Grey is leaving us

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Veteren member
Which I think is a great pity.

Now don't get me wrong, I trade very differently than him, I never asked him for anything, and never would have, so I'm not sorry that he is leaving because I'm afraid I won't be able to leech anything off of him any longer, nothing could be further from the truth.

I just totally respected him as a good, altruistic person and a profitable trader with a great sense of karma who was always very helpful towards those who needed a guiding hand.

Respect, my friend.

That said, people shouldn't be so sensitive.

You were always against vendors, and vehemently at that, you sent that message out to the universe VERY clearly, so you shouldn't be surprised at all that that is now coming back to you when you have created one, or at least were taken for a ride by a scrupleless man who ruthlessly exploited your altruism.

Action = Reaction, my friend.

But the grief your vendor got was not a reflection on you. If you created your vendor and weren't merely at the receiving end of a bad play then that was imo simply a severely misguided choice on your behalf.

But then again, who doesn't make mistakes.

Making mistakes is fine as long as one learns from them.

And all the good you have done for so many here is so much more important than your dance with spirits you always rallied against.

I for one would be very sorry to see you leave.

But whatever happens I wish you all the very best, in trading and in life.

Take care Iraj.
I'm not clairvoyant unfortunately, he posted that on his private part of this forum, technical trader:

"I have decided to leave TT for good .

I wont be part of any other BB ."
Grey also said on his private part of the forum that he asked Jay to remove all mention of Grey from Jays website, which Jay apparently still hasn't done.
Grey also said on his private part of the forum that he asked Jay to remove all mention of Grey from Jays website, which Jay apparently still hasn't done.

you forgot to say I said we have now TAKE OFF

GREY1 GREY2 GREY3 We have take off lol.

I still owe you a magnum bottle of champagne for the good fun, your lovely singing and, umm, lovely music you occasionaly piped in hehe, and interesting views you shared with us in your chat, not to mention great calls some of which even I took even though they represented a diametrically opposed way of trading to mine.

And hey, they made me good money on balance to boot.


Well one less vendor's a good start, and the exposure of someone who openly abused the foum to pimp his activities is definately a step in the right direction.

Thank god I didnt make the mistake of sharing information with this bunch of leeches.
I see that JayJay has removed Iraj's name from the website- which is a good thing. If everything on here is to be believed then i feel sorry for Iraj being taken advantage of in this way by someone out to make a quick buck- Karma will take care of JayJay- what comes around goes around.
Oh ok thats good then that Greys name is no longer on Jays web site.

And yes, I totally agree, that is the way the Universe works.
Totally missed what happened. I picked up some useful things from Grey in the short time I spent on his forum so a 👍 from me, good luck for the future, not that you need it.
One thing I'd like to add:

Grey is an ex bank trader, a person who has been trading for a living for 15 years, and I've seen him in action long enough to have absolutely zero doubts in his ability to make money from this, and with great regularity at that, so there is absolutely no way that he was behind Jay#s scheme for money.

No matter how many people Jay get's to sign up it's still complete peanuts compared to Grey#s earnings from trading.

And before people get all excited and stampede to a certain paid service employing certain of Grey#s tools:

It ain't the indicator.


Grey just has a feel for markets that comes from years of doing it, entering and exiting at times when his indicators said the complete opposite, THAT is what's behind his success, a feel for the natural rythm and flow of markets, and nothing else.

He may or may not believe in his indicators himself, but at the end of the day they are just a crutch, and he would make just as good money trading without any tools.

That is why he makes a living from trading, while the people who sell these indicators like Ehler from Mesa make a living from selling tools to gold diggers, not from gold digging itself.
It's a shame when any one with something decent to contribute leaves this board. With over 145,000 'traders' (lol) registered, there seems to be fewer and fewer useful/informative threads and even fewer useful contributers.

Like all trading forums, and to continue the gold analogy re above post there is gold hidden, you just gotta pan through the 99% which has less or no value.
Panhandlers ?

It's a shame when any one with something decent to contribute leaves this board. With over 145,000 'traders' (lol) registered, there seems to be fewer and fewer useful/informative threads and even fewer useful contributers.

Like all trading forums, and to continue the gold analogy re above post there is gold hidden, you just gotta pan through the 99% which has less or no value.

Continuing your mining analogy - Perhaps the seam is exhausted:|
It seems to me this grey1 mister deserves one of these gold star thingy mi jigs if he is leaving. Hell, lets not leave him stranded on 9,999!
OK - I have absolutely NO ide what this thread is about, but I guess that's what I get for staying largely out of the picture for a while.

More than happy for someone to enlighten me as I'm sitting at work not doing a great deal right now and I am sick to death of staring at spreadsheets this afternoon.


There was a big argument about bank traders pretending they know what they are doing and it resulted in Grey getting miffed standing up for your type and no one else believed it! :whistling