Who is this?


Established member
A few years ago I was at a trading presentation trying to do a little bit of networking in the allocated breaks and so on however it was made difficult by a certain individual who heckled the presenters was exceptionally rude to anybody trying to press a valid question and in general did everything he could to make his voice heard as the expert in all things trading or no. He even had at the tip of his tongue all the legal precedents why traders were prevented from making money and to be honest I would have suspected him of being a one man hedge fund broker had he not been so clueless about actually trading. He was middle aged, cannot remember much of his appearance other than he came across as a disorganised piece of shiite with an air of disagreeablity about him that made one want to go and stuff a fork into his throat but which one did not because one is civilised. He knew everything (allegedly) about all brokers, training organisations, software vendors, hardware vendors, specific asset classes and the way to trade them, internet resources at al. A thouroughly rude, unsavoury character all round with a probable metallic mental processing disorder. Now he cannot have gleaned this information from attending conventions and seminars, it is not anywhere in the overall public domain which leaves this and other internet forums. If you suspect someone on here who has more vitriol than the Klu Klux Klan or the English Defense league, be prepared to speak up about it. PM me if necessary, I will make sure their name is drilled into the contact lists as someone to avoid at all costs.
Thanks for that C-V. I am not a criminal, nor am I dishonest in business dealings. That said I am a fairly private self contained individual at least where trading is concerned because no matter what function I go to I always come away with something that I did not know or at least not appreciate before. I find that things work more smoothly for me acting in this manner and if that means dealing with so called unsavoury companies then so be it. The decision is mine and mine alone to make. For example, last year I listened to a cyprus based firm with apparantly a programmable winning forex strategy on AUD crosses, minors at that. It guaranteed a rule based trading system that worked more than 60% of the time over the course of a year. I don't trade the Aussie but I put the averages on 30 ,10 and loosly followed a gold cross type strategy which with a bit of tweaking would probably work. There is no mileage in being negative all the time and quite frankly it is objectionable and off putting if someone keeps interrupting conversations, particularly if a well placed couple of questions satisfy me that they are talking tripe.
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A few years ago I was at a trading presentation trying to do a little bit of networking in the allocated breaks and so on however it was made difficult by a certain individual who heckled the presenters was exceptionally rude to anybody trying to press a valid question and in general did everything he could to make his voice heard as the expert in all things trading or no. He even had at the tip of his tongue all the legal precedents why traders were prevented from making money and to be honest I would have suspected him of being a one man hedge fund broker had he not been so clueless about actually trading. He was middle aged, cannot remember much of his appearance other than he came across as a disorganised piece of shiite with an air of disagreeablity about him that made one want to go and stuff a fork into his throat but which one did not because one is civilised. He knew everything (allegedly) about all brokers, training organisations, software vendors, hardware vendors, specific asset classes and the way to trade them, internet resources at al. A thouroughly rude, unsavoury character all round with a probable metallic mental processing disorder. Now he cannot have gleaned this information from attending conventions and seminars, it is not anywhere in the overall public domain which leaves this and other internet forums. If you suspect someone on here who has more vitriol than the Klu Klux Klan or the English Defense league, be prepared to speak up about it. PM me if necessary, I will make sure their name is drilled into the contact lists as someone to avoid at all costs.

Your persona on here sounds like the person you described to be honest.
Bints first two posts are very unusual in a very specific way, guess what it is?

No abuse of emoticons.
Your persona on here sounds like the person you described to be honest.
This is somebody I met in person. Not some sockpuppet wannabe on the internet. You have never met me in person. Please redirect the comments to the question in hand.
What did he look like, proper description. Age, colour, height, accent etc.

I still think it sounds like you.


  • Guess-who.jpg
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This is somebody I met in person.
You were probably looking in the mirror.
You were probably looking in the mirror.
Slipped on that one but I am very tired.