from here on in.
Waspppppp what is up my mannnnnnnn

Thanks for the PM , As i said In the PM I donot mind someone to open a NEW THREAD and call it GREY'S ATTITUDE and all the 50 000 traders can call me all kinda name including arrogant , ass***, Idiot , what ever . In fact i might add few names myself to the thread that my students in university used to call me . LOL How ever This thread is about Kicking ass in the market and I like to GIVE SO I CAN RECEIVE FROM ALL MIGHTY GOD. SO please keep this threadf as technical as possible .. Can we do this pleaseeeeeeeee.Lets move on

Lets go back to Strategy 3

Have you checked it out guys? Did it work consistently ?
If not perhaps your coding is wrong and those f you with TS2000i Pro can PM me and I will send them the complete EXHAUSTION ENGINE CODE . Please leave your Email in your PM .

I traded the market today with tiny position size as I am experimenting on a NEW ASS KICKING early trend detection strategy to capture longer movement out of the trade and the result has been Awesome. It really is fantastic with only 1 loss. The reason I am doing this new strategy is simply the execution of higher blocks to catch smaller move needs another skill which I like to eliminate from the equation .

The Trade size to day was 500 - 1000 and all trades when through fast. No hassle no tricks no nothing

I am up $866 which put smile on my face but i am more pleased that the way I traded.. Headache free and got filled all the time . Muchas Gracis

I like to see you all to run the EXHAUSTION ENGINE as this will keep you out of trouble.

Grey1 ( with still the same attitude lol )


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Ok I am now done and dusted

I am up $1239.35 all using the EDS ( Early detection system ) I designed. 9 wins 2 losses .

I am very pleased from the result due to accuracy of catching the trend in early phases . You remember the BIRTH OF THE TREND thread ?

Sharky the boss , just Pmed me and we have made Technical Traders forum private again which means the forum will be invitation only. This means we can get on with the serious task of trading . Away from chats /.

grey1 is looking for ward to discuss his NEW EDS system and its performance on Wednesday with three top traders from this BB in my house on WEDNESDAY .

See ya


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Just curious if there was some documents to support this. A link to the url of the pasts posts will suffice.

That would require someone to put in the effort on your behalf (because you cannot be bothered) just to satisfy your doubt. If you cant be bothered to check through the posts which would take no time at all then why on earth should someone take a lot longer to copy and paste numerous urls ?

You must be joking

Grey1 said:
Waspppppp what is up my mannnnnnnn

Thanks for the PM , As i said In the PM I donot mind someone to open a NEW THREAD and call it GREY'S ATTITUDE and all the 50 000 traders can call me all kinda name including arrogant , ass***, Idiot , what ever . In fact i might add few names myself to the thread that my students in university used to call me . LOL How ever This thread is about Kicking ass in the market and I like to GIVE SO I CAN RECEIVE FROM ALL MIGHTY GOD. SO please keep this threadf as technical as possible .. Can we do this pleaseeeeeeeee.Lets move on

Lets go back to Strategy 3

Have you checked it out guys? Did it work consistently ?
If not perhaps your coding is wrong and those f you with TS2000i Pro can PM me and I will send them the complete EXHAUSTION ENGINE CODE . Please leave your Email in your PM .

I traded the market today with tiny position size as I am experimenting on a NEW ASS KICKING early trend detection strategy to capture longer movement out of the trade and the result has been Awesome. It really is fantastic with only 1 loss. The reason I am doing this new strategy is simply the execution of higher blocks to catch smaller move needs another skill which I like to eliminate from the equation .

The Trade size to day was 500 - 1000 and all trades when through fast. No hassle no tricks no nothing

I am up $866 which put smile on my face but i am more pleased that the way I traded.. Headache free and got filled all the time . Muchas Gracis

I like to see you all to run the EXHAUSTION ENGINE as this will keep you out of trouble.

Grey1 ( with still the same attitude lol )

As it happens I knocked up a very simple test of strategy 3 this morning and ran it on SLB and NUE for longs and VLO and EOG for shorts just posting orders in Tradestation Trade Manager but not executing them.

It did not trigger any long positions.

It put me short EOG at 9:36 ET at $68.30 and my simple strategy stopped out at $68.45
It went short EOG again at 9:42 at $68.78 and stopped out at $69.02

VLO went short at 9:36 at $64.77 - stopped $65.05
VLO short again 9:42 at $64.94 and hit a trailing stop at $65.19

My initial reaction is it probably needs an overide to avoid entering trades too early in the day but I will run it for a few more days to see how it behaves.


Correction - I had overbought/oversold set at +/- 100 not +/- 120 so probably whould not have triggered at all today with the specified parameters. I'll keep you posted.