FTSE 100 October 2004

  • Thread starter Thread starter bracke
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  • Watchers Watchers 9
Where did everyone go ?

Is there something you'r no telling me ?

Or is it because ftse is hanging on above 4600 but not wanting to try for 4700. You will determine from this comment that my TA is at rudimentary level.

Would anyone care to put some flesh on my skeleton. Reasoned analysis preferred but opinions if you must.


Hi Bracke:
Thot I would say hi, since u appear to be "home alone" on the thread! Reasoned analysis is (allegedly!) not known as the forte of the fairer sex, so I wont go there😉 Ftse under 4600 as I type but it's resilience in the face of the best attempts of the US to drag it down is bullish to say the least!

(course going ok..was slow to get to the TA bit ..but just starting that now)!
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alliance said:
Hi Bracke:
Thot I would say hi, since u appear to be "home alone" on the thread! Reasoned analysis is not known as the forte of the fairer sex, so I wont go there😉 Ftse under 4600 as I type but it's resilience in the face of the best attempts of the US to drag it down is bullish to say the least!

(course going ok..was slow to get to the TA bit ..but just starting that now)!

Hello alliance

Nice to read from you again.

Will ftse continue to resist the US, or will the US turn back up - we await with interest.

Your comment relating to reasoned analysis and the fairer sex is not one that many males would care to make and slightly less would suscribe to. I will be expecting a complete dissertation of reasoned ftse analysis upon completion of the course.


oops...that should have been (allegedly)!....have edited it especially for u Bracke!
alliance said:
oops...that should have been (allegedly)!....have edited it especially for u Bracke!

Thank you alliance but you will observe that your faux pas is still there for all to see on the quote shown on my post. It will remain for eternity ( or a long time ) as a monument to your alleged denigration of your own gender.

I have the sense that this conversation is topsey turvey


could be sideways for a while before the rug is pulled or consolidation or..or..? I personally am biased negative if it helps.
Time to short?

Look at the geometry on this!

Time to short......


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Davros - nice chart. It´s as allways - never know but as there are no volumes at this level I suspect this ascending triangel is the last wave at this level. I myself am short at the moment - right or wrong - time will tell.
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You must resist the urge to be flippant, besides I thought an "ugly wave" might be more concerned with hair styling.

maxpain & Davros

I find it difficult to take waves seriously. It appears to me that for any given chart there are a a variety of interpretations which can and usually are suggested. I appreciate that there are people who use them to good effect but I am not confident about their use and must allow them to break over me. ( Yes I know it was a cheap pun but what do you expect on a free site, scintilating wit )


Don´t get fooled. Volumes are anemic in all US market places at the moment. Greenspan withdrew a couple of B dollars today as he did yesterday and this is not good for the market. No, it´s all about expectations of future interest rate levels and that descision will take the indicies higher or lower. Inftlatory tendences so I bet the money stays away from equities a while.
Sorry (misscalculated FED operations) FED added $6B today so we´ll have to see which market they are going to have an impact on today.
Uk markets have held steady despite the falls seen in the Far East and the US, many traders view this as bullish for UK equities. They may be right but I doubt it; can we brush aside the fact that oil is close to $55? Are we immune to the falling Dollar and rising interest rates on both sides of the Atlantic? Inflation is on the rise and will go even higher. These factors do not bode well for equities and something will have to give, It will not be surprising to see a fall of 350 points or more in the next 6 weeks.
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LION63 said:
It will not be surprising to see a fall of 350 points or more in the next 6 weeks.

Agreed the macro-economic climate is deteriorating but don't expect logic from the markets - or what may appear as tradeable logic anyway.

I've been a persistent bear all year (correct on the DOW -4.9%; wrong on the ftse so far +3.9%; neutralish on the SPX at -.7% - so I guess pretty much flat overall) and remain so into 2005. But perversly I've made far more trades on the long side - among them my best by a big margin - and my biggest losses by far have been on the short side - triumphs of misplaced sentiment + expectation over reason I think 😢 ).

Markets certainly do display rapid gut-reactions to news - but how they discount that news into the future and how it alters the investing/trading psychology of participants remains a mystery that only diligent charting analysis seems able to shed much useful forecasting light on - for traders at any rate.

I would not be surprised to see a dramatic fall - not to say crash to early 2003 levels over the course of the next 12 months - but that won't stop me trading the other way when the charts say so.