FTSE, DAX, DOW Trading Ideas and discussions


had to work hard today...very messy price action...even the tick chart was messy

I agree... I placed more scalps today than I did in a week. We are in a bit of a messy situation now. The charts are messy. My trades are messy too. I'm caught in between supports n resistances now. Hmm...
51mins ago... Greece issued stmt it would be making this mths payment. Socome next mth, we shall see how it goes.
gbpusd 5 min data for today
when you are trading breakouts then this chart is better than s$x

lots of short columns of "O" s
no need to mess around with box sizes and reversals after the initial entry to keep in the trade or exit...just a clear clean trend...no mess....dax today was messy
Dax cash was just plain nasty until mid day'ish, glad to have stayed out of the morning session in the end, but it made me too wary going into the afternoon, totally missed the 1.30pm'ish move & the 2.45pm, though I could see the bear trap in this, I had no conviction to follow it up, lost my nerve.

Even though my bias this morning was the move down towards 1500 area, I still could not see the positions being worth the risk, scalp or no scalp. Maybe I'm being too picky.

Dax messed with my conviction today. No position taken. This is basically a loss day to me.
lots of short columns of "O" s
no need to mess around with box sizes and reversals after the initial entry to keep in the trade or exit...just a clear clean trend...no mess....dax today was messy

nice clean call. i missed out this one.:cool:
Dax cash was just plain nasty until mid day'ish, glad to have stayed out of the morning session in the end, but it made me too wary going into the afternoon, totally missed the 1.30pm'ish move & the 2.45pm, though I could see the bear trap in this, I had no conviction to follow it up, lost my nerve.

Even though my bias this morning was the move down towards 1500 area, I still could not see the positions being worth the risk, scalp or no scalp. Maybe I'm being too picky.

Dax messed with my conviction today. No position taken. This is basically a loss day to me.

Sometimes the best move is to stand aside from trading.

For me, bulk of my best trades were done mid day. After that, most were caught in between with the pants down because i was greedy. I still have have 16 units in the red. My bad. I broke a golden rule. I had to step out of the house to run an errand n the dump occured. A painful lesson learnt but not all is lost. Just have to rollover my position n hope it doesnt dump further:rolleyes:
Sometimes the best move is to stand aside from trading.

For me, bulk of my best trades were done mid day. After that, most were caught in between with the pants down because i was greedy. I still have have 16 units in the red. My bad. I broke a golden rule. I had to step out of the house to run an errand n the dump occured. A painful lesson learnt but not all is lost. Just have to rollover my position n hope it doesnt dump further:rolleyes:

You are right, sometimes sitting on the hands is best, especially if it doesn't seem to be the right price behaviour (for me). I've seen all this pa many times, I can see many people maybe tempted to up the ante £pp to fit this type of day, but I've tried all that, so now it's my way or I'm out, trouble with that is "no pain no gain".

I hope this 16 under under comes right mate, I don't even look at anything outside of European cash anymore.

Good luck tomorrow (& this eve)
You are right, sometimes sitting on the hands is best, especially if it doesn't seem to be the right price behaviour (for me). I've seen all this pa many times, I can see many people maybe tempted to up the ante £pp to fit this type of day, but I've tried all that, so now it's my way or I'm out, trouble with that is "no pain no gain".

I hope this 16 under under comes right mate, I don't even look at anything outside of European cash anymore.

Good luck tomorrow (& this eve)

You are right. Im not tempted to up the ante. Live to fight another day. Good luck to you too.
well i went out so i missed some of the nice action this evening. i think i'll watch a video and come back to this tomorrow. g'night all.