Great Depression 2 - Short trade of a Lifetime - preps start now


Mods, surely if my post had to be deleted there are others above that should have gone too?

Has Little Pecker been crying to you again?


Why would Little Pecker cry? He is so nicely ensconsed between your tongue and toothless gums. He is living the dream, baby.

No other Pecker has it this good.

HOUSING in high-probability Topping Mode

Alert, alert, alert

All you hear in the News and from real estate agents is how the Housing Recovery is so nice and that a bottom is in.

Deadbroke says NO. The entire Housing recovery since the 2009 low is a bearmarket rally - it is a recovery in that all bear rallies are recoveries but it is NOT a new bullrun and will defer to the larger TREND which remains DOWN.

ITB is the symbol to watch - there are other symbols, but for now this is good enough.

All Hell will break loose as soon as a TREND REVERSAL confirmation is issued by the dead one - stay tuned for confirmation


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The United Kingdom is a total disaster, a disgrace. Sales tax @ 20%, Brits fleeing in droves to find a better life that does NOT include the UK govt. robbing them blind. Heck, day in and day out Brit expats all over the world complain, complain and mourn and groan. The ones still left in England are truly living in Lalaland, oblivious .........................

This oughtta wake 'em up ......

The London Footsie ^FTSE 100 Index in a stupendous TOPPING pattern. What is a Topping Pattern? Its akin to a massive speeding locomotive that is losing speed from lack of propulsion (buying and economic strength) - said locomotive then goes into a centripetal slowdown before the sheer weight of this monstrosity brings it downward into a near vertical drop.

The Roman empire went thusly. The now old and rusty and quite useless UK Empire will suffer the same fate.

But there is hope yet - nothing happens until the neckline #1 is broken and then for the real juice, neckline #2 must be broken decisively.

If neckline #2 is broken bigtime the fall will thereafter be quite dramatic. I shall give targets later on in the game as soon as the necklines break. That will be the right time - now is a tad premature.

UK Footsie 100 ^FTSE Index shown first then Sterling aka GBPUSD .....

some deadbroke perspicacious observations of the GBPUSD weekly chart .....

see where I marked the bulls on the indicator panes? .... then note the diminishing momentum both on Macd and even the Histogram = telling the dead one that topside mammatum is waning.

Also note how nicely 38.2% was retraced since the massive crash of 2008 and that we are currently on the 23.6% support along with the EMPIRE BUSTING TRENDLINE SUPPORT shown by the dashed line - a nick of this dashed line has occurred. Confirmed break? No, NO NO. We wait.

Also note that a moving average compression zone is aborning - this tells of a massive move but it does not specify the direction.

I hope its UP because if its down I will have to pay Leopard's food and rent. Poor chap - I might end up being the only friend (fiend) he's got. 😆😆😆😆😆😆


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Back to game moron. See you later.


A battle weary American soldier boarded a crowded train in in London during the early days of post-WWII, only to discover he was unable to find a place to sit. As he walked the length of the train, he noticed a small white dog curled up on one of the seats. A large, well dressed woman sat in the seat next to the dog. The man hovered near the seat, hoping the woman would take the hint, but she pointedly ignored him.

"Excuse me, Ma'am," the soldier finally spoke, "Is this your dog? Would you mind holding it on your lap so that I may sit down?"

The woman raised her icy gaze to the young man and said in a haughty British accent, "oh! You Americans. You are so rude.
Fluffy is in that seat, and i see no reason why she should give up her comfort for you."

The exhausted soldier nodded, picked up the small dog ... leaned over ... opened the window of the moving train and tossed the dog out. The woman gaped and spluttered in horrified indignation, and the man sitting across from her lowered his newspaper.

"You Americans", he said, "You drive on the wrong side of the road ... you eat with the wrong fork ... and you just threw the wrong bitch out the window."
commentary and summary by a Brit .... England versus Italy

Outplayed, outclassed, out-thought and out. In the end, justice has been done. England deserved nothing more after a performance that could, if we were being generous, be described as battling and, if we were being harsh, be described as inept. Apart from a first-half flurry, they failed to keep the ball, were devoid of ideas and were indebted to the woodwork, the linesman's offside flag, luck and some awful Italian finishing. Italy thoroughly dominated and while the focus will be on the two Ashleys for their penalty misses, that would mask the sad truth: England simply weren't very good. Still, at least they don't have to play Germany. Thanks for reading. Good night.
So long, Deadbroke.

A few gifts for you before I go.

Something to read:

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And some things to think about:

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Wrath makes him deaf.

Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.
commentary and summary by a Brit .... England versus Italy

Outplayed, outclassed, out-thought and out. In the end, justice has been done. England deserved nothing more after a performance that could, if we were being generous, be described as battling and, if we were being harsh, be described as inept. Apart from a first-half flurry, they failed to keep the ball, were devoid of ideas and were indebted to the woodwork, the linesman's offside flag, luck and some awful Italian finishing. Italy thoroughly dominated and while the focus will be on the two Ashleys for their penalty misses, that would mask the sad truth: England simply weren't very good. Still, at least they don't have to play Germany. Thanks for reading. Good night.

And so it is with England, too much hot air and hocus-pocus, but when on the international scene they fall easily.

Just another sign of a collapsing Empire.

So long, Deadbroke.

A few gifts for you before I go.

Something to read:

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And some things to think about:

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Wrath makes him deaf.

Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.

So long, buddy - you will be missed. Here's why .....

YOU be the single, sole credible trader at T2W. Rothschild is a reasonably close second. Even if the both of you are nett losers I don't care - you're OK in my book.

The rest are total bums including the cops who guard this graveyard.

That's my word of Life.

Nobody, I mean nobody can provide insight like this - why? ... 99.99% are too short-term oriented, can't be bothered looking at the LARGER FORCES at play and even if they did look, its only on an intellectual level - deadbroke on the other hand knows the power of a big brother, a Higher Consciousness, so to speak.

With that said, here goes ......


A tsunami wave travels at 600 m.p.h. and is barely discernible in open ocean - when it reaches the shoreline it builds height known as wave lambda due to the upslope of the seabed.

Behold the EurUsd as it builds this towering height in wave lambda.

When the neckline breaks decisively the wave travels inland and drops buildings, skyscrapers and such left and right.

But ONLY IF the neckline breaks DECISIVELY - otherwise its just a consolidation and the trend continues UP.

There you have it.


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Behold the Dollar's enemies outlined below. Note that the Dow Jones weekly remains bullish because the major support of TREND on this long-term timeframe are unmolented - thusly Price shows clearly the optimism that is still rampant on the ground as can be seen on your channel and elsewhere.

But are the commodities and other instruments foretelling the capsizing of the might Dow Jones?

We wait and see.

A lesson for the clowns at T2W - PRICE is the ultimate arbiter and reveals EVERYTHING to anybody who will put in the pain and toil to read his language.
News and all other sources of information are PRICE's servants and do not foretell doodly. Small timers jump up and down watching NEWS but anybody worth his salt knows that these swings DO NOT CHANGE AN EXTANT TREND unless we are truly in the BEND ZONE


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Yeah, you would know what's impulsive - like your fellow elliotticians who mucked up last week's FREEWEEK by still expecting a (v) up and caught therefore with their pants down - and now today they posted a huge cover-up.

Subscribers lost bigtime. Same-o Same-o.

Now please bugger off - I answered your question. That's the last one. If you return, you go to Ignore.

Elliotticians who come here to SHOW me their wares will receive the following HKEY .....

Right-click\Send to\dropped-kicked out the window\ subscriber killers folder

Maybe you should set your alarm clock, judging by Fridays price action and volume, this down move is far from impulsive


Elliotticians are also 1-min to 15-min. timeframe traders. This clown with the quote above killed a few hundred or thousand more subscribers with her crap. Parasites, one and all, can't trade to save their lives and take the easy, compelling road out by offering subscriber services to unwary PREY and sending them and their families to the poorhouse.

Best part, they all speak the same language, "negates the move" but the best one is the word, "impulsive"

the last Elliottician, I'm happy to say, I wacked over the head with a saucepan and said, "that's impulsive"

The subscribers who lost bigtime in the first half of today will be forgotten tomorrow and nobody will be there to even apologize or console them. Will they get a refund? Dream on!

I hope for their sakes that the afternoon helps them to recover their morning losses.

Off to IGNORE immediately.
Good stuff DB, despite the drawdown. Being in profit is really all that matters at the end of the day.

Watch out for the herd pulling a fast one. I'll be watching what happens.

I found somethong so RARE - odds of such at T2W are 1 in a trillion.

A compliment. Jeez, its too much for me to countenance.

But knowing how devious T2W traders are it could be a setup? 🙂😀😆😆

Ma told me to say "thank you" regardless. 🙂