FTSE 100 February

  • Thread starter Thread starter bonsai
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  • Watchers Watchers 8
yes of course, didn't think

your at bangor university ?

if your library doesnt have them, I would be surprised.

but I have been surprised before. maybe on fiche ?
they will have them on Micro fiche so should be pretty easy to find

if not take a day trip to Bristol I know they've got them there.

Sorry Jamie, just remember what it was like doing my dis' .
Did about 20 surveys and muliplied the results by 70. LOL 🙂
well it's 12 noon or 7am in downtown manhattan and we havent pushed through under our own momentum
still bouncing off the bottom line from this mornings low though guys.

thats the third time so far.

in my view. up she goes. but ohhhhh soo slowwwwwllllllyyyyyyy


I don't doubt that it could move up; not for a minute.
But it would help if you had something to back it up or explain why you think so

natural optimism..


nah, im just basing my views on my trading methodology..

either today or monday should be a big up day as far as i can see.

right im off to lunch

I think we are now waiting for the jobs figures at 1.30. I don't like what its doing at the moment so have gone for "if in doubt get out".

interesting pattern over the last day forming. Some would say it looks like a seagull, I prefer to think of it as a Lamborghini Countach opening it's doors 🙂
hooya, lol

jean, probably wise but I drew that line I mentioned and when it got broken I drew another one and then decided to take the low risk.

so I have thrown my money in the fountain, hopefully to get out for -8 or less if it breaks down again
thanks there are a few lows you could have used. but im probably on the otherside of your fence so to speak anway
I think the 'working' low at the moment is around 97
problem is I am exposed to a 1.30 set up.
so 1 day needs to do the business.
Any thoughts?


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Bonsai...some one just posted that D4F have had a fire evacuation. So might be worth putting stops into the market just incase the site/platform goes down and there is no one to answer the phone