I also received an email from goldline offering a free demo. I sent them an email with my contact number on, and a man called Gerry has phoned every day this week leaving an answer phone message to contact him with any questions - smacks of desperate to me!!
I was considering calling him back but just thought I would check out a little more 1st, but as I said, it felt like he was desperate for the business.
As I have no experience in this area at all, I have no plans to be ripped off by anyone, and am not now naive enough to think you can get money for nothing, but unfortunately some people live in hope that there will be something out there to help you, and fall for any kind of promising email/letter they receive, (and I admit, I have done so before now!!)
The result of this is that I haven't phoned back, so have no idea of cost involved etc, and quite frankly, no longer interested.
My advice is check out all things thorougly, talk to people who know what they are talking about, but dont offer their personal services for free/cheaply as a huge favour to the world, and dont spend money that you haven't got on anything!!