my FXDD Malta is at 1.6146
I'm trading with FXDD - US (New York)
my FXDD Malta is at 1.6146
I am using demo account from FXDD malta and got executed at 1.6142
long @ 1.6141 but when i looked at the indi's they didn't match up for a long so I turned chicken and got out with +9. Same thing happened last night but that one turned out great so I hope I won't regret getting out early this time.
Please do not come to us with your problems, unless you have a solution. Thanks. 🙂
getbusy a profit is a profit Congrats 🙂
trader 578 I don't understand why you are saying this; this forum is where people help each other with their problems, and assist with solutions.
Please do not come to us with your problems, unless you have a solution. Thanks. 🙂
Please do not come to us with your problems, unless you have a solution. Thanks. 🙂
I'm trading with FXDD - US (New York)
Hey I have had the EA close the trade early for no apparent reason today, and this happened once before. Anyone else have this problem?