FTSE 100 Intraday - December

Ken - The MyTrack eod service is c***. In the UK AIQ comes from Trendline UK, run by a guy called Bob Debnam who I have alwasy found to be very helpful.

The CD comes with a full UK database of about 2250 tickers and various Groups including the UK market and Techmark so you can immediately run Market Timing charts on these. You can also set up your own groups, and I have done one for the FTSE 100 although I find the UK Market chart works better.

The daily updates come from Prestel which you have to subscribe to separately. About £108 p.a. I think. There is a weekly data maintenance file sent out by Bob Debnam as an email attachment which cleans up any rogue data, manages splits/consolidations, adds any new instruments to the database etc. £45 p.a. as I recall.

If the features of AIQ and Sharescope could be combined in one package it would be formidable. I like AIQ - but I guess to a certain extent it is down to what you feel comfortable with.
Bob does still do the weekly clean up for AIQ it is about £50 a year. He emails them on Sunday and it unzips into the right file.
The market timing chart is part of the package and Bob can provide data for the FTSE 250, Aim etc. He is always very helpful

The cumulative A/D line has broken its uptrend
starting from the beginning of April

so unless it regains the high ground very quickly, I suspect that is
the first major signal ?
I think we're going to get a fair bit more up (es) before long.Whether it's down first,I don't know.
do you like interesting charts ?
how about this one

its the a/d activity I often post covering the last 2 days and today

I would be interested in any interpretations.
I think it is bearish.


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Indeed. Sorry, I had opened a Dow short prior to the fall and lost my composure - 42 points in under an hour made me wibbly.
Dow divergence
Ftse ratio is now down to 43%

This falling dollar is going to kill us all

and bring back inflation ?

probably some conspiracy theory that the fed wants to stick it to the French & Germans ?

but once again we are in the middle ?

I thought deflation was the dirty word that nobody will mention. Deflate a frog? :cheesy: Stay short $ :cheesy:
Ftse keeping us guessing again. That could have been a wave 2 down, in which case we spring up to new highs in wave 3. On the other hand....
I am always suspicious when the index breaks the 1 day going in the other direction for the first time.

often means more corrective action to come.

I was only short because of the gap. I havent had a system signal to go short.

doesnt USA rollover start today?
Looking like the Dax will be next to give the reversal signal with the Dow taking a little longer and ultimately suffering more. I didn't realise until looking through historical charts quite how often the FTSE leads the way at turning points.

If I'm wrong I'll be looking for a hostel that takes care of shirtless bears. 🙂
I have found one of my books by JMH

Stock Transaction Timing
Its a sort of teach yourself book and then do it yourself.
Involves a lot of 'A' level maths

Fourier Analysis of Stock trends
Spectral Analysis
Frequency response of a moving average.
Parabolic Interpolation
Trigonometric curve fitting
Numerical /Digital Filters
stuff like that.

To get the benefit of this stuff, you will need to write your own programs and then chart the outcomes.That was great fun at the time. Still have my programs on a floppy disk.

(he was an electrical engineer, I think)
well as it seems you are highly numerate, you may find it a lot of fun too.

I programmed it with my Basic Compiler in DOS so I guess the equivalent today would be VBasic.

The spectral analysis was very interesting, but I couldnt find a reliable way to trade it.

Still into Fibs though !
They seem to have stood the test of time..........(so far)
Just as it's building for something I've got to go out.May try ES when I get back.