ForexMorningTrade System

long @ 1.6141 but when i looked at the indi's they didn't match up for a long so I turned chicken and got out with +9. Same thing happened last night but that one turned out great so I hope I won't regret getting out early this time.
long @ 1.6141 but when i looked at the indi's they didn't match up for a long so I turned chicken and got out with +9. Same thing happened last night but that one turned out great so I hope I won't regret getting out early this time.

Please do not come to us with your problems, unless you have a solution. Thanks. 🙂
Please do not come to us with your problems, unless you have a solution. Thanks. 🙂

NO problem with that Mr. self appointed moderator, i mentioned this ONLY to let our fellow forum members know that this is the 2nd night that my indicators did not line up properly to take a trade but IT did anyway, so maybe people might want to keep an eye out themselves. Keep up the the way you reply to people and you will be talking to only yourself pretty soon.
Please do not come to us with your problems, unless you have a solution. Thanks. 🙂

That's a rude response to member getbusy. You need to learn some manners. Who the hell do you think you are to tell someone not to talk about their problems on a forum made just for this propose?

I may be new here trader578, but which yourself or I well have fun tearing you apart.

getbusy you do have to explain yourself to this idiot, you have to understand all children that are trapped in adult body's act this way, they do not know any better
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hit +20 and got stopped out at BE. entered at 6142. price didnt move much further after 20 pips was hit so i guess not everyone hit +20. this could be another trade where we all have different results. It happened to me once last week whereby i got stopped out at BE and others went onto win the trade because they initially missed 20 pips by 1 pip. Goodluck to those still in it.

EDIT: on my brokers chart the high sell price for the last candle was 6162.1
Hey I have had the EA close the trade early for no apparent reason today, and this happened once before. Anyone else have this problem?

Same happened to me blu****cer, 2 trades taken 15 minutes early this week and as I mentioned before, the 2 trades that were taken that should not have per what the indicators were showing.