Goldline Trading System


Sorry - have to confirm (see the other thread). trendSignal UK are nothing to do with Goldline. Thats it! Our latest intra day trade is attached. Hopefully this may prove it?


  • live.jpg
    51.8 KB · Views: 572
Is this like other software I have heard about that puts a buy and sell signal in after the event to make it look good? Great to look at but not much use for real trading.

If it was as good as your claims, you would have to be insane to sell it.
Big Biz

I do'nt know anything about this software but these guys are genuine traders with loads of experience

This is not Darren Winters type bollox
Bigbusiness said:
Is this like other software I have heard about that puts a buy and sell signal in after the event to make it look good? Great to look at but not much use for real trading.

If it was as good as your claims, you would have to be insane to sell it.

Nope. It does not put it in afterwards. You are 30 miles from us - why not do something constructive like come over and see it? Probably easier to make unfounded remarks on here though. I assume you trade up to 20 FTSE futures at a time (we do - you can come and watch if you want) or are you too busy "real trading"?

What claims specifically are you referring to? We point out trading is hard and go out of our way to make the point when people come here. If there are specifics you object to then I'll get the web bloke to amend the web site.

The answer is simple. If you see it and like it use it.

If you don't then don't.
You are 30 miles from us

I am in Cornwall, I thought you were in Milton Keynes. It would be more like 330 miles from here 🙂

I have no personal interest in your "system", I prefer to make my own trading decisions. Even if your system is as good as your website claims, I still prefer to be responsible for my own actions. I have followed other peoples sytems in the past and have never made the promised profits.

My belief is that most people struggle to trade another persons system. It is too easy to take a profit too soon or let a stop slip. At least if you do the work yourself, you know why you are in the trade and why you should get out.

Perhaps you can answer the simple question, if your system has made 21,000 points profit since November 2002 and the intra-day system makes more, why do you have to sell it to the general public for £4,000?
Looks very similar....and free. but I am using a cash chart but


  • ho ho ho.gif
    ho ho ho.gif
    42.1 KB · Views: 468
Big Biz

Maybe the "master copy" of the system allows the principals to enter the trade just b4 their customers, which means that they can frontrun their customers orders .................the more customers the better in these circumstances !
why not post real time , as the signal happens, just for 1 day only,
then we can admire your system , and your entry and exits
and decide if we should buy, it or not,
If you do not want to , then we can only draw our own conclusions
hornblower said:
why not post real time , as the signal happens, just for 1 day only,
then we can admire your system , and your entry and exits
and decide if we should buy, it or not,
If you do not want to , then we can only draw our own conclusions

I day is like tossing a coin or red/blk at the casino.......... not fair on anyone
I want to know why it is called trend signal when to me it looks like a reversal signal? BTW Im not one of those who think all system sellers are evil con artists. BUt i do believe that a truely unique system should be what it says it is. Hence why I posted my version above. Is there much difference between the two and
and more importantly is there more than £1k worth of difference
Oops, I'd better look at a map! Thought it was in Surrey or somewhere like that.
Location and reason

Bigbusiness said:

I am in Cornwall, I thought you were in Milton Keynes. It would be more like 330 miles from here 🙂

Perhaps you can answer the simple question, if your system has made 21,000 points profit since November 2002 and the intra-day system makes more, why do you have to sell it to the general public for £4,000?

Apologies - I thought it was Cambourne (near Cambridge).

I don't have to sell anything. I just thought I would. Same as you (or anyone else) doesn't have to buy anything.

Simple truth is this - there are lots of total rip off systems out there. This is not a "system" as such. You learn to trade it. Some people can try and replicate it - but as many people will find close is not good enough.

As far as trading records go, I tell you what. I'll come down your way and we can look at each others trading accounts and records over say 15 years (to include LIFFE activity). The one with the best record and most money wins. Loser donates £10k to charity of winners choice. Interested?

Anyway. Enough - there are trades to be done. I never realised how addictive these bulleting boards are. Blimey!
As far as trading records go, I tell you what. I'll come down your way and we can look at each others trading accounts and records over say 15 years (to include LIFFE activity). The one with the best record and most money wins. Loser donates £10k to charity of winners choice. Interested?

Any time. I am good with photoshop and can knock out some amazing trading records if necessary 🙂

I don't have anything to prove, as I am not trying to sell anything. My trading record is not something I want to brag about but after trading seriously for a few years, I have found all the information I need to make reasonable profits in a few books and from websites like this. Spending money on another persons system doesn't interest me but having been ripped off before, I find it necessary to ask awkward questions.
Photoshop? Yeah, right.

No you have the wrong idea my friend. Forget photoshop. I mean lets ring our brokers (lets go and see them if you want). Why do you persist in your "it's all a fake" approach?
I mean a real contest. Your record versus mine. Your money versus mine. NOT a Photoshop contest. A charity wins. I tried to send you an email to arrange (since you have accepted the offer) but you don't receive emails from this board apparently.

You say you have no interest in this or any other system. Excellent, then show us what you know.

Why not go one better - tell people your "system". Give it away. Name the books etc. Most people just want a profit and woudl welcome some help. I'm happy to learn from anyone as well so I'd personally be intersest in knowing what books you value.

Finally, did you go long of S&P at 1114.75 a few mins ago? We did. In front of a room full of demo attendees (and yes, it was a live account). Limit order in at 1121. Profits taken.

I'm sorry if I sound peeved here, but really. Photoshop. Try and play the big boys game of trading (financial trading that is, not trading comments on here).
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If you look at the funny face next to the photoshop remark you should have realised it was a joke. I was also making fun of myself.

I have no intention of getting in to a mine is bigger than yours contest. If you want to donate £10,000 to charity, please do so. That is only the fee from a few of your customers.

I have shared quite a lot in the past for free and intend to keep doing so. I hope you can do the same.

OK. I apologise unreservedly. I don't know much about these board thingys. I didn't realise the smiley was a joke thing.

I hope you appreciate my upset though, it seems a lot of people don't actually trade and have nothing better to do than bag other people. being bagged doesn't bother me as I'm a big boy.

BUT being accused of being someone else and of being a conman is something else, and something that I don't like.

I don't want to play a game of "who has the biggest" with you either (I can take a guess if I really want to). Let's shake hands electronically and agree maybe we both have something to offer the world? 🙄 I don't know if this is the right thing to add, but I liked it.
I also apologise if my remarks have been a bit harsh. There are so many people trying to sell things and I do tend to treat all of them the same way. You are not the first person to be questioned about their motives.

I do trade but my charts don't have that yellow circle at exact bottoms. Do you have any charts that show what happens when a trade goes wrong? I like to see the bad and the ugly as well as the good.