FTSE, DAX, DOW Trading Ideas and discussions

Oil needs to take out 59.62 and then head to 60.10 according to PPs.
Will watch it for now. Have short bias so hopefully it will reach up to 60-61 regions and then will go back in again.

Dax trying to take back 11000. I think it needs to try for at least 11060 to convince. PP@11210 so bulls need to work hard.

SPX now at 2074. It's great when a plan comes together. (y)
I think US markets will attempt to lift.

3:00pm US Housing Indx to look out for.

Otherwise done for the day.
updated dax chart

On my 1H charts DAX looks like it was rejected from PP-S1 @ 11060.

Good attempt. However, may try again in the next 15 mins.

Don't remember if that is a head/tomp stone or hanging man but that stick looks awful bearish. Needs to be a solid green if it's to tell a story. Seeing lots of crows. Four even.

MA's heading down too.

SPX and DOW heading North. No surprises there. At the mo Fed is looking at Sept but no guarantees in this game. Will they disappoint IMF and World Bank??? Is the pope Catholic???

Can see more of the same false hope for another couple of months.

Doesn't oil look sweet at 59.62... Next stop 60. (y)
should be a fair bit of res around that area
bears will examine hard the recoil off that area