ForexMorningTrade System

SLM EA Execution Delay

I have been in touch with SLM 8 times now and have really got nowhere! here is the last message I got from them:

Hi Chris
As things stand as far as we are concerned it is your EA that is at fault.

We have looked at the journals on several accounts and some of the 7.30 (MT4 time) trades done by most people over the last few days are fine.
Some however, using the same EA have done trades at 7.29. I suppose this is our fault as well?

It is not.
It is their EA.
If and when it decides to trade it puts the trade on.... as your log file showed yesterday.
We have no way of knowing how you have set up your EA.

You may well have all the settings set to what you believe they should be, but your EA is not functioning properly then.
That is the only conclusion we can come to. We have spoken with Metaquotes several times and with a MT4 consultant and they have all said it is either a client connectivity problem or their EA is set up wrong or is not functioning correctly.

There is no issue what so ever with the number of simultaneous trades or anything else.

I am sorry but there is little else I can do or say.
You use EAs at your own risk.


Not very encouraging, especially as I have been in contact with my VPS provider (CNS)and they are sure the problem is beyond them! So I am parking this issue now but suggest that we all call SLM at 06.14 and ask them to hold until 06:15 in case we need to place a trade manually! With 16 of us I wonder how many would get through?

One last question? Is anyone out there using an EA with SLM and not having problems?


Re: SLM EA Execution Delay

I have been in touch with SLM 8 times now and have really got nowhere! here is the last message I got from them:

Hi Chris
As things stand as far as we are concerned it is your EA that is at fault.

We have looked at the journals on several accounts and some of the 7.30 (MT4 time) trades done by most people over the last few days are fine.
Some however, using the same EA have done trades at 7.29. I suppose this is our fault as well?

It is not.
It is their EA.
If and when it decides to trade it puts the trade on.... as your log file showed yesterday.
We have no way of knowing how you have set up your EA.

You may well have all the settings set to what you believe they should be, but your EA is not functioning properly then.
That is the only conclusion we can come to. We have spoken with Metaquotes several times and with a MT4 consultant and they have all said it is either a client connectivity problem or their EA is set up wrong or is not functioning correctly.

There is no issue what so ever with the number of simultaneous trades or anything else.

I am sorry but there is little else I can do or say.
You use EAs at your own risk.


Not very encouraging, especially as I have been in contact with my VPS provider (CNS)and they are sure the problem is beyond them! So I am parking this issue now but suggest that we all call SLM at 06.14 and ask them to hold until 06:15 in case we need to place a trade manually! With 16 of us I wonder how many would get through?

One last question? Is anyone out there using an EA with SLM and not having problems?



Yes this is also happening to me - at least for the last couple of days. SLM explanation is BS. I have a very low ping from my VPS to SLM server - it is the SLM server that is at fault.

SLM keep having issues with their platform and blaming everything else but themselves - it is a pattern that I do not think is going to get better.
2011.05.04 06:15:13 TurboMorningTrade_EA_1.3 GBPUSDSB,M15: 2011.05.04 07:15 Error opening order: 6 : no connection with trade server

Looking at

ERR_NO_CONNECTION 6 No connection with trade server.

So MT4 instance tried to contact trade server and found it could not connect.
Re: SLM EA Execution Delay

I have been in touch with SLM 8 times now and have really got nowhere! here is the last message I got from them:

Hi Chris
As things stand as far as we are concerned it is your EA that is at fault.

We have looked at the journals on several accounts and some of the 7.30 (MT4 time) trades done by most people over the last few days are fine.
Some however, using the same EA have done trades at 7.29. I suppose this is our fault as well?

It is not.
It is their EA.
If and when it decides to trade it puts the trade on.... as your log file showed yesterday.
We have no way of knowing how you have set up your EA.

You may well have all the settings set to what you believe they should be, but your EA is not functioning properly then.
That is the only conclusion we can come to. We have spoken with Metaquotes several times and with a MT4 consultant and they have all said it is either a client connectivity problem or their EA is set up wrong or is not functioning correctly.

There is no issue what so ever with the number of simultaneous trades or anything else.

I am sorry but there is little else I can do or say.
You use EAs at your own risk.


Not very encouraging, especially as I have been in contact with my VPS provider (CNS)and they are sure the problem is beyond them! So I am parking this issue now but suggest that we all call SLM at 06.14 and ask them to hold until 06:15 in case we need to place a trade manually! With 16 of us I wonder how many would get through?

One last question? Is anyone out there using an EA with SLM and not having problems?



Hi Chris, I see Paul has quoted the 06H30 trigger time - He is looking at the wrong time, it is 06H15 as we all know. I spoke to Paul a while back on a separate issue and his customer service skills are shocking to say the least. He said when it comes to EA's he doesn't want to know. He comes across as the type that isn't bothered about SLM's reputation.👎
Re: SLM EA Execution Delay

Hi Chris, I see Paul has quoted the 06H30 trigger time - He is looking at the wrong time, it is 06H15 as we all know. I spoke to Paul a while back on a separate issue and his customer service skills are shocking to say the least. He said when it comes to EA's he doesn't want to know. He comes across as the type that isn't bothered about SLM's reputation.👎

Podberry, you are right about Paul, not a customer services person at all. I have some shocking emails from him that I would love to post but wont waste the space! He does know that 06.15 is the key time, he just refers to 0630 in this last email. This is the last email I sent him:

Paul, This is the reply I got from CNS about the ‘Old tick’ message which appears 4 times in my logs. You are just around the corner from my VPS so latency is not an issue (unless your servers are in Alaska?). I have increased my RAM just to rule that issue out. If I get any more ‘Old Ticks’ from my logs it must be your server? See below:

Old tick means that the price for a currency pair, by the time the price reached your VPS was too “old” to consider.

You should first verify your VPS is hosted in the CNS datacenter with the least latency to your broker. We have a chart of brokers and latency from CNS datacenters posted here:


If your VPS not hosted in the CNS datacenter with the least latency to your broker then please open a support ticket and request VPS migration to the correct datacener.

If your VPS is already hosted in the CNS datacenter with the least latency to your broker then it is nearly impossible for the problem to be on the VPS side. This is a problem with the broker where their server is too slow (or overloaded). You should contact the broker and ask for a different MT4 server IP address.

I will let you know over the next few days as this is not an issue to do with EA at all.


No reply from Paul as yet but he is probably in the pub by now?

2011.05.04 06:15:13 TurboMorningTrade_EA_1.3 GBPUSDSB,M15: 2011.05.04 07:15 Error opening order: 6 : no connection with trade server

Looking at

ERR_NO_CONNECTION 6 No connection with trade server.

So MT4 instance tried to contact trade server and found it could not connect.

I don't know if anyone having problems here has been following the Smart Live Markets forum, but we had quite a few problems last month. One time the SLM platform just stopped working so the EAs could not set or modify orders.

SLM's answer seems to bethat it's not their fault that their platform is down, even if you can't trade manually on it, it is your EA that's wrong. They take no responsibility for using EAs, so if you do you're on your own.

If something is wrong you have to be watching it at the time, and you have to phone in.

I don't like this, and I don't understand their attitude at all, since they are promoting the benefits of their platform as MT4.

But they have set their stand out very clearly and it seems we take it or leave it. It's their ball and if we don't like the rules we can't play.

I'm still with them at the moment (with small stakes), but I'm keeping a very careful eye on the reliability. There's no way I'd be risking large amounts of money with them on current performance. I'm hoping it'll just be teething problems.
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Why would SLM get the most arrogant, unfriendly and dismissive person to talk on the forum and answer support emails? If they were any kind of business they would get someone a lot better than that Paul chap - what a rude and unhelpful person - get someone else to do the customer service SLM!
Re: SLM EA Execution Delay

I have been in touch with SLM 8 times now and have really got nowhere! here is the last message I got from them:

Hey Chris

Thanks for all the follow up. I too did not find my conversation with Paul yesterday very encouraging (as others have already stated).
For those that can Im going to suggest entering manually for now. I myself have actually done many more manual entries since purchasing FMT last year end of August before finally going the EA Route in April. (Have never had an issue with the EA on Alpari UK)

Those that are able to monitor -- perhaps manual entry with SLM is the answer for now -- its not the answer for everybody though I know. Anyway -- my trick was always to enter a few seconds before opening of candle as price often moves quickly at opening of new candle and pip difference was always very neglagible when i did this. Since it seems there is an overload of trades going through at 06:15 or 06:30 and with the current issues of SLM, by entering manually when there is a clear signal to either buy or sell just a few seconds before before should see you filled more than 90% of the time at either a better price or the same price.

So at 06:14:55s open your trade or at 06:29;55s open your trade. I am able to monitor my trades (even at work) on my netbook fortunately.
Question to all of you, has anyone ever contacted any UK brokers except SLM and asked them if they are considering opening a Spreadbetting platform down the line ? Would be great if SLM had some competition as it seems their attitude is based on the fact that they have the monopoly and can treat us as they wish as they know tax free trading is a sort after proposition.😱
Question to all of you, has anyone ever contacted any UK brokers except SLM and asked them if they are considering opening a Spreadbetting platform down the line ? Would be great if SLM had some competition as it seems their attitude is based on the fact that they have the monopoly and can treat us as they wish as they know tax free trading is a sort after proposition.😱

I thought about asking IG why they don't run a MT4 platform as a part of their service, as I'm sure they'd have it spot-on with their reputation at stake, but I guess they've already considered it - perhaps they'd get too much grief from the pure Forex brokers - but then again when did grumblings from the competition ever get in the way of a big plc company wanting to increase profits matter! - perhaps I'll ask the question.
Welcome to "Podberry's Polling station" :cheesy:

I had a request from 'Kgk' to do a poll on our FMT account balances to determine the account sizes that we are trading with daily. If we could vote in dollar terms that would be consistent,ie those trading in pounds etc. need to convert to dollars.

If your are trading FMT on numerous accounts then add the balances together.

This is the last poll for this week, enjoy

If you would like me to post a poll next week on your behalf please feel free to send me the details.

Lets have a profitable close to the week :clap:

Poll: Your FMT trading account size
[*]1 to 500
[*]501 to 1000
[*]1001 to 2000
[*]2001 to 3000
[*]3001 to 4000
[*]4001 to 5000
[*]5001 to 10000
[*]10001 to 15000
[*]15001 to 20000
[*]20001 to 30000
[*]30001 to 40000
[*]40001 to 60000
[*]60001 to 80000
[*]80001 to 100000
[*]Over 100000


[sup]Als create a poll? Click here[/sup]
I thought about asking IG why they don't run a MT4 platform as a part of their service, as I'm sure they'd have it spot-on with their reputation at stake, but I guess they've already considered it - perhaps they'd get too much grief from the pure Forex brokers - but then again when did grumblings from the competition ever get in the way of a big plc company wanting to increase profits matter! - perhaps I'll ask the question.

If you could ask the question that would be great.
I've used ThinkForex's VPS for 3 months. I started with two accounts totalling 3k at standard risk. I've always traded enough in a month to not pay.

They would only charge the difference of $40 in any case, as stated previously. So if you traded 3 lots in a month of trades you'd only pay $10.

I can say that they have been 100% reliable. The VPS is not as powerful as those available from CNS, only 500MB RAM too and I would not put more than 3-4 MT4 platforms on, personally, as the interface gets slow.

If you leave it to do it's thing I can recommend them highly as it just quietly gets on with the job, no requotes or troubles.


Agreed, my Demo account with them has been faultless using FMT EA, entry & exits always filled, and very close to EA's ideal prices - if only SLM were as reliable!
Why would SLM get the most arrogant, unfriendly and dismissive person to talk on the forum and answer support emails? If they were any kind of business they would get someone a lot better than that Paul chap - what a rude and unhelpful person - get someone else to do the customer service SLM!

I don't use these people so don't know what's happening. But it seems liable to happen again.

Might I suggest that every user of SLM consciously updates their PC's internal time clock so that you're all sure the EA is being triggered precisely on the turn of the quarter hour. Then any differences starting prices will only be due to the minute (I mean extremely small!) differences in their own ITC. Then the next complaint can include the comment that all customers joining in the complaint had synchronised their EAs to be sure of the exact timing
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Welcome to "Podberry's Polling station" :cheesy:

I had a request from 'Kgk' to do a poll on our FMT account balances to determine the account sizes that we are trading with daily. If we could vote in dollar terms that would be consistent,ie those trading in pounds etc. need to convert to dollars.

If your are trading FMT on numerous accounts then add the balances together.

This is the last poll for this week, enjoy

If you would like me to post a poll next week on your behalf please feel free to send me the details.

Lets have a profitable close to the week :clap:

Poll: Your FMT trading account size
[*]1 to 500
[*]501 to 1000
[*]1001 to 2000
[*]2001 to 3000
[*]3001 to 4000
[*]4001 to 5000
[*]5001 to 10000
[*]10001 to 15000
[*]15001 to 20000
[*]20001 to 30000
[*]30001 to 40000
[*]40001 to 60000
[*]60001 to 80000
[*]80001 to 100000
[*]Over 100000


[sup]Als create a poll? Click here[/sup]