GREY1 P/L daily

Grey1 said:
Quote "

The fact is you donot .. Analysing the T&$ trades is not going to lead you to an objective apprach to trading . Sell /Buy program have a delay mechanism that they data mine a LMT order and send the trade few seconds late to the exchange . As a result a perfect 5000K might not go through when it you need this info for your analysis

Been there done that seen that .
I have data mined myself



Does this mean that the trade recorded here at 14:34:57 at 40.48 between bid and ask may actually have taken place earlier, perhaps 14:34:56 when the inside ask was 40.48?



hello Grey1 and others i would like some constructive criticism on my trade i made today.

i bot Ebay going long and my avg. price was 23.97 i really could not get a good idea on level 2 but i hit mpd level and macci on all three TF where all over sold.

I really dont understand its seemed as though the market makers were not letting it go up 😕

anything i did wrong the 5min macci was OS since 24.13 around 6pm UK time as well as 3 and 1 min.

i think i have a problem doubling down even when everything is pointing to over sold :|

i guess i should have the sector chart up as if i do which indications should i use the same macci multi time frame indications? i normally have only the S&P index up along with the dow

where would one enter if you looked at this and where would you have enter a stop loss? perhaps with a ATR reading?

any helpful advise is much appreciated
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Grey1 said:

My man

you got ur date wrong . The day where AKAM was strong was 25th a not 26th and I did mention that . We donot measure the relative strength of any stock to index @ open any way .


Hi Grey1,

Sorry for that. I checked the wrong date. By the way, you haven't answered my question about VWAP engine. Is it just Price vs VWAP or any TA filters..etc. I am using multi TF CCI -MACCI divergence convergence ( not MACD) in $DJI - 5minute TF vs 30min - and working fine.

But it does not do the trick in Nasdaq Stocks. For me stocks seem to be tricky !! Hope you can enlighten me.. :cheesy: regards,..
I have just got "Exhaustion Engine" up and running this afternoon and would like to thank Grey1 very much for providing me with the code, as there is no way I would have been able to write this on my own. I thought I would post a couple of the signals I followed. The first was on WYNN and was signaled almost immediately on getting the engine running. The first image shows the OS signal and the second as price started to approach vwap. At this point the exhaustion engine was showing readings of -98.00 on 5 min, -107.16 on 3 min & -29.77 on 1 min, this was at 16:30 BST. Putting a MACCI indicator on the charts at this time however gave readings of -22.23 on 5 min, -25.05 on 3 min & 113.34 on 1 min. These are big differences and I noticed similar discrepancies throughout the afternoon. I wondered if the engine was lagging as my cpu was pegged at 100% the whole time so ran just 1 symbol on its own; this made no difference to the readings.

The second signal I followed and tried a small trade on was EBAY at around the same time as moreagr by the look of it, the first image shows it OS at the time of entry. The second image was taken very soon after and I had added $INDU to the list. You can see this alerted to oversold at the top of the list. For this reason I anticipated that EBAY would be a good candidate to hold but it never made it any higher and stopped me out, closing the day at its lows. The other signals shown turned out to be a mixed bunch.

It has been an interesting afternoon and I am looking forward to following this more closely.
If anyone has any coments or suggestions I would be pleased to hear them. (As long as they're clean 😉 )
Does anybody else find Radar screen extremely cpu intensive by the way?

Regards MarkB


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MarkB said:
I have just got "Exhaustion Engine" up and running this afternoon and would like to thank Grey1 very much for providing me with the code, as there is no way I would have been able to write this on my own. I thought I would post a couple of the signals I followed. The first was on WYNN and was signaled almost immediately on getting the engine running. The first image shows the OS signal and the second as price started to approach vwap. At this point the exhaustion engine was showing readings of -98.00 on 5 min, -107.16 on 3 min & -29.77 on 1 min, this was at 16:30 BST. Putting a MACCI indicator on the charts at this time however gave readings of -22.23 on 5 min, -25.05 on 3 min & 113.34 on 1 min. These are big differences and I noticed similar discrepancies throughout the afternoon. I wondered if the engine was lagging as my cpu was pegged at 100% the whole time so ran just 1 symbol on its own; this made no difference to the readings.

The second signal I followed and tried a small trade on was EBAY at around the same time as moreagr by the look of it, the first image shows it OS at the time of entry. The second image was taken very soon after and I had added $INDU to the list. You can see this alerted to oversold at the top of the list. For this reason I anticipated that EBAY would be a good candidate to hold but it never made it any higher and stopped me out, closing the day at its lows. The other signals shown turned out to be a mixed bunch.

It has been an interesting afternoon and I am looking forward to following this more closely.
If anyone has any coments or suggestions I would be pleased to hear them. (As long as they're clean 😉 )
Does anybody else find Radar screen extremely cpu intensive by the way?

Regards MarkB

if the reading on MACCI on chart is different to the engine then your hard ware is not up to it . increase RAM . Donot trade using the engine until the hard ware is sortted


leovirgo said:
Hi Grey1,

Sorry for that. I checked the wrong date. By the way, you haven't answered my question about VWAP engine. Is it just Price vs VWAP or any TA filters..etc. I am using multi TF CCI -MACCI divergence convergence ( not MACD) in $DJI - 5minute TF vs 30min - and working fine.

But it does not do the trick in Nasdaq Stocks. For me stocks seem to be tricky !! Hope you can enlighten me.. :cheesy: regards,..

You must also use MACCI other wise your entry will be wrong . Also you have to understand VWAP signals are not trading bands unless it is used as a pair trade. ( hedging )

MarkB said:
I have just got "Exhaustion Engine" up and running this afternoon and would like to thank Grey1 very much for providing me with the code, as there is no way I would have been able to write this on my own. I thought I would post a couple of the signals I followed. The first was on WYNN and was signaled almost immediately on getting the engine running. The first image shows the OS signal and the second as price started to approach vwap. At this point the exhaustion engine was showing readings of -98.00 on 5 min, -107.16 on 3 min & -29.77 on 1 min, this was at 16:30 BST. Putting a MACCI indicator on the charts at this time however gave readings of -22.23 on 5 min, -25.05 on 3 min & 113.34 on 1 min. These are big differences and I noticed similar discrepancies throughout the afternoon. I wondered if the engine was lagging as my cpu was pegged at 100% the whole time so ran just 1 symbol on its own; this made no difference to the readings.

The second signal I followed and tried a small trade on was EBAY at around the same time as moreagr by the look of it, the first image shows it OS at the time of entry. The second image was taken very soon after and I had added $INDU to the list. You can see this alerted to oversold at the top of the list. For this reason I anticipated that EBAY would be a good candidate to hold but it never made it any higher and stopped me out, closing the day at its lows. The other signals shown turned out to be a mixed bunch.

It has been an interesting afternoon and I am looking forward to following this more closely.
If anyone has any coments or suggestions I would be pleased to hear them. (As long as they're clean 😉 )
Does anybody else find Radar screen extremely cpu intensive by the way?

Regards MarkB

yes EBAY was a killer yesterday everything was pointing to a buy... VWAP MPD and all MACCI were all in line even the dow and the S&P were moving up 😢 I kept buying more and it never popped. now looking back i realized the sector had no reversal $GIN and the LEVEL II was not giving me a clear signals for buying the market makers were really confusing me. they disappeared off the ask and flashed a few times on the bid was which were bluffs 🙁
hope tommorrow brings better fortune
Good morning , is there anyone out there who is a self professed expert on Tradestation ,
as I want to buy a copy and would appreciate some help as I have a number of questions I need to ask, Much appreciated...................
There are plenty here who know quite a bit but most would not claim to be experts. Best just to ask the question and somebody will be able to answer. Or try the tradestation forum in the seftware section

Hi Grey1

thank you for youre reply.

Grey1 said:

You must also use MACCI other wise your entry will be wrong .

Is this multi TF MACCI or just one MACCI in the TF you are trading? You've mentioned that you also use modified Darvas boxes for entry. How?

Also you have to understand VWAP signals are not trading bands unless it is used as a pair trade. ( hedging )

Yes, you've mentioned that many times in previous posts. MPD are risk bands, right? If price is near upper MPD and there is a Long signal, then there is a risk that price may not go beyond upper MPD and may fall back to VWAP. IT means High risk entry. That's my limited understanding. Is it correct and complete? thanks,..
Dear Leo;

yes, having Multi TF OB/OS is MUCH more stronger than only M1 being OB/OS. it's upto u and ur way of trading/risk tolerance if u take the trade or not.

ur explanation abt the MPDs are ok, that's what i gathered abt them being Risk band not trading band. the reason Grey is insisting on this is: Technical gurus say: when price hits the upper bollinger band, it's a good sell opportunity. this not true abt MPDs except ur hedging the posi and neutralising ur exposure toward the mkt direction. in directional trades, it's better to use it as a RISK ASSESSMENT tool, rather than a trading tool.

and a note: i believe being here, in Tech. Trader forum, is not abt to MIMIC what grey does. it's abt learning the techniques/adjusting it to our trading style. i mean it's never possible to find out what other ppl do, especially if it's too complex(like grey's case, doh); this is what i concluded till now. it's better to get the excerpt and customize it to our style/personality/risk tolerance.
what i mean is no disrespect to u or any other 1, but i believe it's never possible to trade exactly as grey(or any other1) trades. we can only get tips(like importance of entry)/ techniques(like Multi TF analysis)/ methods(like VWAP and risk assessment upon it), and use it in our way.
i still believe it's not the tool u use(as there's no holy grail indicator), it's the way u use the tool, which is of most importance. first when i saw grey's approach(&Results!), i thought of it as crystal ball trading(it still looks so 🙂 ) but now i believe it's the WAY that matters, not the tool itself.

I'm still looking forward to learn bunches from all of seasoned traders here, grey, trader333 and levII, others.

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kako said:
Dear Leo;

yes, having Multi TF OB/OS is MUCH more stronger than only M1 being OB/OS. it's upto u and ur way of trading/risk tolerance if u take the trade or not.

ur explanation abt the MPDs are ok, that's what i gathered abt them being Risk band not trading band. the reason Grey is insisting on this is: Technical gurus say: when price hits the upper bollinger band, it's a good sell opportunity. this not true abt MPDs except ur hedging the posi and neutralising ur exposure toward the mkt direction. in directional trades, it's better to use it as a RISK ASSESSMENT tool, rather than a trading tool.

and a note: i believe being here, in Tech. Trader forum, is not abt to MIMIC what grey does. it's abt learning the techniques/adjusting it to our trading style. i mean it's never possible to find out what other ppl do, especially if it's too complex(like grey's case, doh); this is what i concluded till now. it's better to get the excerpt and customize it to our style/personality/risk tolerance.
what i mean is no disrespect to u or any other 1, but i believe it's never possible to trade exactly as grey(or any other1) trades. we can only get tips(like importance of entry)/ techniques(like Multi TF analysis)/ methods(like VWAP and risk assessment upon it), and use it in our way.
i still believe it's not the tool u use(as there's no holy grail indicator), it's the way u use the tool, which is of most importance. first when i saw grey's approach(&Results!), i thought of it as crystal ball trading(it still looks so 🙂 ) but now i believe it's the WAY that matters, not the tool itself.

I'm still looking forward to learn bunches from all of seasoned traders here, grey, trader333 and levII, others.


Hi Kako

You are right. We are not here to mimic what Grey1 does. However, a trading strategy should be understood as a whole i.e both entry and exit need to be understood. In Grey1's approach, I am still not very clear about entry criteria, that's why I am asking for it. And I am sure Greay1 is willing to share his methods, thats why this thread is here imho. And, I honestly think there's no harm in asking. Seek and you shall find it, right?? 😀

As a note, I have my own method and strat.. if you go check Dow2006 thread, you'll see me posting my own strat almost everyday. cheers,...
I have my own method and strat
yep, i check ur weblog too 😉
i meant no harm to any1 though(i'm a harmless beast 😀 ), just was thinking loudly. hope u don't take it personal.

kako said:
yep, i check ur weblog too 😉
i meant no harm to any1 though(i'm a harmless beast 😀 ), just was thinking loudly. hope u don't take it personal.


Hi Kako

No prob. Helping each other is good. Must learn from the wiser ones.. 😀
leovirgo said:
Hi Kako

You are right. We are not here to mimic what Grey1 does. However, a trading strategy should be understood as a whole i.e both entry and exit need to be understood. In Grey1's approach, I am still not very clear about entry criteria, that's why I am asking for it. And I am sure Greay1 is willing to share his methods, thats why this thread is here imho. And, I honestly think there's no harm in asking. Seek and you shall find it, right?? 😀

As a note, I have my own method and strat.. if you go check Dow2006 thread, you'll see me posting my own strat almost everyday. cheers,...

You will find Grey1 unstintingly keen to help but you are probably getting close to the limit of what he is willing, or indeed able, to reveal.

Study G1's posts, learn from them and the discussion that follows and contribute your own thoughts. Just respect there are limits to the questioning you can reasonably expect to be answered.


LevII said:

You will find Grey1 unstintingly keen to help but you are probably getting close to the limit of what he is willing, or indeed able, to reveal.

Study G1's posts, learn from them and the discussion that follows and contribute your own thoughts. Just respect there are limits to the questioning you can reasonably expect to be answered.


Well I must look rather silly to have asked those questions. My apologies to Greay1 if I am asking too much. 😕 regards,..
leovirgo said:
Well I must look rather silly to have asked those questions. My apologies to Greay1 if I am asking too much. 😕 regards,..

You don't look silly at all just, perhaps, expecting a bit too much.

If you take the time carefully to read and digest the material posted in this forum you will have most of if not all the answers.

When you have a moment have a look at Van Tharp's book. There is a small section where he discusses how, with correct position sizing and risk control, regular profits can be made from random entries. Appreciate that then forget the search for the perfect entry - it does not exist. Forget the search for the perfect exit - it does not exist. Concentrate instead on developing a strategy with a positive expectancy then make the most of it with tight risk control.
Hi LevII. Out if interest, which of Van Tharp's books are you refering too please. He has published a few.

