Great Depression 2 - Short trade of a Lifetime - preps start now


Bankruptcy of the United Kingdom was called years ago by yours truly

Forums - United Kingdom Crash/Burn .. C A L L

The United Kingdom is a total disaster, a disgrace. Sales tax @ 20%, Brits fleeing in droves to find a better life that does NOT include the UK govt. robbing them blind. Heck, day in and day out Brit expats all over the world complain, complain and mourn and groan. The ones still left in England are truly living in Lalaland, oblivious .........................

This oughtta wake 'em up ......

The London Footsie ^FTSE 100 Index in a stupendous TOPPING pattern. What is a Topping Pattern? Its akin to a massive speeding locomotive that is losing speed from lack of propulsion (buying and economic strength) - said locomotive then goes into a centripetal slowdown before the sheer weight of this monstrosity brings it downward into a near vertical drop.

The Roman empire went thusly. The now old and rusty and quite useless UK Empire will suffer the same fate.

But there is hope yet - nothing happens until the neckline #1 is broken and then for the real juice, neckline #2 must be broken decisively.

If neckline #2 is broken bigtime the fall will thereafter be quite dramatic. I shall give targets later on in the game as soon as the necklines break. That will be the right time - now is a tad premature.


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The UK aka Disaster in the making continued .....

the role KARMA plays in the propagation and destruction of Empires

(written entirely by deadbroke as is all other material everywhere in this thread and other threads unless otherwise stated)

The crimes against Asians especially Indians is now coming back to truly haunt the UK. Ask anybody. Indians everywhere. Some parts of London look like Chor Bazaar in Bombay. Now, Inidans are good people, highly educated and very friendly and their grub is truly fantabulous.

The Brits don't like this but they can't do anythng about it.

Karma dictates that those against whom transgressions are committed will come ashore to reverse the tide in ways unbeknownst to the perpetrator.

Crimes catch up eventually.

They have now done so. And the economic environment is ripe for a concommittant KARMA attack.

Watch how they blame Iran, Iraq and the Arab world but in reality these are only UK style diversionary tactics - the full blame rests entirely with the UK as per the first rule of the Universe .....

You are totally responsible for the condition you are in.

UK now in the clutches of the Overt-Motivator Sequence.

God help them. Only America can, but we've got our own troubles.


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Deadbroke's application of the Reach & Withdraw Mechanism

(written again entirely by deadbroke and all examples and application are his own)

In trading the REACH & WITHDRAW Mechanism is phenomenally important.

I will explain it someday, likely on the last day of my stay here as a parting gift.

But if you can extrapolate by yourselves now, be my guests.


But I want to show you in real time how its applied in real life .....

(1) (a) If you really dig the girl you're with and one day she hammers you with, "I'm leaving you for good, bla bla bla - if you want her to leave, by all means get involved in this pointless discussion including begging her to stay.

(b) but if you don't want her to leave because you really dig her, just drop a deadbroke zinger, a classic application of the R&W mechanism,

"How soon can you be gone?"

End result of (b) - she will never leave you.


REACH & WITHDRAW MECHANISM applied to poster, The Leopard: 😆😆😆😆

Observe in real time what the WITHDRAW component of the R&W mechanism is doing to this poor chap. Its driving him absolutely batty. Its making him crazier than a woman deriding her hubby in Divorce Court.

Now if I throw into motion the REACH component, the number of posts will diminish and he will release a whole heck of a lot of steam and will modify his disparagement of me to a "games condition akin to banter"

But I will let him sweat it out for awhile longer - let him cook in the desert a bit longer.

REACH & WITHDRAW MECHANISM applied to poster, The Leopard: 😆😆😆😆

Observe in real time what the WITHDRAW component of the R&W mechanism is doing to this poor chap. Its driving him absolutely batty. Its making him crazier than a woman deriding her hubby in Divorce Court.

Now if I throw into motion the REACH component, the number of posts will diminish and he will release a whole heck of a lot of steam and will modify his disparagement of me to a "games condition akin to banter"

But I will let him sweat it out for awhile longer - let him cook in the desert a bit longer.


I can think of one guy who should have used the withdraw method.


Last "God Bless America" for the night:

Trail of Tears - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1st uptrendline broke on April 4, 2012. For those still lingering and living on HOPE the 2nd uptrendline broke on May 8, 2012.

From there onwards the DAILY TREND is Down until further developments.

There is the final uptrendline from March 2009 thru' October 4, 2011. When that gets broken it truly is hasta la vista.

But aside from the above basics the Daily Trend is Down and 1H Trend is also Down.

Deadbroke snores and is fast asleep in the SHORT zone.

All Fibonacci calculations are now to the downside instead of the upside until further notice.

End of Story.

Maybe you should set your alarm clock, judging by Fridays price action and volume, this down move is far from impulsive

Maybe you should set your alarm clock, judging by Fridays price action and volume, this down move is far from impulsive


Yeah, you would know what's impulsive - like your fellow elliotticians who mucked up last week's FREEWEEK by still expecting a (v) up and caught therefore with their pants down - and now today they posted a huge cover-up.

Subscribers lost bigtime. Same-o Same-o.

Now please bugger off - I answered your question. That's the last one. If you return, you go to Ignore.
REACH component applied now .....

In class at age 8, T2W poster, The Leopard was a naughty boy always pulling pranks on the teacher Miss Daisy.

One day she walks into the class and sees a puddle of water on the floor. Very annoyed she gave the class 5 minutes for the culprit to fess up and write his name on the blackboard. She waited outside the classroom for these 5 minutes and then re-entered.

Her jaw dropped when she came up to the blackboard and saw a 2nd puddle on the floor and looking up at the board was horrified to read,

"The phantom piddler strikes again"
This is my thread so its normal for me to visit often.

But for rsh01 and Leopard ..... jeez it looks like they camp out here. 😆😆😆😆

Lord, how deadbroke is used to FATAL ATTRACTIONS 🙂


New policy for me while I'm at T2W .....

when I read anything technical or fundamental from a poster here or anywhere on T2W and I see it as defining a new level of stupidity and ineptness, these cats get instantly added to my Ignore List. They are a waste of time reading and they clutter up my thread a great deal.

I'm going to keep Leopard - why because he keeps reminding me that marriage is a loser's game and therefore I'm always ecstatic to continue to be single. So Leopard will not go to my Ignore List.

rsh01 is gone, off to Ignore. Quite likely a total loser with a 5k currency trading account while his wife and kids starve.

Rothschild is reinstated - he was the best I've come across thus far at T2W. A nice chap IMO.

Some might be surprised to read my earlier comments about Elliottwave ......

Elliottwave methodology though esoteric and intellectual sounding, has in reality killed more traders\subscribers than World War 2.

I lost many friends whose rents I had to pay as they were driven to the poorhouse following the terrible calls of some of these leading houses of anal-ysis.

But here's the kicker - victims forget quickly. That's what keeps them coming back for more punishment and losses - as soon as the HOUSE posts some new marketing gimmick of some big move to come, they forget how they got rammed and plug in money anew.

Deadbroke is tired of going to funerals. He is the last warrior left from a group of around 50 trading friends.

I told them all I could beat Prechter with just a simple tendline, a tool as free as air itself, a gift from God. But nobody believes me.

So I don't care no more. 🙂
The 2007 pre-crash TOP .... all those mistakes and confusion from Prechter and Co. and other Elliotticians

Trendline versus Prechter

deadbroke always takes the line 1 out, but slowpokes would not do so badly by at least taking lines 2 or 3 to exit.


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