FTSE 100 February

  • Thread starter Thread starter bonsai
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  • Watchers Watchers 8
did anyone get a dip down to 77/78 ten minutes or so ago while
I wasn't looking? Still alive, should've been stopped??
I can not sum up how I feel about poxy US data releases based on some spotty teenager doing a door to door survey. It was on the way to being a near perfect trading day😆

and if it finishes anywhere near my 4511 target I will be very annoyed🙂
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Ive calmed down a bit now but it really does annoy me sometimes. You ahve to put a stop in because sods law the day you dont it drops 100 points but if you do you get stopped out anyway. So I will be ignoring all postions/trades pre US data from now on. Just not worth the risk.
they dont tell you about things like that in the text books do they.

but its the same with marriage ?

good now when my better half asks me..."when are we getting married " I can say "not yet .......look what happens when US data is released......its not like it says it is in the text books"...

.....better not say that actually.😆
not quite what I meant but I think you got the drift.

the ability of a women to 'spike' you out of a position is unlimited.

a glance, a sigh , an 'Oh really' ...... you know the sort of thing but they get much better at it after they are married.(after the 'stop' is in place)


just closed my £ trade
not as good as it should have been as I missed the point at the start although I got the direction right.

if this rally is genuine, it looks like 2 to the £ ?
you won't remember when it was 4 to the £ ?
Top Pancake tips:

1 egg 4oz flour 1/2pt milk.....make sure the pan is very hot lightly greased (butter not oil)...keep warm inoven until all are
cooked so no interuption. enjoy🙂 See you tomorrow

PS dont for get the sugar, lemon juice and Grand Marnier🙂

just make sure the pan is thick and heavy cast iron .

no hot spots allowed !

this aluminium stuff is not up to it.
we have a ceramic hob ...halogen thingy..Have to make sure the pan is smaller than the ring other wise big trouble........:~) much easier with gas...

jeeez I sound like 50 not 27......what have you guys done to me
over the last year🙂
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