GREY1 P/L daily

Grey1 said:
Got spiked on better than avegrage consumer report and lost some of my wins on AKAM . This is trading and spike is spike .

How ever got an awesome short Signal from VWAP engine LX,LX,LX from the AAPL and there was me with full force to take advantage .

Up $ 2434 and no more trading for me till we get over consolidation period. I be back at around 6.30 Uk time to improve on that .

What time did you take the AAPL trade? Have you ever had a loosing day? You seem to be on fire everyday, withstanding anything that comes at you, be it spike or anything else.
gulam said:
What time did you take the AAPL trade? Have you ever had a loosing day? You seem to be on fire everyday, withstanding anything that comes at you, be it spike or anything else.
AAPl trade 14.57. I have not had a losing day since posting my P/l daily . I have how ever had loads of losing trades.

It is all about risk management and the awesome signals from the engine helps a lot .

I have explained time and time and time again that risk management is the key to long term success and without it any body can and wil lose

I have had 18 people from this BB here in my office watching me trade while i was not even concentrating on the market direction and still won $700 + simply but controlling my losses by a volatility based position sizing as well as scaling out and in proportionally .

People who came here to see me were all pro themselves and been trading 5 years plus and i think they realised how important it was to be able to manage risk during trading hours.

Grey1 said:
AAPl trade 14.57. I have not had a losing day since posting my P/l daily . I have how ever had loads of losing trades.

It is all about risk management and the awesome signals from the engine helps a lot .

I have explained time and time and time again that risk management is the key to long term success and without it any body can and wil lose

I have had 18 people from this BB here in my office watching me trade while i was not even concentrating on the market direction and still won $700 + simply but controlling my losses by a volatility based position sizing as well as scaling out and in proportionally .

People who came here to see me were all pro themselves and been trading 5 years plus and i think they realised how important it was to be able to manage risk during trading hours.


Position sizing / risk management are as near as you can get to the holy grail in stock trading.

Provided your reward exceeds your risk you are almost bound to win.
Grey1 said:
AAPl trade 14.57. I have not had a losing day since posting my P/l daily . I have how ever had loads of losing trades.

It is all about risk management and the awesome signals from the engine helps a lot .

I have explained time and time and time again that risk management is the key to long term success and without it any body can and wil lose

I have had 18 people from this BB here in my office watching me trade while i was not even concentrating on the market direction and still won $700 + simply but controlling my losses by a volatility based position sizing as well as scaling out and in proportionally .

People who came here to see me were all pro themselves and been trading 5 years plus and i think they realised how important it was to be able to manage risk during trading hours.


Thx for your input..... I assume you took approx 20c and got out or did you ride it all the way down despite going up a to 61.68 and coming back down to 60.79?

This is my final win $2090. I had decided not to trade OIL stocks as they are jerky due to the war . I traded Short SLB and I paid hefty for it . I also lost to RIMM and SNDK Both after the sudden rally into the open but made some on AMZN .

I had an awesome signal on short AMZN when market was rallying as a result I have decided to let 2000 AMZN for over night on the strengh of VWAP signal .If market rallies and stock falls then there must be some bad news on the agenda . Hence my 2000 short AMZN

HENCE I AM SHORT 2000 AMZN @ 33.959 as shown in the screen shot below. I know exhaustion engine says other wise but I LOVE THE VWAP SIGNALS AND I AM GOING TO GO AHEAD.

AMZN is reporting after the hours WE ALL CAN WATCH THIS TRADE to gether

The time NOW IS 20.48 which means in 15 min AMZN will report


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Grey1 said:
This is my final win $2090. I had decided not to trade OIL stocks as they are jerky due to the war . I traded Short SLB and I paid hefty for it . I also lost to RIMM and SNDK Both after the sudden rally into the open but made some on AMZN .

I had an awesome signal on short AMZN when market was rallying as a result I have decided to let 2000 AMZN for over night on the strengh of VWAP signal .If market rallies and stock falls then there must be some bad news on the agenda . Hence my 2000 short AMZN

HENCE I AM SHORT 2000 AMZN @ 33.959 as shown in the screen shot below. I know exhaustion engine says other wise but I LOVE THE VWAP SIGNALS AND I AM GOING TO GO AHEAD.

AMZN is reporting after the hours WE ALL CAN WATCH THIS TRADE to gether

The time NOW IS 20.48 which means in 15 min AMZN will report

PS:__ I will cover AMZN first thing 2morrow . If i lose the trade then tomorrow i have to get it back . 😢
OK guys while i was typing the first post AMZN crashed and i reduced my postion by 1000 as my profit for the day is now $ 2910

SO i am short ONLY 1000 AMZN @ 33.959




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Grey1 said:
OK guys while i was typing the first post AMZN crashed and i reduced my postion by 1000 as my profit for the day is now $ 2910

SO i am short ONLY 1000 AMZN @ 33.959



OMG AMZN crashed and I am up $6160 asI am writing this > MUCHAS GRACIS VWAP ENGINE
Grey1 said:
This is my final win $2090. I had decided not to trade OIL stocks as they are jerky due to the war . I traded Short SLB and I paid hefty for it . I also lost to RIMM and SNDK Both after the sudden rally into the open but made some on AMZN .

I had an awesome signal on short AMZN when market was rallying as a result I have decided to let 2000 AMZN for over night on the strengh of VWAP signal .If market rallies and stock falls then there must be some bad news on the agenda . Hence my 2000 short AMZN

HENCE I AM SHORT 2000 AMZN @ 33.959 as shown in the screen shot below. I know exhaustion engine says other wise but I LOVE THE VWAP SIGNALS AND I AM GOING TO GO AHEAD.

AMZN is reporting after the hours WE ALL CAN WATCH THIS TRADE to gether

The time NOW IS 20.48 which means in 15 min AMZN will report

Grey1 I have to run too football, but your short on AMZN is awesome, looking how AMZN is tanking I feel the CEO of AMZN is your college buddy. 🙂

gulam said:
Grey1 I have to run too football, but your short on AMZN is awesome, looking how AMZN is tanking I feel the CEO of AMZN is your college buddy. 🙂

MA MA MIA UP $6350 and changing LOL



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I hope you still have amzn its 30.18 now 😱

I scaled into both QLgc and brcm on lower mpd levels. i scaled in to soon but the index turned up and had relative strenght on my side 😎 I little scary but pulled out ahead
I had an awesome signal on short AMZN when market was rallying as a result I have decided to let 2000 AMZN for over night on the strengh of VWAP signal .If market rallies and stock falls then there must be some bad news on the agenda . Hence my 2000 short AMZN

In my view this kind of trade is not one that should be generally considered by most traders. Although the signal was a good one it was still a counter trend trade. I also had this as a signal to trade but decided not to take it. This is not a criticism by me at all but it needs to be recognised that Grey1 is exceptional and is not your average trader and this type of trade can be fraught with danger.

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Trader333 said:
In my view this kind of trade is not one that should be generally considered by most traders. Although the signal was a good one it was still a counter trend trade. I also had this as a signal to trade but decided not to take it. This is not a criticism by me at all but it needs to be recognised that Grey1 is exceptional and is not your average trader and this type of trade can be fraught with danger.


Paul I am sure you are correct , but why do you say it was counter trend, are you referring to the stock/index relationship?, having viewed the chart the stock trend looked neutral to me?

Iraj, we all need a VW 😉
At the time I was getting Long signals on almost every other instrument (that were giving signals) and the market was also rallying in general. It is only my view 🙂

Hi Grey1

What a great day for you with handsome rewards.. for the sake of the newbies in stock trading like me , could you please outline your VWAP entry. I've been compiling your strategies but VWAP strategy is still not as clear cut as exhaustion engine where parameters are well defined. VWAP strategies, as I can recall, are Buy/Sell near MPD bands, check Risk/Reward; go with the market, when Dow is exhausted, Long strong ones and short weak ones etc. Is my understanding complete? Do you add any TA filters in VWAP entries? or is it just Price vs VWAP alone?

Btw, I've got exhaustion engine in place.. fully working. 😀 And I found out Dow MACCI exhaustion in 3 timeframes is more suited for declines than rallies. Yesterday's last hour rally had 3TF exhaustion most of the time and at times outside MPD bands.

leovirgo said:
Hi Grey1

What a great day for you with handsome rewards.. for the sake of the newbies in stock trading like me , could you please outline your VWAP entry. I've been compiling your strategies but VWAP strategy is still not as clear cut as exhaustion engine where parameters are well defined. VWAP strategies, as I can recall, are Buy/Sell near MPD bands, check Risk/Reward; go with the market, when Dow is exhausted, Long strong ones and short weak ones etc. Is my understanding complete? Do you add any TA filters in VWAP entries? or is it just Price vs VWAP alone?

Btw, I've got exhaustion engine in place.. fully working. 😀 And I found out Dow MACCI exhaustion in 3 timeframes is more suited for declines than rallies. Yesterday's last hour rally had 3TF exhaustion most of the time and at times outside MPD bands.


i reply after hours. mean while i be covering my short AMZN from yesterday and be trying to GO LONG AKAM on the LOWER MPD and let it run

I will post the win in 10 min

Grey1 said:

i reply after hours. mean while i be covering my short AMZN from yesterday and be trying to GO LONG AKAM on the LOWER MPD and let it run

I will post the win in 10 min


I closed AMZN with $4807.75 . hedged AKAMI against JOYG and lost few $.

What would i do with out pair trading ? I know market cannot get me if i am hedged even if I am wrong in a stock .

I had a short signal AKAM as soon as it hit lower MPD band and I went long few min before that . My AKAM trade was based on relative strength of the stock to index yesterday . I should have stayed with the VWAP signal which was awesome signal .

All in all I have not made any money yet but guess what I am gonna make $$$ no matter what



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managed to get most my losses back from LONG AKAM by shorting the stock based on VWAP engine short signal . I am up only $350 ish to day . The $4807 win is from yesterday shorting AMZN over night which does not count.



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Grey1 said:
managed to get most my losses back from LONG AKAM by shorting the stock based on VWAP engine short signal . I am up only $350 ish to day . The $4807 win is from yesterday shorting AMZN over night which does not count.



Will you be doing any other earning plays tonight? BIDU is a chinaman company which really moves. SYMC and ZMH reporting right after market close.
gulam said:

Will you be doing any other earning plays tonight? BIDU is a chinaman company which really moves. SYMC and ZMH reporting right after market close.


I donot play earnings at all except if iget a signal just before the close which was yesaterday AMZN . I donot think playing earning is way ahead as it is difficult to control risk .

AKAM is reporting to night as well . If i get a signal from the vwap engine yes i will but no way without the signal i take a trade.

I am up $ 1000 ish up by longing AAPL fro the VWAP engine signal . VWAP ENGINE ROCKS


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