O oatman Senior member Messages 2,879 Likes 22 Dec 10, 2003 #381 I'll tell you where there's a gap that everyone seems not to notice........ the US budget deficit. They must think it'll go away if they ignore it. 😕
I'll tell you where there's a gap that everyone seems not to notice........ the US budget deficit. They must think it'll go away if they ignore it. 😕
B bonsai Veteren member Messages 4,106 Likes 11 Dec 10, 2003 #382 not too happy about ours, but don't tell Gordon ! he is playing the 'economic cycle' ! that's a bit like forecasting the markets.
not too happy about ours, but don't tell Gordon ! he is playing the 'economic cycle' ! that's a bit like forecasting the markets.
F fotheringham Junior member Messages 40 Likes 0 Dec 10, 2003 #383 Heavy volume stepped in but I'm not sure it's going to halt the decline.
B bonsai Veteren member Messages 4,106 Likes 11 Dec 10, 2003 #384 if you want to be negative, really negative, have a look at this wave count superimposed on yesterdays chart. We might be starting 3 of big 3 wave going down. On the other hand ........(I'm not that negative yet) Attachments dec9.gif 7.5 KB · Views: 260
if you want to be negative, really negative, have a look at this wave count superimposed on yesterdays chart. We might be starting 3 of big 3 wave going down. On the other hand ........(I'm not that negative yet)
H Hooya Experienced member Messages 1,802 Likes 2 Dec 10, 2003 #385 thats a little too negative for my charts too.
B bonsai Veteren member Messages 4,106 Likes 11 Dec 10, 2003 #386 surely, but in this game you have to keep both sides of your brain working ! if it is going to happen there may be a clue. 3 waves are always 5 legs and we would have to be in 1 leg right now. 2 leg may be quick and shallow ! if any pull back gets serious then back to Plan A. ?
surely, but in this game you have to keep both sides of your brain working ! if it is going to happen there may be a clue. 3 waves are always 5 legs and we would have to be in 1 leg right now. 2 leg may be quick and shallow ! if any pull back gets serious then back to Plan A. ?
H Hooya Experienced member Messages 1,802 Likes 2 Dec 10, 2003 #388 thats the 19 gap filled now...only gap to the upside now
B bonsai Veteren member Messages 4,106 Likes 11 Dec 10, 2003 #389 sure feels like a 3 leg ? anyway this is the one you musnt miss. still hasnt touched the 1 hr !
B bonsai Veteren member Messages 4,106 Likes 11 Dec 10, 2003 #390 oops I left out stability ! but new phrase 'symmetrical targets' lol
O oatman Senior member Messages 2,879 Likes 22 Dec 10, 2003 #391 Gordon's claiming the credit for low interest rates. I thought that was down to US policy.
F fotheringham Junior member Messages 40 Likes 0 Dec 10, 2003 #392 I lack patience with Elliott Wave - want to be my E.W. consultant, bonsai? 🙂
B bonsai Veteren member Messages 4,106 Likes 11 Dec 10, 2003 #394 oatman well he's also claiming credit for low inflation so going for broke ?
O oatman Senior member Messages 2,879 Likes 22 Dec 10, 2003 #395 When does low inflation become de flation?
B bonsai Veteren member Messages 4,106 Likes 11 Dec 10, 2003 #396 geez politicians ! he has contrived to get the rugby in his speech !
F fotheringham Junior member Messages 40 Likes 0 Dec 10, 2003 #397 He should just thank Kenneth Clarke and then shut up.
B bonsai Veteren member Messages 4,106 Likes 11 Dec 10, 2003 #398 that's me done hit my trailing stop so time for lunch
F fotheringham Junior member Messages 40 Likes 0 Dec 10, 2003 #399 I've opened a short-term long - i'll be thrown out of the bear club.
H Hooya Experienced member Messages 1,802 Likes 2 Dec 10, 2003 #400 Borrowing $37bn this year LOL and they moan about the level of individual borrowing