As a T2W advisor perhaps you could use your influence to find out EXACTLY why JayJay, and more importantly Grey1 have not been tagged as VENDORS
JayJay is no longer a member of this site, so doesn't need one.
Generally these tags are applied given the slightest suspicion of a commercial adgenda, but in the case of Grey1, he's allowed to openly flout guidlines in full view of the the formum moderators and admin, and presumably with their approval ?
As soon as the story broke it was discussed immiediatly and a plan to sort it actioned as you well know, with today being the deadline for the vendor tag.
So why is it OK for Grey1 to abuse a position of trust, but unacceptable for a vendor who openly declares his commercial interests ?. Why is Grey1 allowed to post under multiple nics, when others are banned for doing so ?
That nick has not been accessed at all since 2001, although I cannot tell for sure, as the board software and way of doing things changes over the years, I would suspect that nick has been deactivated and not be at all useable, I can see where you're coming from but not really a case for multinicks.
What exactly is T2W's adgenda ?