FTSE, DAX, DOW Trading Ideas and discussions

eur was at big res 1.1320..imho
seems to be still on the up

For Euro I see it just turned off PP-R1 @ 1.1315.

R3 @ 1.420
R2 @ 1.135
R1 @ 1.1315
PP @ 1.1250

I'm guessing ECB will print money and bail out Greece. So still favour drops in euro coupled with their QE program.

Did get wrong footed on euro moves recently so perhaps I'm reading it all wrong :rolleyes:
r u still in Miami ??

Yup I've just come back from a major night out haha.

Back to,or row morning!

I had 11880 as a bounce area but got taken out quickly unfortunately. But luckily got some @ 11801. It's been. Hard to trade away from a computer though
Dax needs to take out 10920 and make a bee line back up to 11000.

If it can't manage that then 10720s

Where have all the bulls gone?