Great Depression 2 - Short trade of a Lifetime - preps start now

Dollar Index, EurUsd, UsdChf all on 1H - one glance at the 3 charts and boom, all in one ogonblick, deadbroke takes off into orbit with the possibilities and calculations. Calculations of what, you ask? Of Life or Death. I'm here for either one. 🙂😀😆

Eurusd before shown below, then go back a few more posts to see the original call


  • EurUsd 1H June 26-2012.jpg
    EurUsd 1H June 26-2012.jpg
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Now dig this ..... Dollar Index, EurUsd, UsdChf all on 1H - one glance at the 3 charts

Do you see the new trendline in EurUsd? It was not there in the earlier chart but by looking at inter-relationships it became a nugget for the dead one.

This nugget clearly shows EurUsd in a continuiing breakout mode as it breaks thru' a 2nd trendline of importance and voila, the sister UsdChf shows the corresponding breakdown. Now to fulfill the package DX (dollar index) gots to breakdown.

When all 3 are in motion, deadbroke will rest his case.


  • EurUsd 1H June 26-2012.jpg
    EurUsd 1H June 26-2012.jpg
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  • DX 1H June 27.jpg
    DX 1H June 27.jpg
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  • UsdChf 1H June 27.jpg
    UsdChf 1H June 27.jpg
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Market dislocation & fluctuating consensus gets worse.
This market could go in either direction this week…

As mentioned, SPX big picture remains bearish: unfortunately this will never change
Now dig this ..... Dollar Index, EurUsd, UsdChf all on 1H - one glance at the 3 charts

Do you see the new trendline in EurUsd? It was not there in the earlier chart but by looking at inter-relationships it became a nugget for the dead one.

This nugget clearly shows EurUsd in a continuiing breakout mode as it breaks thru' a 2nd trendline of importance and voila, the sister UsdChf shows the corresponding breakdown. Now to fulfill the package DX (dollar index) gots to breakdown.

When all 3 are in motion, deadbroke will rest his case.


deadbroke takes the loss

In hindsight very clear what happened - Price was completing an upwave so it was a false breakout - seen only in hindsight - chalk it up to bad luck.

So to repeat - LOSS on trade


  • EurUsd 1H June 26-2012.jpg
    EurUsd 1H June 26-2012.jpg
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deadbroke takes the loss

In hindsight very clear what happened - Price was completing an upwave so it was a false breakout - seen only in hindsight - chalk it up to bad luck.

So to repeat - LOSS on trade



But the LOSS has given me insight as shown in the chart - how so? If Price takes out the top of the very same upwave that outfoxed me that will be the LONG entry for 1H - otherwise its sidelines for me until further notice. So obviously Euro is still in SHORT mode with my attempt at calling a reversal on 1H incorrect.
The new trendline would give an early entry for the LONG if indeed there is a reversal.

But by the laws of Trend the trend is still down on 1H

I'm on sidelines


  • EurUsd 1H June 26-2012.jpg
    EurUsd 1H June 26-2012.jpg
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Dennis Gartman said today to ignore Gold's rally because it will continue to crash.

Deadbroke says, "take the 1H reversal that occurred earlier today and go with it, if it fails you can go short again - it is so close to major support that it could be a rally of substance"

Draw an uptrendline on 1H and place a mental STOP 1-3% below - risk some money. If wrong then on a reverse if the MASTER SUPPORT breaks one can recover the entire small loss in 10 seconds flat and then exponentialize it within each 1 minute of downside.

Living dangerously is the deadbroke way.

The trend is your friend has been forgotten by Gartman - the 1H trend that is.

On Daily it is absolute folly to be SHORT so close to major, major major support.

Just my 2 centavos.


Took the LOSS here too.

1H trend has reverted to the downside after entry signal to the upside.

Gold now approaching the heavy duty support on Daily.

Sidelines and still expecting a northbound move but will wait patiently for reversal.

Still believe its folly to be SHORT on DAily due to the proximity of support.

Thus far Dennis beat deadbroke. That's the word.

Sent to you in advance as this post and others that follow soon will also likely be deleted. There is very limited free speech here.

Review and comparison,

deadbroke posts getting deleted left and right.

In the thread below EVERY SINGLE POST was deleted - there was no bad language in any of the posts. They were deleted obviously because it is not allowed to criticize an Admin. staff member, Timsk the content manager or moderator barjon.

See the level of intellect at T2W in the above thread on EDGE and then compare with a corresponding thread at EliteTrader

EliteTrader makes this place look like kindergarten in this regard.

Review continued ......

At EliteTrader soooooo many members had heated discussions with site OWNER, Baron Robertson but none of the posts were ever deleted. Baron encouraged free speech and for one to speak one's mind.

Criticism of moderators was very common esp. when they were doing something dumb and ganging up against a member - a member could tell off a mod with no fear of deleted posts.

Best moderators to be found only at EliteTrader - in particular Ivanovich

EliteTrader wins hands down in the arena of free speech.

Review continued ......

Both T2W and EliteTrader have posers, scammers wannabe traders, but EliteTrader's level of trading knowledge eclipses that of T2W quite easily. Its clear that a new trader would learn the ropes quicker and better if at Elite.

Of course this is in the face of 95% lose anyway.

Review continued ......

Foul language rule

T2W is so out-reality in this regard its pathetic. Priests and bishops at T2W.

EliteTrader stands head and shoulders above any other bulletin board in this regard.

Baron Robertson stated from day 1 that the language of Wall Street is the language of EliteTrader. Cuss words on Wall are sooooooo the norm its hilarious to saintify 🙂 the language. 🙂
I'd like to see London put on a good show for the Olympics - I'll be watching. Let's see how many medals they come up with.

Sounds like you took note of the leopards 'haters' post. Soon forgotten though I see re your later posts.

See the level of intellect at T2W in the above thread on EDGE and then compare with a corresponding thread at EliteTrader

EliteTrader makes this place look like kindergarten in this regard.

Really? Where? All I see is some methodology b0llox that's spread all over teh webz and then you verbally fellating your ego with some boring lie about limos.

Review continued .....

T2W is highly likely 99.9999999% Brit.

EliteTrader is an American board with traders spread out from all over the world - a large number of traders from the old Eastern bloc easy to see.

Elite wins hands down.
I'm not having a go at you here so don't start going mental... but why are you still posting here if you believe all that?
Really? Where? All I see is some methodology b0llox that's spread all over teh webz and then you verbally fellating your ego with some boring lie about limos.

The limo work was very real. Lasted all the way up to the 1984 Olympics when the powers that be decided it was time to clear out the independents. 🙂

It was a great job while it lasted. Its impossible to pull it off nowadays because of the tighter controls.
I'm not having a go at you here so don't start going mental... but why are you still posting here if you believe all that?

Easy. These are my last posts - a conclusion and wrap-up.

700+ posts in all to come to a conclusion about the worthiness of a site as to whether it gives a new or continuing trader the opps to improve.

Elite wins hands down although as I stated already both sites are loaded with scammers and wannabes. 🙂
I'm not having a go at you here so don't start going mental... but why are you still posting here if you believe all that?


Review continued ......

Have a go at me? 😆😆😆😆

Hey look at the number of pages of Brits who tried that already and failed. They all lost and left. Check out the last one, The Leopard, who came in here with pages and pages of verbal attacks - the oh soooooooo fair mod barjon let it go on. And see how every one of the verbal attack posts was below the belt - can't even fight fair, the Brits.

Compare such assaults here to those at Elite - a mod would step in instantly regardless and tell one or both to quit the "harrassment" and move on.

Were the tables turned and an American here attacks a Brit thusly he would be out on his ass instantly. Fairness? This board sucks bigtime.

But I needed no help anyways because every single one of the Brits left with his tail between ..... 🙂

CNBC, watch this video to see how deadbroke handled every attacker that came into this thread and finally got the Matriarch, The Leopard. Lately its been peaceful in this thread which confirms that indeed the Matriarch was taken out.
And all by the lone American. 😆😆😆😆😆😆

deadbroke aka "one who greets with fire" = The Hyena killer 🙂😀

Eetwidomayloh, He Who Greets With Fire, He is the Hyena Killer - YouTube