GREY1 P/L daily

Grey1 said:
I had a VWAP engine signal on that trade.


Hi Grey1,

Can you please help with the following questions following your VWAP Engine signal you referred to above :

1. So, am I correct in assuming that you had 3 out of 4 timeframes alerting you to take the trade ?

2. Does the VWAP Engine perform better in a trending or non trending day ?

3. When you get the VWAP Engine alert, do you still take the trade regardless of what your MACCI or Divergence is saying ?

Thanks in advance Grey1
vegas said:
Hi Grey1,

Can you please help with the following questions following your VWAP Engine signal you referred to above :

1. So, am I correct in assuming that you had 3 out of 4 timeframes alerting you to take the trade ?

2. Does the VWAP Engine perform better in a trending or non trending day ?

3. When you get the VWAP Engine alert, do you still take the trade regardless of what your MACCI or Divergence is saying ?

Thanks in advance Grey1

1) yes you are correct.
2) VWAP engine works far far better in Trending hours .. In fact the $$$$$ is only in trends and not in consolidation as I keep stressing .. AVOID CONSOLIDATION .. take a walk .. why do you think traders on NYSE walk away and only trade the morning and the afternoon ?

3) I really have to watch MACCI for exact entry but I am afraid executing 4000 stocks does not allow for best entry .. SO i have no choice except buying / Selling when MACCI is not on my side.. saying that if you were trading the small size then .. MACCI must be observed

Grey1 said:
1) yes you are correct.
2) VWAP engine works far far better in Trending hours .. In fact the $$$$$ is only in trends and not in consolidation as I keep stressing .. AVOID CONSOLIDATION .. take a walk .. why do you think traders on NYSE walk away and only trade the morning and the afternoon ?

3) I really have to watch MACCI for exact entry but I am afraid executing 4000 stocks does not allow for best entry .. SO i have no choice except buying / Selling when MACCI is not on my side.. saying that if you were trading the small size then .. MACCI must be observed

HI Grey1,

Item # 2 - I think you meant Oscillation, not Trending market. But totally agree that during Consolidation, don't trade.

Since you have always stressed there are three market conditions: Trending, Oscillations, & Consolidations.

As for Trending Markets you have stated that Strategy # 1, is when INDU > + 100 MACCI & INDU is Long, then Long Stocks that Outperform their Sector.


I think you will find that the VWAP engine is not the same as taking VWAP MPD trades during market oscillation and so will work best in a trending scenario.

Grey1 said:
1) yes you are correct.
2) VWAP engine works far far better in Trending hours .. In fact the $$$$$ is only in trends and not in consolidation as I keep stressing .. AVOID CONSOLIDATION .. take a walk .. why do you think traders on NYSE walk away and only trade the morning and the afternoon ?

3) I really have to watch MACCI for exact entry but I am afraid executing 4000 stocks does not allow for best entry .. SO i have no choice except buying / Selling when MACCI is not on my side.. saying that if you were trading the small size then .. MACCI must be observed


Hi Grey1,

Sorry if I was not clear above.

Regarding item 2. what I meant was on days that the Market is either strong or weak the VWAP Engine performs better - i.e. as it is Darvas type - so price breakouts with volume.

I never trade during consolidation hours, as you advise.

Trader333 said:

I think you will find that the VWAP engine is not the same as taking VWAP MPD trades during market oscillation and so will work best in a trending scenario.


Interesting, didn't know, & seems that I don't understand the VWAP engine. I do understand the VWAP w/MPD trades.

Thanks Paul
Trader333 said:

I think you will find that the VWAP engine is not the same as taking VWAP MPD trades during market oscillation and so will work best in a trending scenario.

Hi Paul

Do you mean that its not the same as taking 'VWAP Pair trades' during mkt oscillation?


vegas said:
Hi Grey1,

Can you please help with the following questions following your VWAP Engine signal you referred to above :

1. So, am I correct in assuming that you had 3 out of 4 timeframes alerting you to take the trade ?

2. Does the VWAP Engine perform better in a trending or non trending day ?

3. When you get the VWAP Engine alert, do you still take the trade regardless of what your MACCI or Divergence is saying ?

Thanks in advance Grey1
Hi Vegas

Regarding point 1 above, I have really only been looking at three timeframes not four. So, have you added, say, a ten minute to your 1,3,and 5 minute?

If so, and assuming 3 out of 4 is still good, does it have to be all but the 1 minute TF?

I know this post is a reply to a post from Vegas but the thoughts of other traders would perhaps be a help to many too!

Hi guys im new to GRAY1 thread and thanks GRAY for letting me join in, anyway I am a futures trader looking to trade stocks and ETFs...but I have a question before I start. What does VWAP w/MPD mean??.......

laptop1 said:
Hi guys im new to GRAY1 thread and thanks GRAY for letting me join in, anyway I am a futures trader looking to trade stocks and ETFs...but I have a question before I start. What does VWAP w/MPD mean??.......

Hi Laptop and welcome to the thread. Re your question, trying to help depends on your starting point. Are you happy with what VWAP is? Have you read thru Grey1's P+L thread as this provides the answer to your question. If you have, and are still unsure, then I (and I am sure others) are more than happy to help. Let me know Laptop.


laptop1 said:
I guys im new to GRAY1 thread and thanks you for letting me join, anyway I am a futures trader looking to trade stocks and ETFs...but I have a question before I start. What does VWAP w/MPD mean??.......

Welcome laptop1,

The explanation's are too numerous to list here, they do need a lot of reading which all of us members have accomplished in the past.

A suggestion - review all of the threads initiated by Grey1, then you'll have a much better understanding, not only of VWAP, MPD, but all of his strategies. It would be an injustice to others to discuss them in here again. Not trying to be difficult, but we all have taken a lot of work to get this far. Most concepts here have been previously discussed.

We do discuss trading US stocks, mostly NASDAQ & some NYSE.

This didn't answer you question, but this is the best way for you understand's Grey1's methods.

VWAP engine is mention on the first page of GRAY1 thread on page 10. but no explanation of it. Is it a secret code lol...

laptop1 said:
VWAP engine is mention on the first page of GRAY1 thread on page 10. but no explanation of it. Is it a secret code lol...


HI laptop1,

VWAP = Volume Weighted Average Price, which you probably already knew. But as for the code, non of us have it as I understand it. By reading the last few post above this one, you'll see that I also learned today that the VWAP engine is different than the Use of VWAP with MPD Bands. The best source of info on Grey1's strategies would be his thread list as:
"Grey1's approach to trading US Stocks." I was unable to locate that thread, since we haven't made any posts there for about a month or so.

Best of Trading

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laptop1 said:
Is it a secret code lol...

If you want to understand Grey1's approach to the market you need first read and understand what he has painstakingly written on this site. You will find the answer to all your questions. There are no shortcuts. 🙁

All you need do is search on "Grey1" and that will point you to those posts. I suggest you allow yourself several days as you will find numerous links to follow.

evostik said:
Hi Paul

Do you mean that its not the same as taking 'VWAP Pair trades' during mkt oscillation?



Yes that is correct, VWAP pair trading is basically taking a Short trade close to upper MPD band on one stock and then taking a Long trade on another stock close to its lower MPD band.

VWAP Pair trading is totally different to when Iraj says he has taken a "VWAP Engine" trade. As has been said elsewhere the technique and code for this is not in the public domain.

Trader333 said:
VWAP Pair trading is totally different to when Iraj says he has taken a "VWAP Engine" trade. As has been said elsewhere the technique and code for this is not in the public domain.

Thanks for the above Paul. You make a very important point here about "VWAP Engine". From a lot of posts here, it would seem that many people are under the false impression that this technique is indeed covered within Grey1 posts!!!


evostik said:
Thanks for the above Paul. You make a very important point here about "VWAP Engine". From a lot of posts here, it would seem that many people are under the false impression that this technique is indeed covered within Grey1 posts!!!



May I suggest that you too take the time to read an absorb G1's posts.

You will find, I think, his first reference to the VWAP engine is on a thread that used to be run by Jerry Olsen & Ian Hodgson. Use search.

There is no reason for people who have done their research to be under any misapprehension - G1 has repeated on a number of occasions that the VWAP engine is based on a modified Darvas technique.
GreyI1's VWAP Engine is Magic 🙂 But "basically" it is a "just" a Trend following Alogrithm and Grey1 has pointed us in the correct direction on several occassions of where we might get are own. Seek and you will find 😱
evostik said:
Hi Vegas

Regarding point 1 above, I have really only been looking at three timeframes not four. So, have you added, say, a ten minute to your 1,3,and 5 minute?

If so, and assuming 3 out of 4 is still good, does it have to be all but the 1 minute TF?

I know this post is a reply to a post from Vegas but the thoughts of other traders would perhaps be a help to many too!


Hi Steve,

I'm answering this before reading the posts that follow, so hope I am not repeating anything anyone else has already replied with !!

The 4 timeframes above that I mentioned is in relation to what I believed Grey1 uses for his VWAP Engine, and I think it is indeed the 1, 3, 5 and 10 minute (hope I'm right here !)

Any 3 for confirmation is required.

Hope this helps.