To barjon

Mr. Charts

Legendary member
I'm very sorry to see barjon resign as a mod and hope he changes his mind.
I've been here for 12 years and seen many valuable contributions which have gone unappreciated and very often those contributors, mr.marcus and many others spring to mind, have been mercilessly attacked and hounded out of t2w by trolls and ignoramuses and the envious.
t2w has inevitably been the worse for their leaving,
However, one person who has given of his time and effort unstintingly for many years is barjon.
Sometimes I've disagreed with what he's done but I've always had great respect for him and his work, so I want to express my appreciation here.
Maybe some people might feel this is a safe place (unlike most threads) to put their heads above the parapet and also say thank you to barjon by adding their names.
Best wishes for the future, barjon, live long and prosper,
thats a shame ...... I do wonder sometimes why you guys do it .....its not the money

Been Participating on Forex forums for about an year and been trading for three years. Here at T2W I see some guys who have been here for more than six years:
So I gotta ask you, What keeps you going after this long?
Well - he's put in a good stint and I don't think you can expect someone to perform such a thankless task forever.

Enjoy more time at the Bar Jon.
from the synonymous thesaurus

Barjon: (from the latin "your beers in the bar jon") meaning: to be fairdinkum, nice bloke, ultimate statesman, ambassadorial, salt of the earth.......
What happened, hope he didn't get offended at me likening him to Neville Chamberlain.
Been Participating on Forex forums for about an year and been trading for three years. Here at T2W I see some guys who have been here for more than six years:
So I gotta ask you, What keeps you going after this long?

Bloody mindedness.
Just a thank you to everyone for their good wishes, both on here and via PMs.

It's been a real pleasure this last few days pottering about without constantly wondering what is happening on the boards and to pop in now and then with no other motive than just to look at things that interest me.

For the regulars, I've always enjoyed your company (and that of many of our dear departed ones 🙂) so thanks for that, too.
Being a good mod is a difficult task and I don't know how Barjon has stood it for as long as he has. However, T2W has been all the better for his presence. Hopefully he will still come on when it is rainig which, in the UK, is guaranteed. It will be a change to see him having a good moan , himself, instead of sorting us out with a lot of tact.
Just a thank you to everyone for their good wishes, both on here and via PMs.

It's been a real pleasure this last few days pottering about without constantly wondering what is happening on the boards and to pop in now and then with no other motive than just to look at things that interest me.

For the regulars, I've always enjoyed your company (and that of many of our dear departed ones 🙂) so thanks for that, too.

I'm guessing Hakuna Matata is taking over where you left off?