ForexMorningTrade System

Agreed, my Demo account with them has been faultless using FMT EA, entry & exits always filled, and very close to EA's ideal prices - if only SLM were as reliable!

Thanks for the info on Thinkfrex and the VPS service.

The only concern I have with them is they are in NZ if needing to telephone them.

My SLM demo account opens FMT trades on time but the live account does not, it was delayed this morning by over 1 minute.

I have another EA running on both my live and demo accounts and they both opened the same trade at exactly the same price, on demo it closed out the trade as it should have done but on the live account it left it open and it then hit my S/L.

I did not even bother contacting them as every other time I have had a query they blame it on my internet connection or PC but never accept responsibity themselves.
But I have new PC's and all my other 5 platforms run fine on this ocnnection.

In fact I hate having to contact SLM, I am sure Paul looks down on us and it always leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I think it is just a matter of time before another UK S/B comnpany start using MT4.

Looking at my entry price this morning of 1.63957 it looks lower than most, how does that comepare to other SLM users?
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Yep! - I'm thinking about closing this out manually - I think we're entering coin flipping territory, as some news will likely spike it one way or the other 50 pips. ThinkForex gave 6.30 & 6.45 as NT's, which might be telling us it's not really a trading morning

No sooner post and the market might have woke up - in our direction!🙂
Thanks for the info on Thinkfrex and the VPS service.

The only concern I have with them is they are in NZ if needing to telephone them.

My SLM demo account opens FMT trades on time but the live account does not, it was delayed this morning by over 1 minute.

I have another EA running on both my live and demo accounts and they both opened the same trade at exactly the same price, on demo it closed out the trade as it should have done but on the live account it left it open and it then hit my S/L.

I did not even bother contacting them as every other time I have had a query they blame it on my internet connection or PC but never accept responsibity themselves.
But I have new PC's and all my other 5 platforms run fine on this ocnnection.

In fact I hate having to contact SLM, I am sure Paul looks down on us and it always leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I think it is just a matter of time before another UK S/B comnpany start using MT4.

on the ThinkForex website in addition to the NZ and Aus telephone numbers there is also a UK telephone number and a Live Chat button. Why not give the UK number a call? and see what happens?
06:15 Start time
45/35/24/5 ---- +5 Pips (BE)
40/30/24/5----- +30 pips

06:30 start time
40/10 ----- +10 pips
Typical! races down to trigger the BE level, and then imediately proceeds to reverse and take us out - BE+10 for me today. Those without a BE will be winners today - well done!
Results of the last 25 trades to also show the results for latest FMT settings

For me these are sessions between 21 March and 6 May inclusive.

35/45/be+5@25 I'm going to call this FMT3 +285 pips
35/40/be@20 I'm calling this FMT2, + 120 pips
40/40 no BE I'm calling this FMT1 + 200 pips

There seems a definite benefit recently in the new recommendations
These are for starting at 06.30 until mid April, then 06.15 when Mark said change.

Other sets:
Deserteagle +214. This set has suffered quite a few break even closings, and I know it has since been revised by our friend, but I find it interesting on account of the 65SL just to watch how it does
10/40 +150 Although the net pips don't look so good, drawdown is minimal and this is a good set for compounding at risks of 2 right up to 20 per cent per trade (for the speculative traders)
28/40 + 292 This set has done very well lately after a faltering start to the year.