ForexMorningTrade System

Tonight is a good example of when FMT doesn't make a trade because the rules are not exact, you can see here how my EA kicked in and made a sell getting me a smooth 31 pips. :clap:

How is it that you're getting 2 trades per day within 30 minutes of each other, and at all different times ranging from 5:00 to 6:30? Do you have 2 charts open with different time frames? Is your indicator set for a different time than the EA? From what I've observed, this EA opens 1 trade at the same time every time.
Hittfeld and jsintl,

I gave up on GJ pair, it was too inconsistant for me to ever put it on live account.
I trade both GU and EU,NYopen on live account, GU with 0.15 lots, EU with 0.05 lots for now. For settings I trade GU with SL=40, TP=34, BE=20, TS=0. For EU, NYopen I use start time 11:30 GMT, SL=40, TP=30, BE=20, TS=0. This is working great , I must say this is one of the best systems and EA that I have ever traded with...thanks Mark !...👍

Hammy: what do you set the EA at for the EU open?. I have fxdd and set it for 830 for the GU open. Thanks.:smart:
How is it that you're getting 2 trades per day within 30 minutes of each other, and at all different times ranging from 5:00 to 6:30? Do you have 2 charts open with different time frames? Is your indicator set for a different time than the EA? From what I've observed, this EA opens 1 trade at the same time every time.

The time frame is a bit confusing because of the time change last week. I use AAAFX to provide those trades and thought I had it set on the correct hour. Apparently I didn't. The trade 2 nights ago was off by 1 hr early. Luckily it still ended up to be a good trade. I have since corrected the hour so it now trades at 1:00 and 1:30 Eastern.

Now the other part of your question,, I trade FMT like normal and I use my modified EA and it opens 30 minutes before FMT so yes, I have 2 charts running two slightly different EA's. I call it FMT extended version because it can open any time between 1:00 a.m eastern and 3:30 a.m, which is a full 2.5 hr where if the indicators line up for either a sell or buy, it will take the trade. As you can see, last night, even though FMT parameters were off so no trade for FMT, my EA did take the trade and was a winner. 🙂 Any more questions, just ask. 🙂
No Trade here... and both indicators showed "sell"... can't figure it out...

Just a reminder on the parameter values for the indicators you are using. I can't say it openly in the forum but one of the values was off by at least a point so out of range, hence no trade for FMT. Your EA is working just fine. Look at your manual to refresh your knowledge on what makes the EA trigger a sell or buy. 😉
I'm also using 4.1 and both indicators said sell - bellow 100 and 0, but no sell was triggered. Is there another variable I'm missing that caused this to be a no trade?
What is the GMT for trading the NY Open with FMT? Which pairs are you folks trading during the US open? Eur/Usd and GBP/Usd?
I'm also using 4.1 and both indicators said sell - bellow 100 and 0, but no sell was triggered. Is there another variable I'm missing that caused this to be a no trade?

Yes. Read the manual more closely. One indicator was beyond range. Since this is an open forum, it would not be right to give specifics here. But, the reason for no trade is clearly in the manual.

I never said there was anything wrong with the indicators. My point to Dean is that at times different brokers can produce different results. Lastnight showed how that can happen.

By the way this is an open forum. We shouldn't put the exact names of the indicators in our posts. 🙂
Tonight is a good example of when FMT doesn't make a trade because the rules are not exact, you can see here how my EA kicked in and made a sell getting me a smooth 31 pips. :clap:

Hi t
good luck for your account but how come your trades are differant times,when ever you want,you better check that ea out,before it cleans you out
I'm also using 4.1 and both indicators said sell - bellow 100 and 0, but no sell was triggered. Is there another variable I'm missing that caused this to be a no trade?

the momentum value was 99.077, the lowest possible is 99.2. that is why no trade was triggered.
Hi t
good luck for your account but how come your trades are differant times,when ever you want,you better check that ea out,before it cleans you out

As explained earlier,,, The time frame is a bit confusing because of the time change last week. I use AAAFX to provide those trades and thought I had it set on the correct hour. Apparently I didn't. The trade two nights ago was off by 1 hr early. Luckily it still ended up to be a good trade. I have since corrected the hour so it now trades at 1:00 and 1:30 Eastern.
As explained earlier,,, The time frame is a bit confusing because of the time change last week. I use AAAFX to provide those trades and thought I had it set on the correct hour. Apparently I didn't. The trade two nights ago was off by 1 hr early. Luckily it still ended up to be a good trade. I have since corrected the hour so it now trades at 1:00 and 1:30 Eastern.

No probs mate i dont trust EAs so just becareful thats all🙂