
............. It is being widely circulated that confidence in the American dollar is dropping..........


I'd be pretty chary of relying on widespread opinion. As often as not the markets defy the conclusions of widespread opinion and the pronouncements of so-called experts. It was ever thus.

As Rothy is hinting, it's those with a deep understanding of how things work that take the advantage - otherwise we'd all be multi-millionaires.

I was taught this when I was 12; never take a graph or statistical representation of information as being a main source of evidence. Stats can and have been manipulated throughout the years to serve individual purposes. Think that can be a main source of evidence? What is that, a 4 month gain? A gain in the region of months? Cunning tale, chap.

This is what they teach 12 year olds? You are one advanced youngster.

Dunecat, just chill out and think about what's going on here.

You're bombarding us with your multifarious theories about the world's financial system. Some of your arguments have merit, but some are specious. However, any discussion on economics will contain a small element of supposition or even fallacy, with occasional quotes of experts thrown in to back up the argument.

(Remember Gordon Brown? He claimed he was following some sort of Keynesian model by spending during a recession. Well, only partly. Keynes also advocated building a surplus during good times, something Brown never did. The point is, it's easy to selectively quote anyone to back up your argument).

BUT THIS IS ALL IRRELEVANT as this is NOT a forum for endlessly debating financial theory, it's a website where people discuss how better to trade and to make money.

The reason you're winding NR up is that all your verbiose utterances are COMPLETELY unconnected with making money.

You want to buy gold? Ok, if you had £10k total equity, how much gold would you buy? Would you buy it here? Would you wait for a pullback? Where is your stop?

In addition you want to buy BP. Are these your two trades, long gold and BP? Will you invest all your money in this?

What is your STRATEGY for making money, other than buying and simply hoping they go up? What if they go down? Where do you get out?

Your presence on this website is slightly bizarre in that you seem to want to expound your economic theories, but don't seem that interested in formulating a trading plan. Perhaps this is where you should focus more of your energy -- this is what NR is alluding to!
The point people are trying to make and you are ignoring is that your opinion is largely worthless because you don't trade your opinion. After all, this is a trading forum, not an economics forum. You're getting attacked by people who trade their opinions profitably who hold views contrary to yours. What do you expect?
Wait what? "need to be right, wedded to a view, inflexibility in analysis of facts"? I just admitted several times that Rothchild's view that deflation could happen is possible, against his closed, aggresive mentality of mine. Like I said, I am not the only person here with this view, even if these people haven't found this thread.

I took the time to read through half the thread that rothschild claimed had his clear counter arguments, but it failed to offer me a conclusive argument as to why I was wrong. I'm the only person here trying to set aside personal attacks, I was earlier trying to ignore rothchild's verbal abuse and somehow I'm the bad guy here?
I wound up NR? So you normally go up to somebody and call them a ****ing moron for having a perfectly justifiable opinion on something? Why is nobody addressing this? Does NR own this site or something?

NR has been a bit rude with you, but you are being dense.

This is not an economic theory forum. It's a trading website. Maybe there are other websites out there which are better suited to endless discussion about the longevity of the USA and the validity of the dollar as a reserve currency?
lads, just let him be, he will soon realise when has a negative balance in his trading account from trying to implement this theorys he read off someone else. Then he will think back to these days..and ask who is your daddy, and what does he do? Well he is NR and he is a pro trader unlike you 😉
My opinion is already being traded, just because I"M not trading it doesn't mean it is automatically worthless. Gold by various people (dont even need to name...) and BP through a few value based mutuals, as can be seen here :

Must just be me but I like to fight back when I get called a ****ing moron. How do I fight back? with economic theory. And if this isn't devoted to economic theory in some sense, explain some 30 pages of content on the Weimar inflation thread. Are they implementing that? That comment man, is fraught with holes.

I apologise for my or other people's rudeness, but we're not really interested in your economic theories.

Please tell me what your strategy for making money is.

With your £10k, how much do you invest in gold, how much in BP. Where is the stop loss? Do you have a target? What is the exit strategy?
My opinion is already being traded, just because I"M not trading it doesn't mean it is automatically worthless. Gold by various people (dont even need to name...) and BP through a few value based mutuals, as can be seen here :

Must just be me but I like to fight back when I get called a ****ing moron. How do I fight back? with economic theory. And if this isn't devoted to economic theory in some sense, explain some 30 pages of content on the Weimar inflation thread. Are they implementing that? That comment man, is fraught with holes.

yes many in that thread did implement the dollar short theory they had, one which i have showed never worked. They are probably working in McDonalds right about now. The gold bugs will soon be joining them.
Dunecat, dig out my thread "market direction"

I trade bubbles for a living, my entire trading thesis is bases on bubbles. So when i say gold is in bubble territory, im not just making meaningless statements.
That was in the economic theory section Dunecat. This is general trading chat. Stop taking everything as an attack.
Go buy what you want to buy but we don't have to agree with your reasoning anymore than you have to agree with ours.
You should also understand that your economic theory is quite sketchy as is mine and numerous other people on here without a PhD in economics. You should also be awarethat many prominent economist make mistakes and are wrong (sometimes often and sometimes huge mistakes) and that fact that you are not willing to admit that a theory you have assembled over 12 weeks of study could be wrong is a bit arrogant.
Just for you dunecat, he is the bubble cycle.

Insiders buy > pro traders buy > dissinformation about supply/demand of said item spreads > retail traders buy > market outsiders buy < insiders sell. BOOM.

Now ask yourself (as a NEW trader with your first trading account with 0 experiance, planning on buying gold. Where do you fit into this cycle? inside buyer? hmm not quite!)

I am doing you a serious favour here so get your pencil out and start taking notes.
My "daddy" is one of the main project managers working for ADNEC in Abu Dhabi as it rides it's oil wealth through rough economic times. No, my dad is not a trader, but he believes that when I commit myself to something I don't **** around and he knows I have discipline unparalleled to anything of my classmates. Guess what they're doing right now? Accord to NR they are either masturbating and according to me they are wasting their time playing badly designed computer games. You guys should google energetic materials. You think you can **** around with those? Yeah, jog on.

So you are quoting your dad verbatim? 😆
That was in the economic theory section Dunecat. This is general trading chat. Stop taking everything as an attack.
Go buy what you want to buy but we don't have to agree with your reasoning anymore than you have to agree with ours.
You should also understand that your economic theory is quite sketchy as is mine and numerous other people on here without a PhD in economics. You should also be awarethat many prominent economist make mistakes and are wrong (sometimes often and sometimes huge mistakes) and that fact that you are not willing to admit that a theory you have assembled over 12 weeks of study could be wrong is a bit arrogant.

I guess I did not make it clear earlier on that I was willing to "adjust or change my argument accordingly with the other side of the argument."

Change, as in completely scrap and admit I'm wrong, or augment as in adjust to make it more credible.
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But..... what is your trading strategy? Do you have one?

You refuse to answer this question. You have no interest in trading, you simply want to impose your views on us. Sorry, but this is a TOTAL waste of space, goodbye.


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Here's a suggestion to stop the flame-fest. Start a journal and post up your trades. See how you get on. Ask questions, challenge opinions, etc.

BTW, past performance in Chemistry is no indicator of future performance in trading. Intellect is often not the problem. Psychology and self-awareness is. Sure you could probably pick up the basics of trading in a couple of days but there is no substitute in trading an account and finding out just how flawed you are as a human. Ask yourself the question - why do most people lose money doing this? Technique? Analysis? Method? No. The answer is human falibility. Being on the other side of this behaviour is where the money is. Stay on the same side as the herd and you'll go broke.
I'm so glad I can speed read...

With all due respect guys, this thread should just be moved to the economic forum to make it relevant.