Goldline Trading System


Because they sell 'dreams' that's why. Also most people only ever look at the end results, not how they got there.

I also picked up on the horrendous drawdowns, you call them suicidal and I said the system was impossible to trade because 99.9% would jack it in when they realise not only how much money they've lost but more importantly just how much of a percent they've got to make to get back to square one.

Work from home, second income, a few minutes a day, financial freedom etc etc etc. It all gets very boring, but I hope that most people have sense and find this board before they shell out crazy money for a bunch of crap.
It is a shame that another well known UK trading website has advertised this lot for a long time. I did complain to them and pointed out some of the reasons why I thought they should not be advertising them. Then a month later I get another email advertising them.

We're getting like the Americans who'll do anything for a Dollar.

As an example how long do you think before all the Permiership football stadiums lose their names to become;

The Staples Ground
The B&Q Stadium Park
The Tesco Stadium

etc etc. I give it about 5 years max. It's already happened to the Rebok Stadium but I think you can let that one go because it was new.

I went to see Goldline systems, the figures they give are normally true. However its like kimmrunner says its what you have to risk that counts and at times its the shirt off your back.

Finspreads have a special number for Goldline customers, so they do actually care but for what reasons, I dont know.

theres one thing for sure. Goldline Systems will never lose. regardless of what their clients do.

"Finspreads have a special number for Goldline customers"
Being a tad cynical is this a hotline for mug punters ???
:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:
Hi all,

hmm, I wonder what the FSA would make of the goldline operation! If he's actually advertising his trades then i'm sure he would need to be regulated....... which he isn't!
He does it after the event - not before - Like All Stunning Systems - !!!!
Got this from ADVFN

"The Goldline trading system makes profitable trading now accessible to all! With Goldline you make no decisions - you make no mistakes".

Surely thats gotta be wrong. You can't say you'll make no mistakes. If you're not making the decisions who is? The computer?. I'm not 100% on FSA guidelines but surely saying you make no mistakes aint right.

Does anyone know the rules regarding FSA regulation and selling a system?

I think you need to consider the semantics.

If you do not make any decisions how can you make any mistakes. Is this not logical

Of course failing to make a decision is sometimes a mistake but that is getting a bit deep so I won't go there.


I don't think Spread Betting is regulated by the FSA and that is what those guys are into.
Finspreads are definately regulated by the FSA and most S/Bs (if not all) are from the literature they provide.
bracke I'll steer clear of an argument into the philosophy of logic 🙂 I'm not arguing with the logic of the statement, rather the legality of making such a statement. Spread betting is FSA regulated, however selling a system or 'education' is not.

As far as I understand it (someone please correct me if I'm wrong here) If you are selling a system that literally states "buy" or "sell", you have to be FSA regulated as this counts as advice. However I imagine that the system just gives you indications of when to buy or sell (Again someone please correct me here). If its not saying "buy/sell" and only providing an indication of such then legally (if not in reality) it is up to you to make the decision to buy or sell.

Therefore saying that you make no decisions is wrong in a FSA regulatory sense.
There will always be disagreement on this but with the experience I have had with the FSA over something similar this is what I understand it to be:

If you are advising on "Betting" on something then you come under the Gaming Laws and not the FSA and this is how many people get round the FSA regulatuion issue. This is because you will be classed in the same category as Horse Racing tipsters who have advised you to bet on a particular horse in a race. The same applies to anyone or anyting that says "Bet on this Index/Stock/Currency etc"

It is the wording that counts for the intended action. If you were to say place a trade on this Index/Currency/ Stock etc then that no longer becomes betting terminology but becomes trading instead.

For this reason the likes of Goldline are not breaking any investment rules in the same way that a horseracing tipster is not by saying something like back the horse called "Mug Punter" in the 230 at Lingfield.

Hi Paul

I'm no expert on the FSA, but I'm pretty sure that they also regulate all betting that isn't fixed odds. So someone would need to be regulated if they give out tips or advice, even if it's 'betting on stocks/markets' or even spread betting tips on how many points Liverpool will get next season!

Betting is governed by gaming laws and not the FSA and I have had personal experience of this concerning tipster services.

I wish it wasnt because overnight virtually all tipster services would be out of business. The FSA is concerned with investment and not betting so recommending that you "Bet" on something is not covered. This whole argument is similar to the one about being liable for tax if you spreadbet rather than trade and I guess we will never come to consensus.

Can anyone confirm that they made £10K on their last 4 trades using Goldline ? Also can anyone confirm that they have turned £2K into £67K using this system ?

Actually the wording is quite clever as it says £10K was banked on the last 4 "Profitable" trades and not that the last 4 trades were profitable so maybe out of 20 trades only 4 were profitable but those 4 banked £10K ?

I await with interest


PS. Posts from newly registered members claiming that they have achieved this will not count as proof in my book.


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I wouldn’t hold your breath, Paul? 🙂

Anyway, the claims are comparatively modest by comparison with the ones made in the ad at the bottom of this page: Financial Spread Betting which declaims: “Make £400/day spread-betting following A Step by Step Trading System. Free Report".

Sound familiar? If you click it it’ll take you to one of Wince Stanzione's websites, here:

I ask you? 🙄


😈 then you will get more junk mail every 2 weeks from vince and his appt in the med
Have a look at point 9 of the T&Cs!!!

Unless specified to the contrary, all illustrations of the trades generated by the program on this web site or any publicity material are the result of a notional exercise to illustrate the effect of the staking plan and the effect of market moves on spread bet positions and to illustrate the effect of winning and losing sequences generally. As such, they are not an account of, or to be construed as any one persons actual trading account or activity. Users ultimately make their own decisions about the merits or otherwise of following any of the signals generated by the program. Any signals generated by the program are not a recommendation, endorsement or advice on the merits of those positions. Actual results will vary depending on the users own implementation of the signals generated by the program and will be affected by considerations such as the actual orders placed, the time orders are placed, differences in spread trading costs, actual starting bank, differences between spread betting companies quoted prices, trading platform used etc.