GREY1 P/L daily

vegas said:
Hi Steve,

I'm answering this before reading the posts that follow, so hope I am not repeating anything anyone else has already replied with !!

The 4 timeframes above that I mentioned is in relation to what I believed Grey1 uses for his VWAP Engine, and I think it is indeed the 1, 3, 5 and 10 minute (hope I'm right here !)

Any 3 for confirmation is required.

Hope this helps.
HI vegas,

Just wanted to add that during Grey1's last paltalk session on Oct, 14th (if my memory is correct) he positively stated that you only needed confirmation for Market O/B or O/S conditions in "2 TF's" (he did say in whatever higher TF's you were using - i.e., 3 & 5, or 5 & 10, or 5 & 15, but the 1 min was not included). Hopefully, I'm not out of context, since with Grey1's VWAP engine this may be the case with confirmation of 3 out of 4 - I'm not sure.

In addition, with a question in this post, Grey1 replied that you only need confirmation for Market O/B-S (2 TF's), and not for the stock.

As I started to make this post, I realized that now I'm confused ! LOL

vegas or someone else who is more knowledgeable - can clarify this scenario a bit more?

Nastrader said:
HI vegas,

Just wanted to add that during Grey1's last paltalk session on Oct, 14th (if my memory is correct) he positively stated that you only needed confirmation for Market O/B or O/S conditions in "2 TF's" (he did say in whatever higher TF's you were using - i.e., 3 & 5, or 5 & 10, or 5 & 15, but the 1 min was not included). Hopefully, I'm not out of context, since with Grey1's VWAP engine this may be the case with confirmation of 3 out of 4 - I'm not sure.

In addition, with a question in this post, Grey1 replied that you only need confirmation for Market O/B-S (2 TF's), and not for the stock.

As I started to make this post, I realized that now I'm confused ! LOL

vegas or someone else who is more knowledgeable - can clarify this scenario a bit more?


Hi Nas,

I love your comment above 'vegas or someone else who is more knowledgeable' - Could be anyone then who could clarify this - LOL ........................

Seriously though, the 3 out of 4 timeframes is reference to the VWAP Engine (Darvas method).
Whereas the 2 timeframes that you're referring to relates to the MACCI (Exhaustion Engine), 2 out of the 3 timeframes is required.

Hope this helps.
vegas said:
Hi Nas,

I love your comment above 'vegas or someone else who is more knowledgeable' - Could be anyone then who could clarify this - LOL ........................

Seriously though, the 3 out of 4 timeframes is reference to the VWAP Engine (Darvas method).
Whereas the 2 timeframes that you're referring to relates to the MACCI (Exhaustion Engine), 2 out of the 3 timeframes is required.

Hope this helps.

Hi vegas,

Sorry, I didn't mean the way it sounded, and thanks for not taking it that way.

Thanks for the claification.


Nastrader said:
Hi vegas,

Sorry, I didn't mean the way it sounded, and thanks for not taking it that way.

Thanks for the claification.



No problem Nas.

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I'm not too sure NOW ?????????????
Just checked google and they still appear 5 Hrs behind? so I could be wrong on this one 🙂
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samtron said:
I'm not too sure KNOW ?????????????
Just checked google and they still appear 5 Hrs behind? so I could be wrong on this one 🙂
Hi samtron,

US Stock Market (ET - NY) has changed their clocks back 1 hour, as we say "In Fall change clocks to Fall Back & in 'Spring" - 'Spring forward."

If EU changed their clocks back 1 hour, then EU & US time clocks are the same.

Hi Nas,
Thanks for that.
It was a false alarm 🙂 sorry folks 😉
NewYork start their summer time a week latter but I think they end it at the same time as London.

Ah well I got an hour to kill now 🙂
Relative Strength Indicator - Aid

The approach which I use, is to continue Grey1’s “Top Down Approach” and then by utilizing a “+ / - % Change from Market Open” (from 9:30 [ET-NY] market open) to help ID strongest / weakest stocks as follows:

1) INDU strong or weak (direction), continue to follow the MACCI for O/B or O/S (not part of this example). This situation can be for Trending or Oscillating Markets.

2) SECTOR – Applies only in Trending Markets (Strategy # 1): INDU out performing Sector.

3) STOCK – select strongest or weakest in line with INDU. (When Market trending - select Stocks out performing their Sector).

4) The Strongest / Weakest Stocks can then be picked from a sorted list of most Green or Red greatest + / - Change Open % from your core / watch list. Make sure that you include the INDU in this list, any stock above is stronger and lower is weaker in this list - see Excel attachment.

Also with the Strongest or Weakest stocks increasing volume (or higher vol than on average) adds an edge (which in turn causes the momentum of increasing / decreasing Price), but only after following the sequence listed above using Grey1’s strategy of Top Down Approach.

Note, the STOCK list (Watch List) in the attachment is compiled from:
1) Core Stocks (which meet minimum criteria, guidelines for Volume & ATR(14), etc.).
2) Gap Stocks from last trading session, & this morning’s Gappers.
3) Greatest Range stocks from last trading session, which meet stock’s minimum criteria.

Hope this Helps,



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A 5 Min. Chart Tool to ID a Strong Trending Market or Stock

Well its been pretty quite in this thread & since it’s lunch in NY, thought I’d add this.

Grey1’s definition of a Trending Market (INDU), and is called Strategy # 1:
INDU > + / - 50 from Market Open (9:30 ET-NY). A 5 Min Chart utilizing the following characteristics can provide additional confirmation:

My purpose here is to show another tool by using a 5 Min. Chart to ID a very strong Trending Market or Trending individual Stock.

The 5 Min Chart set up is to utilize a 5, 10 & 20 EMA’s (exponential moving average). The strength can be seen very clearly when the following conditions occur:

Trending 5 Min Chart patterns:

1) A strong trending pattern occurs when the 5, 10 & 20 EMA’s are running almost parallel (Up or Down Trend), and the price (candle or bar) does not close beyond the 20 EMA.
2) As the lower 5 EMA is broken, and then the 10 EMA, etc., the trend may be in question of continuing, but usually is due to a minor pull back. This basic pattern is strong, and will more than likely continue to trend.
3) These chart patterns will ascent at a 45-degree angle, when your chart is square in the “X and Y” axis on your monitor (opposite for a downtrend).
4) There are weak Trends as well, with the price of a stock continuing to pull back through the 10EMA, but only to continue back towards its initial trend. This is still a trend and may continue to have frequent P/B’s. It’s better to find another stock, then to make a risky trade in the opposite direction. The appropriate trade is to follow the trend.

The MACCI oscillators are the only indicator that a change in trend may occur, but caution here is due, since in a strong trend, the market/stock may only pull back slightly and then continue its trend. Therefore, never ever take a Short from an upward Trend in a Market and/or Stock. This will save you from many risky entries, since the odds are against bottom fishing or shorting the top of a trend pattern.

Moving averages are a lagging indicator of the price, and in this example is intended to only confirm a Trend, Up/Down. Also, these EMA’s do not indicate any change in direction of market or stock. If I didn't state this Grey1 would probably shoot me - LOL (just joking, but he has stated this previously - MA's cannot indicate a change in direction).

There are five attached 5 Min charts in MS Word (each chart is annotated):

1) INDU ($DJI) from Oct 23rd, showing a Strong Trend Upwards from open till 14:00-ish. (ET-NY).
2) SNDK from Oct 27th, which shows Strong Downtrend.
3) NVDA from 11/1/06, also showing a Strong Downtrend.
4) AAPL from 11/1/06, also showing a Strong Downtrend.
5) CRDN from 11/1/06, showing a Gap Up trend, but not indicated by the 3 EMA’s.

As Grey1 has stated many times, you always Long a stock strong near it’s high (and Short the weakest stock near it’s daily low). You’ll notice from these charts, that trying to short a “strong trend” in a stock, you’d have to short near the HOD – which is wrong.

Hope this helps,



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Grey1, The 10k QCOM short must have made your whole months profits.

I wanted to ask ifsthere any advantage of looking at the S&P futures then the Dow cash? S&P has 500 stocks where Dow has 30. Futures move first, cash follows (most of the time)? I find sometimes the Dow lags the S&P. Or we could use both?

Also if your long a stock and you see the market falling, do you look to close the position and re-enter or do you hold to the position if its not falling as much as the market?

gulam said:
Grey1, The 10k QCOM short must have made your whole months profits.

I wanted to ask ifsthere any advantage of looking at the S&P futures then the Dow cash? S&P has 500 stocks where Dow has 30. Futures move first, cash follows (most of the time)? I find sometimes the Dow lags the S&P. Or we could use both?

Also if your long a stock and you see the market falling, do you look to close the position and re-enter or do you hold to the position if its not falling as much as the market?

I am up only $2525 as I was extremely worried in case I could not close my position due to my large size. so closed early and only scalped a pea nut.

You can use Any leading inidator .. they all are as good and none gives u much edge over the other.. so DOW or S&P futures all react to news near enough to each other .

when i am long a stock and see the market falling the first thing I do is PANIC ( LOL ) The second thing I do is to see if i am panicking for any technical reason or just being a human .. if there is a technical reason for panicking i often close and get out if not i stay ...I am just as much human as you all are and react just the way you all do when the market moves against me..

Grey1 said:
I am up only $2525 as I was extremely worried in case I could not close my position due to my large size. so closed early and only scalped a pea nut.

You can use Any leading inidator .. they all are as good and none gives u much edge over the other.. so DOW or S&P futures all react to news near enough to each other .

when i am long a stock and see the market falling the first thing I do is PANIC ( LOL ) The second thing I do is to see if i am panicking for any technical reason or just being a human .. if there is a technical reason for panicking i often close and get out if not i stay ...I am just as much human as you all are and react just the way you all do when the market moves against me..

10k QCOM 😱
10k*$36.47 =$364700 😱 😱
margin 4 therefore 364700/4=$91175 😱
10c move against =1000 bucks 😱 :eek

I hope you had your brown trousers on Grey1 :cheesy: