Hi Dan,
I think the best person to ask about this is Trader333 (Content Editor & Business Development) - it might be worth your while sending him a PM if he doesn't reply to this thread. He was involved with some of those webinars and running Grey1's private forum.

Most grateful for your suggestion Tim. I will give it a try. Cheers
I've just finished reading this thread from he start on the recommendation of gulam.

What a great read, Grey1 is certainly someone I wish I had come across much sooner.

I noticed a link a couple of times to the private Technical Trader forum but it no longer seems to work so I'm guessing it has been taken down.

Does anyone know of a way to get in touch with Grey1 as I haven't seen any recent posts from him on this forum.
I've just finished reading this thread from he start on the recommendation of gulam.

What a great read, Grey1 is certainly someone I wish I had come across much sooner.

I noticed a link a couple of times to the private Technical Trader forum but it no longer seems to work so I'm guessing it has been taken down.

Does anyone know of a way to get in touch with Grey1 as I haven't seen any recent posts from him on this forum.

Thank you for posting your comment - unfortunately I cannot help you with regards to way of getting in touch with Grey1 - but I am thanking you for making me aware of this old thread

I had heard about this guy ( Grey1) during the last 2 years I have been a member - but had not spent the time to read through all his postings. I have also found it a great read - even though I am not remotely interested in trading Stocks etc.

Some of the comments from other members were highly interesting - especially the ones questioning him and of course not believing his capability and consistency etc.

Even all his statements he posted etc did not satisfy some members - with one other member providing an example photo shopped one !!!

And of course every member who had seen him trade live in his own house - still not good enough

You get the feeling - negative people should never ever think of trying to be a "trader" - they will try and spend all their time not believing anything they are told lol


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ive never read Greys work .............will give this thread a look

There is a MASSIVE amount of useful and unique material in Grey1's threads, as well as interesting insights into early postings of others such as The Bramble (Rest In Person).

A lot of my work towards automated trading is based upon what he taught me.
There is a MASSIVE amount of useful and unique material in Grey1's threads, as well as interesting insights into early postings of others such as The Bramble (Rest In Person).

A lot of my work towards automated trading is based upon what he taught me.

Hi, could you give a simple example of your automated trading with a recent trade?

An explanation will suffice if you do not want to show how the automation is executed.

after reading up on a lot of past posts by Grey1, i can't help but to think that he's one of the most genuine contributors on this site that i've had the pleasure to come across.

is it still possible to join the private technical trader group?

That's exactly what I think too. Such a shame I came across Grey1 too late.

Charlton, it appears you don't accept private messages but I would like to talk with you.
read this thread cover to cover, wonder what happened to Grey1. Very thankful for the info even if they may/may not work anymore (havent backtested yet) but i have already programmed the strats lets see